Secret notes is a web application that allows the users to securely share self-destructing secret notes.
Create a new user by pressing the signup button on the navigation bar then creatie a username and password.
Login by pressing the login button on the navigation bar then entering your username and password.
Logout by pressing the logout button on the navigation bar then confirm your logout request.
Create a secret note by pressing the Create Note button on the home page then enter the title and content of your secret note.
Delete a note by pressing the delete button on the note's detail page then confirm your delete request.
Edit a note by pressing the edit button on the note's detail page then enter the new title and content of your secret note.
View your secret notes by pressing the My Notes button on the home page.
View your note's details by pressing on the details button on My Notes page.
- Unique, secure URL for each note.
- View count expiration.
- Rate limiting to prevent abuse of server.
- Database encryption