This repository contains the materials (lecture notes, slides, exercises, etc.) for the summer school "Advancing Theoretical Astrophysics, held July 14-26 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The repository is organized by days. You can find the schedule on the ATA website repository as well as short descriptions of each unit in the longer schedule.
Please fill out our feedback survey!
The password will be written on the board during the Friday wrap-up session.
The Setup instructions are in this google doc
The VM allocations are in this google sheet
A quick overview over which lessons are taught during which day:
- Welcome
- Introduction to OoM
- Inventory of Compact Objects
- Conservation Laws using Stars
- Introduction to Data Visualization
- Networking, Upmentoring, Building Support systems
- Gaia H-R Diagram Problem
- Estimating key timescales in astrophysical scenarios
- Short primer on fluid dynamics
- Radiative PRocesses 1: Bremsstrahlung + Synchrotron
- Diversity session 1
- How an accretion disk forms
- OoM shocks and particle acceleration
- Radiative Processes 2: Inverse Compton
- Version Control with Git
- Jet Power and Acceleration
- Diversity session 2
- Compiling, running HARMPI
- How to write an effective research proposal
- Orbits + Hill/tidal/Lagrange
- Classical accretion solutions: Bondi and Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton
- Low angular moment accretion
- High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy
- Diversity Session 3
- No materials, outing! :)
- Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
- Non-linear ODEs: wind equation
- Multinest tutorial
- Selfcare session 1
- OoM estimating plasma parameters
- MHD turbulence, viscosity and vorticity
- Selfcare session 2
- How to give a good talk workshop
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Disk-jet connection
- General relativistic ray-tracing, solving PDEs with Runge-Kutta
- HARMPI study of low-luminosity accretion, radiation processes
- Derive m-sigma, OoM
- Introduction to Einstein toolkit
- Introduction to multiwavelength SED fitting and ISIS tutorial
- Order of magnitude: binary-neutron star mergers and blast waves