This is a collection of resources for Frontend development.
Most of the resources are free but we also included paid resources.
Resources labelled with π΅ indicate that the resource is a paid resource.
If you're just starting, you DON'T need to use every resource on this list. It is practically impossible. Use this as a reference. It is not a guide.
We Invite as many contributions as possible.
If you know of a resource that would be a great addition to this list, feel free to make a contribution.
Be sure to read How To Contribute
- How The Internet Works
- JavaScript
- Git
- React
- Vue
- Browser Extensions
- Icons
- Fonts and Typography
- Illustrations
- Optimization
- Color Inspiration
- Images and Videos
- Hosting Sites
- Design Inspiration
- Portfolio Inspiration
- Youtube Channels
- Podcasts
- Blogs
- Interview Prep
- Newsletters
- Contributing
- πHow does the Internet Work? β HowStuffWorks
- πHow the Internet Works β Medium
- πHow Does the Internet Work? β Stanford
- π₯What is the Internet KhanAcademy
- π₯The Internet: Crash Course Computer Science
- π₯Computer Networks: Crash Course Computer Science
- π₯The World Wide Web: Crash Course Computer Science
- πOverAPI
- πHTML Cheat Sheet
- πHTML Entity Refernce
- πHTML Notes for Pros
- πDesign and Build Websites π΅
- πHead First HTML with CSS π΅
- πHTML5 Pocket Reference π΅
- πHTML & CSS The Odin Project
- πIntroduction to HTML Scrimba
- πIntroduction to Basic HTML & HTML5 FreeCodeCamp
- πHTML5 and CSS Fundemantals EDX
- πLearn HTML CodeCademy π΅
- πIntroduction to HTML and CSS Team Treehouse π΅
- πLearn HTML in Detail
- πHTML5 Doctor - A great reference for HTML Elements
- πHTML-5-TUTORIAL - A Great Website for everything HTML
- πHTML5 Up - Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates
- πHTML Validator - Check if your HTML markup is valid and contains no errors.
- πTemplated - A collection of 845 free CSS & HTML5 site templates.
- πCSS Secrets π΅
- πThe CSS Pocket Guide π΅
- πCSS: The Definitive Guide: Third Edition π΅
- πTiny CSS Projects π΅
- πCSS Notes for Professionals
- πIntroduction to CSS - Scrimba
- πIntroduction to Basic CSS - FreeCodeCamp
- πLearn CSS - CodeCademyπ΅
- πCSS Basics - Team Treehouse π΅
- πBase
- πBulma
- πBootstrap
- πAnimate.css
- πDead Simple Grid
- πFoundation
- πMaterialize CSS
- πMilligram
- πMustard UI
- πPicnic CSS
- πPure
- πSemantic UI
- πSpectre
- πSkeleton
- πTachyons
- πTailwind CSS
- πTent CSS
- πUI Kit
- πCodepen
- πCodeSandbox
- πCSS Deck
- πDablet
- πJS Bin
- πJSFiddle
- πLiveweave
- πPlunker
- πStackBlitz
- πAirBnb Style Guide - CSS
- πCSS Guidelines
- πGoogle Style Guide - HTML & CSS
- Trello CSS Guide
- π7 Days, 7 Websites - Build 7 websites in 7 days
- πCan I use - Up-to-date browser support tables for front-end technologies
- πClippy - A tool to help use the new clip-path property
- πCSSBattle - Learn CSS through a fun code-golfing game
- πCSS Easing functions - A collection of easing functions used in CSS transitions and animations.
- πCSS Diner - Learn CSS Selectors through a game
- πCSS for People Who Hate CSS
- πCSS Grid Garden - Learn CSS Grid through a game
- πCSS Layout - A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS
- πCSS reference by Codrops - Excellent guide on how to write better, cleaner and more reusable CSS code.
- πCSS-tricks - A blog site for everything CSS
- πCubic Berzier Function Generator
- πFlexbox Froggy - Learn CSS Flexbox through a game
- πResponsinator - Check the responsiveness of a site across different devices.
- πResponsive Grid System - Quick flexible and easy fluid grid for easy responsive web design.
- πBeautiful CSS box-shadow examples - A curated collection of 90+ free beautiful box-shadow, click to copy.
- πBeautiful CSS buttons examples - A curated collection of 80+ free beautiful buttons, click to copy.
- πLearn JavaScript - CodeCademy
- πProgramming the Web with JavaScript - EDX
- πJavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures - FreeCodeCamp
- πJavaScript Tutorial - GeekforGeeks
- πJavaScript30 - Wes Bos
- πThe Complete JavaScript Course - Udemyπ΅
- πLearn Javascript From Scratch - Scaler
- πEloquent JavaScript
- πYou Don't Know JavaScript
- πJavaScript Notes for Pros
- πJavaScript For Cats
- πLearning JavaScript Design Patterns
- πSecrets of the JavaScript Ninja
- πSpeaking JavaScript
- πJavaScripts The Good Partsπ΅
- πJavaScrit and JQueryπ΅
- πAtCoder
- πCodeChef
- πCoderbyte
- πCoderbyte
- πCodewars
- πCodinGame
- πCodeForces
- πDevProjects - Free real-world JavaScript projects
- πExercism
- πHackerEarth
- πHackerrank
- πLeetcode
- πPramp
- πProject Euler
- πTopCoder
- πA ridiculous collection of cheatsheets
- πFavorite JavaScript utilities in single line of code
- πModern JavaScript Cheatsheet
- πShort JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
- πBabel JavaScript - Syntax highlighting for today's JavaScript
- πBracket Pair Colorizer 2 - Match brackets with same color
- πDebugger for Chrome - Debugging tool
- πESLint - Code Linter
- πIntellisense - Code completion and Information
- πLive Server - Live Web Page Reload.
- πNPM - npm support for VsCode
- πPath Intellisense - Auto-complete path files
- πPrettier - Code Formatting.
- πPaste JSON as Code - Copy JSON paste as JavaScript or Typescript
- πQuokka.js - Prototyping playground that displays the results of an operation inside your IDE
- πREST Client - REST Client for Visual Studio Code
- πSettings Sync - Synchronise your editor settings using Github.
- πSnippets - Snippets for JavaScript ES6 syntax and TypeScript.
- πthis vs that
- π70 JavaScript Interview Questions
- π10 JavaScript concepts you need to know for interviews
- π10 Interview QuestionsEvery JavaScript Developer Should Know
- πA Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue
- πHow to Manage JavaScript Fatigue
- πA Guide to Git & Version Control
- πGit Cheat Sheet
- πLearn Git
- πVersion Control (Git)
- πVersion Control with Git
- πGetting Started with Git π΅
- πPro Git
- πGit Notes for Professionals
- πBitbucket
- πGithub
- πGit Extensions for Windows
- πSourcetree
- πReact Cheatsheet
- πThe Beginner's Guide to React - Egghead
- πIntroduction to React - freeCodeCamp
- πIntroduction to React - FullStackOpen
- πReact Getting Started - Pluralsight
- πLearn React - Scrimba
- πReact for Beginners - Wes Bos
- πEpic React - Kent C. Doddsπ΅
- πBuild Your Own React
- πPure React
- πReact Explained
- πUnder the hood ReactJS
- πFullstack React π΅
- πReact from Zero π΅
- πRoad to React π΅
- πBuild a Frontend Web Framework (From Scratch) π΅
- πDevprojects
- πDevChallenges
- π€React Round Up
- π€The React Podcast
- πOfficial React Blog
- πKent C. Dodds' Blog
- πuseHooks Blog
- π₯Coding Addict
- π₯Codevolution
- π₯freeCodeCamp
- π₯The Net Ninja
- π₯Traversy Media
- πESLint
- πLodash
- πnpm
- πReact Sight
- πReact Router
- πReact Developer Tools
- πStorybook
- πGrommet
- πMaterial UI
- πMaterial Kit React
- πOnsen UI
- πReactstrap
- πReact Bootstrap
- πReact Toolbox (Material Design)
- πRebass
- πSemantic UI React
- πChakra UI
- πEnzyme
- πJest
- πReact Testing Library
- πCypress
- πCreate React App
- πReact Boilerplate
- πDivjoy π΅
- πStyled Components
- πEmotion (css in js)
- πAxios
- πReact Query
- πswr
- π±Andrew Clark
- π±Brian Vaughn
- π±Dan Abramov
- π±Kent C. Dodds
- π±Luna Ruan
- π±Rachel Nabors
- π±Rick Hanlon
- π±Sebastian MarkbΓ₯ge
- π±Seth Webster
- πReactNext
- πReact Rally
- πReactFest
- πReact Europe
- πReact Forum
- πReactiflux
- πReddit
- πReact Spectrum
- πGetting started with Vue - MDN
- πVue Cheatsheet
- πVue Cookbook
- πVue Docs
- πLearn Vue.js - Full Course for Beginners - freeCodeCamp
- πAdvanced Vue.js Features from the Ground Up - Frontend Masters
- πLearn Vue 2: Step By Step - Laracasts
- πGetting Started with Vue.js - Scotch
- πLearn Vue by Building and Deploying a CRUD App - Testdriven
- πBecome a Ninja with Vue 3 - Vue-Exercises Ninja Squad
- πIntro to Vue 2 - Vuemastery
- πLearn Vue - VueSchoolπ΅
- πPremium Beginner to Advanced Vue Course - Vuemasteryπ΅
- πFullstack Vue π΅
- πFull-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node π΅
- πLarge Scale Apps with Vue 3 and TypeScript π΅
- πMastering Vue.js π΅
- πThe Vue Handbook π΅
- πThe Mastery Of Vue.js 2 π΅
- πTesting Vue.js components with Jest π΅
- πVue.js: Understanding its Tools and Ecosystem π΅
- πVue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices π΅
- πVue: Build & Deploy π΅
- πVue.js: Up and Running π΅
- πVue.js in Action π΅
- π€Cynical Developer Episode 99
- π€Enjoy the Vue
- π€JavaScript Jabber Episode 276
- π€Software Engineering Daily
- π€Syntax Episode 130
- π€Vue News Podcast
- π€Views on Vue
- π₯freeCodeCamp
- π₯Traversy Media
- π₯Vue NYC
- π₯VueConf EU
- πBit
- πBootstrap Vue
- πNuxt.js
- πOnseen UI
- πQuansar Framework
- πVue Dev Server
- πVuex
- πVue Router
- πVue Dev Tools
- πVue CLI
- πVuetify
- π
- πCSS-Tricks - Vue
- πThe Vue Point
- πVue.js Developers
- πReddit
- πVuejs Forum
- πVue Land
- πVue Conf
- πVue Conf US
- πVue.js London
- πVue.js Amsterdam
- πCSS Spider
- πCheck Browsers Support π΅
- πCSS Inspector π΅
- πCSS Scan π΅
- πBoxIcons
- π
- πFont Awesome
- πFlaticon
- πFreepik
- πFontastic
- πHeroicons
- πIconfactory
- πIcons8
- πIcontre
- πIconjar
- πIconFinder
- πIconshock
- πIconmonstr
- πIonicons
- πIcomoon
- πMaterial Icons
- πPngtree
- πSwift Icons
- πUXWing
- π1001Fonts
- πAbstract Fonts
- πBefonts
- πDaFont
- πGoogle Fonts
- πFFonts
- πFonstSpace
- πFontsArena
- πFontsquirrel
- πFree Script Fonts
- πFontSpace
- πMyFonts
- πPinSpiry Fonts
- πTypeTester
- πTypo Guide
- πUnblast
- πBlob maker
- πBlush
- πDraw Kit
- πIRA Design
- πInterfacer
- πIcons 8
- πManypixels
- πUndraw
- πCSS Validator
- πGoogle Analytics
- πNibbler
- πNamecheap
- πOptimizilla
- πPageSpeed Insights
- πSizzy
- πUsability Checklist
- πWho Is
- πWoorank
- π0to255
- πBranition Colors
- πCoolors
- πColor Hex
- πColor Hunt
- πFlat UI Colors
- πLOL Color Palettes
- πMaterial Palette
- πmyColor Space
- πPaletton
- πUIGradients
- πBurst
- πCoverr
- πCanva
- πFree Images
- πFlickr
- πGratisography
- πISO Republic
- πLife of Pix
- πPexels
- πPixabay
- πReshot
- πSubtle Patterns
- πStartup Stock Photos
- πThe Stocks
- πUnsplash
- πAmazon Web Services
- πDigital Ocean
- πFirebase
- πGithub
- πNetlify
- πRender
- πVercel
- πAwwwards
- πBehance
- πCall To idea
- πDesign Inspiration
- πDribble
- πFrom Up North
- πLand Book
- πMedia Queries
- πOne Page Love
- πPinterest
- πSite Inspire
- πSite Inspire
- πTemplate Monster
- πUI Movement
- πWebdesign Inspiration
- πAral Tasher
- πBrittany Chiang
- πFidalgo Pedro
- πJack Jeznach
- πJulia Johnson
- πMatt Farley
- πNathan Simpson
- πDeveloper Portfolios - Github Repo
- π₯Academind
- π₯Andy Sterkowitz
- π₯Ben Awad
- π₯Coding Phase
- π₯Clever Programmer
- π₯Clement Mihailescu
- π₯Dev Ed
- π₯freeCodeCamp
- π₯Keep On Coding
- π₯Programming With Mosh
- π₯Leon Noel
- π₯The Net Ninja
- π₯Traversy Media
- π₯Web Dev Simplified
- π€codeNewbies
- π€Commit Your Code
- π€Codepen Radio
- π€DevDiscuss
- π€freeCodeCamp
- π€Frontend Happy Hour
- π€Fullstack Radio
- π€JavaScript Jabber
- π€Ladybug Podcast
- π€Modern Web
- π€Syntax
- π€The Changelog
- βCodrops
- βCSS-Tricks
- β
- βEcho.Js
- βfreeCodeCamp
- βFront End Front
- βFrontend Focus
- βHacker News
- βHackernoon
- βHashnode
- βMedium
- βStackoverflow
- βSitePoint
- βSmashing Magazine
- βScotch
- βWeb Designer Depot
- πCanva
- πCreddle
- πHarvard Office Of Career Services
- πMyPerfectResume
- πResumeWorded
- π
- πResume Maker
- πGrammarly
- πJobScan
- πSkillSyncer
- πTop Resume
- πAngel List
- π - Remote Developer Jobs
- πFind Remote Jobs
- πGithub Jobs
- πJavaScript Job
- πJustRemote
- πJobspresso
- πJSRemotely
- πJr Dev Jobs
- πMashable Job Board
- πOutsourcely
- πPowertofly Jobs
- πProducthunt Jobs
- πReact Jobs Board
- πRemoters
- πRemote Hub
- πRemote Hunt
- πRemoteco
- πStackoverflow Jobs
- πStartupers
- πTheRemoteWork
- πWe Work Remotely
- πWomen Who Code
- πWorking Nomads
- πYC Startup Jobs
- πCircular
- πHoneypot
- πCodementor
- πFreelancer
- πFlexJobs
- πFreelancerMap
- π
- πGuru
- πPeople Per Hour
- πUpwork
- π
- πPramp
- πChingu
- πGithub Explore
- πFirst Contributions
- πGood First Issue
- πGood First Issues
- πOpen Source Fridays
- π5 things you need to know in a programming interview
- πFinding your first remote job - Joshua W. Cameau
- πHow to Write a Developer RΓ©sumΓ© Hiring Managers Will Actually Read
- πHow to Get a Software Engineer Job at Google and Other Top Tech Companies
- πHow to Break Into the Tech Industryβa Guide to Job Hunting and Tech Interviews
- πHow To Get A Programming Job Without A Degree
- πHow to Get a Remote Developer Job and Become a Digital Nomad
- πHow To Get Your First Web Developer Job: The Ultimate Guide for Junior Developers
- πResources that help me land a job at FANG
- πTips to get a job as a Developer
- πThe 30-minute guide to rocking your next coding interview
- πWant to Know How to Get a Remote Job? I Asked 30 Remote Companies - This is What They Said
- πWhy I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview
- πCSS-Tricks
- πCSS Weekly
- πFrontEnd Focus
- πJavaScript Weekly
- πResponsive Design Weekly
- πSmashing News Letter
You're very welcome to contribute to this list.
Be sure to read How to Contribute before making your contribution.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people