For a detailed overview and instructions, visit the the project wiki.
To get started, you'll need to:
- Fork this repository to your own GitHub account
- Open a Terminal and clone this repository to your local computer
- Navigate to the repository on your local computer
- Open the repository in Sublime Text
Your mission is to build a command line ruby program that allows a user to perform the following tasks:
- See any users timeline --
./twitter timeline zspencer
- See any users information (Join date, location, etc.) --
./twitter info jfarmer
- See any users followers --
./twitter followers <yourhandle>
- See who is following any user --
./twitter following <yourhandle>
- Send a tweet --
./twitter tweet I know kung fu
- Send a DM --
./twitter message zspencer do you know kung fu?
- Follow a user --
./twitter follow jfarmer
- Unfollow a user --
./twitter unfollow zspencer
We've provided a very tiny skeleton of a command line application
- Fork this repository and Clone to your machine
- CD into this directory
- Run
bundle install
- Register your application with Twitter
- run
Did you rush through this without breaking a sweat? Here's some additional challenges:
- Publish this as a gem! - Perhaps load the users credentials from a file in their home directory
- Make a Text Messaging app off the Twilio API
- ???