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@taka-oyama taka-oyama released this 21 Feb 06:35
· 48 commits to master since this release


  • json mediumText longText char support for Schema\Builder (#155) (#158)
  • Schema\Grammar::compileDropForeign to allow dropping foreign key constraints (#163)
  • Schema\Builder::dropAllTables works properly, dropping foreign keys, indexes, then tables in order of interleaving (#161)
  • Support for inserting and selecting array of DateTime/Numeric objects (#168)
  • Allow pretending for DDL statements (#170)
  • Allow spanner_emulator.disable_query_null_filtered_index_check to be set (#180)
  • Allow default max transaction attempts to be changed (#179)
  • Table prefixing support (#172)
  • Support for GENERATE_UUID() in migrations (#174)
  • Support Schema\Blueprint::increments() by using a column of type STRING(36) with DEFAULT (GENERATE_UUID()) (#175)
  • Support for CREATE SEQUENCE in migrations (#181)


  • [Breaking] Timestamps no longer respect the date format specified in Grammar (#168)
  • Query\Builder::lock() no longer throw an error and will be ignored instead (#156)
  • Schema\Builder::getIndexListing() Schema\Grammar::compileIndexListing() converted to getIndexes() and compileIndexes() to align with standard Laravel methods (#161)
  • Missing primary key will no longer be checked and will be checked on the server side instead (#177)
  • [Breaking] Connection::runDdl() and Connection::runDdls() has been removed. Use Connection::runDdlBatch() instead. (#178)
  • [Breaking] Trait ManagesStaleReads has been removed (which contained cursorWithTimestampBound() and selectWithTimestampBound(). Use selectWithOptions() instead). (#178)
  • [Breaking] Blueprint::interleave() and IndexDefinition::interleave() now throw an error instead of a deprecation. (#178)
  • [Breaking] Connection::transaction()'s $attempts argument's default value was changed from 10 to -1 (which is a magic number for default value which is 11) (#179)
  • [Breaking] All upper case functions and casting DATE TIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() has been changed to lower case for consistency. (#182)


  • Schema\Grammar::compileAdd() Schema\Grammar::compileChange() now create separate statements (#159)
  • Connection::runDdlBatch() with empty statement now return an empty array instead of throwing an error (#169)