A web app for managing educational events at Collector. Demo app
Expected environment variables are:
TENANT_ID=<azuread tenant id>
CLIENT_ID=<azuread app id>
CLIENT_SECRET=<azuread app secret>
SESSION_SECRET=<random string for session encryption>
DBUSERNAME=<user to cosmosdb/mongodb backend database>
DBPASSWORD=<password to cosmosdb/mongodb backend database>
HOST=<name of host such as collector-kompetenslunch-rsvp.glitch.me>
ADMIN_USERS=<a comma separated list of emails identifying admins. no spaces in the list!>
APIKEY=<apikey for automation rest calls>
SENDGRID_API_KEY=<sendgrid api key>
- Web app created
- Backend database created and configured with username and password
- Client app registered in azure ad
- Client redirect-uri set to
https://<host name>/auth/openid/return
- git clone https://github.com/collector-bank/collector-kompetens-rsvp.git
- git remote add azure
- git push azure
Example rule 1.
"match": {
"entity": "Event",
"state": "Open",
"eventType": "Lunch",
"dueInHours": 24
"actions": [
"type": "sendMail",
"args": {
"subject": "Heads up: Event <%= event.title %> is still open",
"text": "Automatic rules will close the event and order food in an hour or so, if the event remains open.",
"to": "[[[ADMINS]]]"
Example rule 2:
"match": {
"entity": "Event",
"state": "Open",
"eventType": "Lunch",
"dueInHours": 23
"actions": [
"type": "closeEvent"
"type": "sendMail",
"args": {
"subject": "Beställning av mat till morgondagens kompetenslunch (<%= event.title %>)",
"text": "Hej! Här kommer matbeställning. Tack för hjälpen! Mvh Kompetensgruppen",
"to": [ "$receptionMail" ],
"cc": "[[[ADMINS]]]",
"attachParticipantsList": true
Api calls:
$hostname = "collector-bank-collector-kompetens-rsvp.glitch.me"
$apiKey = "..."
# Add a rule
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri "https://$hostname/api/rules/" `
-Method Post `
-Headers @{ "X-Api-Key" = $apiKey } `
-Body $rule `
-ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
# Get configured rules
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri "https://$hostname/api/rules/" `
-Method GET `
-Headers @{ "X-Api-Key" = $apiKey }
# Evaluate rules
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri "https://$hostname/api/rules/_eval" `
-Method GET `
-Headers @{ "X-Api-Key" = $apiKey }
# Delete a rule
$id = ...
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri "https://$hostname/api/rules/$id" `
-Method DELETE `
-Headers @{ "X-Api-Key" = $apiKey }