In the pokemon world, there are hundreds of pokemon species. In this world, a trainer's best friend is the Pokedex - a pocket wiki about all pokemon where they could find, categorize, and search for a pokemon.
We are going to create a web application Pokedex that helps trainers around the world learn more about their favorite pokemon.
Change file
. Then replace "YOUR API URL" to yourAPI
npm install
thennpm start
Download and transform data as needed from kaggle
You can take the csv file from this
And high quality images from this set
Transform data to the given form:
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "bulbasaur", "types": [ "grass", "poison" ], "url": "http://localhost:5000/images/1.png" },... ], "totalPokemons": 721 }
- Note: The given CSV file contains the data of 809 pokemon. However, the images are about 721 png images. Your job is to cut off the pokemon that we don't have an image source for.
API for getting all Pokémons
- Search Pokémons by Type
- Search Pokémons by Name
API for getting a single Pokémon information together with information of the previous and the next pokemon.
return the pokemon with id2
return the pokemon with id1
return the pokemon with id721
the API
will return:{ "pokemon": { "name": "pikachu", "types": [ "electric" ], "id": 25, "url": "http://localhost:5000/images/25.png" }, "previousPokemon": { "name": "arbok", "types": [ "poison" ], "id": 24, "url": "http://localhost:5000/images/24.png" }, "nextPokemon": { "name": "raichu", "types": [ "electric" ], "id": 26, "url": "http://localhost:5000/images/26.png" } }
API for creating new Pokémon (you can use the existing data set or faker). Handle error for the cases below:
- "Missing required data." (
) - "Pokémon can only have one or two types." (if the
's length is greater than2
) - "Pokémon's type is invalid." (if the types of Pokémon are not included in the valid given
array) - "The Pokémon is exist." (if
exists in the database)
- "Missing required data." (
🚀 API for updating a Pokémon
🚀 API for deleting a Pokémon by Id
const pekemonTypes = [
"bug", "dragon", "fairy", "fire", "ghost",
"ground", "normal", "psychic", "steel", "dark",
"electric", "fighting", "flyingText", "grass", "ice",
"poison", "rock", "water"
- User sees all the Pokémons
- User sees a single detail page for a Pokémon
- User sees filter UI and can filter Pokémons with Type
- User sees search UI and can search Pokémons by Name
- 🚀 User sees Infinite scroll (you can use this library for the feature) *For this assignment, you will be provided with a front-end codebase. But feel free to make your own and create your first full-stack web.
Have a look at the demo website
Everyone will start at 100 scores.
Requirement | Grade |
Missing any user story that is not rocket | -5 |
Made rocket | +10 |
This assignment's minimum pass score is 80/100
Good luck have fun!