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Releases: coinables/segwitaddress

v0.5.1 Minor Update

03 Dec 05:30
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Fix broken API endpoints to smartbit that shut down in July 2021. The shutdown of smartbit prevented the sweep feature from working on the P2SH segwit page. API has been updated to blockchair.

v0.5.0 Major Update

05 Nov 03:42
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Multiple changes introducing new features.

Multisig - Offline multisig paper wallet generator, create any m-of-n key combination, legacy P2SH (non-witness currently)

Key Tools - Offline key tools. Tools for working with bitcoin keys, convert, mnemonics, make xpubs, decode, etc

Minor fix Safari page loads 14d6161#diff-0eb547304658805aad788d320f10bf1f292797b5e6d745a3bf617584da017051

Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.5

v0.4.2 Minor Update

30 Mar 03:21
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Very minor changes related to style and adding output of yprvs in the bip39 section.

v.0.4.1 Minor Update

06 Mar 05:12
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New minor update, adding functionality -- BIP39 generator

  • Generate a BIP39 mnemonic phrases offline, option for 12 or 24 words
  • Combines users mouse movement with cryptographically random bytes as the entropy source
  • Derivation path set to BIP49 m/49'/0'/0'/0'/0

v.0.4.0 Major Update

25 Apr 00:47
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Several changes.

Update entropy

Add cryptographically strong randomness to key generation as indicated in Issue #13

Add patched QR code webcam scanner

updated instascan js to patched version as outlined in Issue #12

Fix Brain Wallet

A commit in February (Update Entropy) broke the brain wallet feature, 779ce46. If by chance you created a brain wallet on the live domain server between February 29, 2020 and April 24, 2020, and you did not save your private key, you will be unable to recover your funds. Users who downloaded the site from official Github releases page are not affected as the entropy commit (779ce46) was never officially released. Users who cloned the Master branch between February 29, 2020 and April 24, 2020, and did not save the private key created from a brain wallet will be unable to recover their funds.

v0.3.4 Release

04 Dec 06:13
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Changes in v0.3.4 Minor Release

  • Removed unnecessary and un-used pay-to-script functions from the sweep function making the sweep feature easier to read.
  • Also removed functions and library that was previously used to scan qr codes with the webcam.

v0.3.3 Release

15 Nov 07:02
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Changes in v0.3.3 Minor Release

  • Removed the offline transaction builder form from /bech32 .
  • Added ability on bech32 page to sweep a private key and transfer all funds to another address.

v0.3.2 Release

05 Aug 01:13
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Changes in v0.3.2 minor release

  • Removed webcam scanner for private keys due to changes in HTML 5 permissions.
  • Added bech32 version at /bech32 using the buidl.js wrapper. Code is easier to read and functions are now easier to follow/customize.
  • Added ability to create and sign a transaction offline with a single input and max of two outputs which can later be broadcast to a node or push service.

v0.3.1 Release

04 May 05:23
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Changes in v0.3.1 minor release

  • Added ability to create bech32 key pairs (console only bech32(), no sweeping support)
  • Prevent details section from accepting uncompressed private keys #7

v0.3 Release

20 Jan 07:37
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Changes in version v0.3

  • Added support for testnet addresses and sweeping. Testnet mode can be activated using a GET parameter of testnet equals true.

Changes from minor releases

  • Removed the vanity address generator. It was too slow for practical usage.
  • Added brain wallet
  • Included details tab that will take a WIF private key and convert it into a P2SH-P2WPKH segwit address along with the public key and redeemscript.