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Jorge Reyes edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 2 revisions
  • getCacheSize() [numeric] Returns the number of feeds currently being cached, this does not count RAM cache
  • isFeedCached(feedURL) [boolean] Checks to see if feedURL has a cached copy on the server
  • isFeedExpired(feedURL) [boolean] Checks to see if the cache copy on the server belonging to feedURL has timed out
  • flushCache() [void] Erases the entire feedReader cache, both RAM and files
  • expireCachedFeed(feedURL) [void] Expire the cache belonging to feedURL
  • getCachedFeed(feedURL) [any] Get the cache copy of feedURL and return it as a XML document object
  • removeCachedFeed(feedURL) [boolean] Remove feedURL from the server cache
  • setCachedFeed(feedURL, feedStruct) [void] Create a cache copy of feedStruct and use the url feedURL as the cache reference
<---  Example of flushing the cache --->
if( getPlugin("feedReader").getCacheSize() gte 1 ) {
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