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Cinco De Bio Core Repository

Architecture Overview

CincoDeBio is a cloud-native application designed for bioinformatics workflow management. It leverages a microservices architecture, orchestrated through Kubernetes, and employs several key components and technologies to ensure scalability, reliability, and flexibility.

Code Generator

The code generator is pretty simple. It takes the workflow model (currently in Gratext, but soon to be updated to a JSON syntax), parses it and generates a python program which orchestrates the workflow, to do this it pulls in some additional metadata from the sib-manager (that is not currently stored in the SIB models directly). Once it generated the workflow program it dispatches it to the execution environemnt and notifies the execution API of the updated status.

Interfaces with: Sib-Manager, Rabbit MQ, Execution API, Execution Environment

Data Manager

The data manager is the client facing frontend for uploading experiment data to the object storage / downloading the workflow results (or the intermediate results for a workflow step). As the S3 API for object storage doesn't enable a prefix to be download as a zip file the data-manager using the minio-frontend api and streams it to the client.

Interfaces with: Minio, Jobs API

Execution API

The execution API interfaces with the IME to receive the workflow models and dispatch them via RabbitMQ to the codegerator. It then handles call backs from the jobs API, which it subsequently informs the execution environment that a job has been completed and the results can be retrieved from the service API. This is done via log files stored in a mounted volume between the execution api container (write only permissions) & the execution environment (read only permission).

It also manages the websocket connection for the execution front-end client which keeps the user updated about the workflow status.

Interfaces with: Cinco De Bio Integrated Modelling Environment (Cinco Cloud Product), MongoDB, RabbtiMQ

Tightly Coupled with: Execution Environment

Execution Environment

The Execution Environment is an application designed to receive and execute code for workflows. It receives code generated for workflows, executes it in a controlled environment, and manages the lifecycle of these processes. It provides endpoints for creating, monitoring, and terminating processes, as well as handling job callbacks.

Key features:

  • Creates and manages processes from provided code
  • Monitors process status
  • Handles process termination
  • Processes job callbacks

Interfaces with: Services API


This service acts as a central frontend and integration layer for managing workflows, data, and system components. It handles user authentication, renders dynamic web pages using Jinja2 templates, and routes requests to backend microservices. It also supports real-time health checks and workflow updates via WebSocket connections. Interfaces with: Execution API, Data Manager, SIB Manager

Interfaces with: Execution API, Data Manager, SIB Manager, Ontology Manager

Jobs API

The Jobs API manages the lifecycle of a single data processing step and the data processing services interface with it to update it of the jobs status and to write the results or the front-end data to the database when the dataprocessing is complete.

Interfaces with: MongoDB, Execution API

Ontology Manager


Service API

The services API is where the workflow execution program(s) send data processing jobs to and subsequently retrieves the results from. In the case of interactive SIBs it also serves the client with the SIBs front-end and handles the clients requests. It interfaces with the K8s jobs api to configure and schedule the dataprocessing results. It also retrieves the results of a data processing job from the jobs API.

Interfaces with: Kubernetes API, Jobs API

Sib Manager

The sib manager scans the external container repositories from registry providers (currently only dockerhub is supported) and pulls in all the SIBs which are compatible with the compute. It then generates the SIB models which are used in the IME for modelling workflow. It handles the installation and removal of SIBs. It also handles the rebuilding of the services API container based on the set of SIBs the user wishes to have available.

Interfaces with: Cinco De Bio Integrated Modelling Environment (Cinco Cloud Product), Kaniko, Kubernetes API

Container Registry

As the service API is rebuilt based on the set of available SIBs, the application contains an internal container registry for storing the latest version of the service API image.

Interface with: Kubernetes


Kaniko is use to rebuild the service api docker image inside the cluster.

Interface with: Container Registry


The object storage for the system. It stores the data generated by the data processing services, this faciliates pass the data from one step of the workflow to the next and also for retrieiving results the workflow is complete.


Rabbit MQ

The only service it currently servers is queueing workflow generation tasks, but I can envision its use being extending to other functions in the future.

Interfaces with: Execution API, Code Generator.


Cinco de bio is built as a kubernetes native application and it leverages the k8s Jobs API extensively to schedule data processing jobs. Currently all SIBs are implemented as containers, but with-in time we will include additional runtimes for more efficient execution of SIBs which are more lightweight and have simpler dependencies.

On the Agenda:

  • Refactor Frontend: Currently each service that has a client facing front end serves it from directly. I will soon refactor this to a single frotend service that the client interfaces with, that then interfaces with the various services as needed. The current structure is as a result as components being tacked on as their need became evident, but is quite clunky and unwei

Technologies Used

  • Programming Languages: Python
  • Frameworks: FastAPI, Jinja2
  • Databases: MongoDB
  • Messaging: RabbitMQ
  • Cloud Storage: MinIO
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Container Registry: Kaniko
  • Orchestration: Kubernetes
  • Package Management: Helm
  • Version Control: Git

This comprehensive architecture description provides an overview of the various services and technologies used in the CincoDeBio application.