Install Dependencies:
$ yarn install
If you want to install package from npm:
$ yarn workspace @frontend/web add <package name>
Run Web Next.js:
$ yarn web
To run stories of your storybook open a new termianl and run:
$ yarn web:storybook
To run Cypress test cases for web react components(headless - tests will run in terminal without opening the browser)
$ yarn web:test
To run Cypress test cases for web react components(head - tests will run in browser)
$ yarn web:test:head
If you only want to run a single test then you can use this command
$ yarn workspace @frontend/web run cypress run-ct --spec ./src/components/<path-to-your-test-file>
$ yarn web:build
Deploy Web:
$ yarn web:deploy
Install Pod Dependencies (Only on Mac OS):
$ yarn pod:install (if yarn didn't work try npm install pod-install)
Start metro server:
$ yarn mobile
Run android:
$ yarn android
Run ios:
$ yarn ios
Clean the build folders:
$ yarn android:clean
Create build:
$ yarn android:build
Open project in xcode:
$ yarn xcode