This full stack web app aims to provide a seamless election process for the CFC AGM.
This project uses Cloudflare Durable Objects and Workers to host an API built with Honojs for routing and middleware, Drizzle as an SQlite ORM and Zod for validation. On the frontend it's running React Router and React Query as well as Shadcn as the component library.
pnpm install
npx drizzle-kit generate
pnpm run dev
cd client
pnpm install
pnpm typecheck
pnpm run dev
There are ui and api tests written in Playwright Install browsers with:
pnpm exec playwright install
The recommended deployment structure is: Frontend - Cloudflare pages API - Cloudflare workers Durable Object/DB - Cloudflare Durable Object
Using durable objects requires a Cloudflare premium account ($5/month) so this probably costs more than having a single EC2 instance and a dockerised full stack application but its serverless so all sins are forgiven.
In the project root where your wrangler.toml
file is run:
pnpm run deploy
Log in to the cloudflare account you want to host this project on.
Now go into your cloudflare dashboard and find the deployment. Add your secrets under openvote-api-prod
/Variables and Secrets
Make sure to set the types as secret except INIT_SEAT
if you need to refer to the initial seat code.
needs to be the secret key for the cfc clerk account but AUTH_SECRET_KEY
can be whatever cryptographically secure key you want. openssl rand -base64 32
works well.
Secrets need to be configured on the cloudflare dashboard unless using the CI/CD pipeline on github.