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Data Engineering Container Tools

This packages is split into six parts: BQ, CLA, GCS, safe_stdout, DB and simple_setup.


Deals with interfacing with bigQuery. Has one class bq with the following methods:

  • __init__: Creates the class with the following inputs:
    • bq_secret_location: Required. The location of the secret file needed for BQ.
  • send_to_gcs: Sends the content of a bq table to a file in gcs:
    • query: Required. The query to run in bq.
    • project_id: Required. Project of the gcs file.
    • output_uri: Required. The uri of the object in GCS to load to.
    • delimiter: Optional. The delimiter used in the output file.
  • load_from_gcs: Loads (a) file(s) from GCS to a bq table:
    • project_id: Required. Project of the gcs file.
    • input_uri: Required. The uri of the object in GCS to load from.
  • copy_tables: -UNDER CONSTRUCTION- Copies the content of one table to another:
    • destination_table: Required. The table id of the destination table.
    • source_tables: Required. The table id(s) of the source table(s).


Deals with receiving input from the command line. Has four classes: custom_command_line_argument, command_line_argument_type, command_line_secret, and command_line_arguments.

  • command_line_arguments: Creates and parses command line arguments. Includes helper functions for using the command line inputs. Has the following methods:
    • __init__: Created the class with the following inputs:
      • input_files: Optional command_line_argument_type. Defaults to None. If REQUIRED, will add --input_bucket_names, --input_paths, and --input_filenames as required command line inputs. If OPTIONAL, will add them as optional. If None they will not be added.
      • output_files: Optional command_line_argument_type. Defaults to None. If REQUIRED, will add --output_bucket_names, --output_paths, and --output_filenames as required command line inputs. If command_line_argument_type.OPTIONAL, will add them as optional. If None they will not be added.
      • secret_locations: Optional command_line_argument_type. Defaults to None. If REQUIRED, will add --secret_locations as required command line input. If OPTIONAL, will add it as optional. If None, it will not be added.
      • default_file_type: Optional command_line_argument_type. Defaults to None. If REQUIRED, will add --default_file_type as required command line argument. If OPTIONAL, will add it as optional. Input can be one of parquet, csv, pkl, or json, with the default being parquet. If None, the command line argument will not be added.
      • custom_inputs: Optional list of custom_command_line_arguments. Defaults to None. All items in list will be added to the command line arguments.
      • description : Optional string. Defaults to None. A description to be printed when the command line argument --help is used.
      • input_dtypes: Optional command_line_argument_type. Defaults to None. If input_files is None, then this does nothing. If input_files is not None and input_dtypes is REQUIRED, will add --input_dtypesas a required command line input. If OPTIONAL, will add it as optional. Input is a JSON dictionary of (column: type) pairs.
      • parser: Optional argparse.ArgumentParser. Defaults to None. A parser on which to add the command line arguments and parse. If None one will be created.
      • running_local: Optional argparse.ArgumentParser. Defaults to None. A flag for determining whether or not the script is running locally. Defaults to False.
    • get_arguments: Returns the arguments passed in through the command line as a Namespace object.
    • get_input_dtypes: Returns the input dtypes passed in through the command line.
    • get_input_uris: Returns the input_uris passed in through the command line as a list of strings. All of the format gs://[BUCKETNAME]/[FILEPATH]/[FILENAME]. If one bucket is specified, the same bucket is used for every file path. If more than one bucket is specified, one bucket is used for one file path, and there must be a 1:1:1 ratio of buckets to filepaths, to file names.
    • get_output_uris: Returns the output_uris passed in through the command line as a list of strings. All of the format gs://[BUCKETNAME]/[FILEPATH]/[FILENAME]. If one bucket is specified, the same bucket is used for every file path. If more than one bucket is specified, one bucket is used for one file path, and there must be a 1:1:1 ratio of buckets to filepaths, to file names.
    • get_secret_locations: Returns the secret locations passed in through the command line as a list of strings.
    • get_secrets: Returns a dictionary of objects. The key is the file name of the secret, and the object is that file loaded using 'json.load()`.
    • check_args: Does nothing. In future this will error check the arguments passed in through the command line.
  • custom_command_line_arguments: Acts as a container for custom command line arguments. All of the attributes available when creating command line arguments through the parser.add_argument() method from the argparse library are available in this class. Has the following methods:
    • __init__: Creates the class with the following inputs:
      • name: Required. The name of the command line argument. Should be given without the preceding '--', which will be added automatically.
      • action: Optional. Defaults to None. The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line.
      • nargs: Optional. Defaults to None. The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed. A number, '*', or '+'.
      • const: Optional. Defaults to None. A constant value required by some action and nargs selections.
      • default: Optional. Defaults to None. The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.
      • data_type: Optional. Defaults to None. The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.
      • choices: Optional. Defaults to None. A container of the allowable values for the argument.
      • required: Optional. Defaults to None. Whether or not the command-line option may be omitted (optionals only).
      • help_message: Optional. Defaults to None. A brief description of what the argument does.
      • metavar: Optional. Defaults to None. A name for the argument in usage messages.
      • dest: Optional. Defaults to None. The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parse_args().
  • command_line_argument_type: Enumeration type. Used for populating initialization fields in command_line_arguments. Has the following types:
    • OPTIONAL: Indicates the associated command line argument should be created as optional.
    • REQUIRED: Indicates the associated command line argument should be created as required.
  • command_line_secret: Used for directly selecting specific secrets by name. Has the following defaults:
    • GCS: Contains the secret location for gcs.
    • BQ: Contains the secret location for bq.
    • Others: Will contain the secret locations of secrets passed into the CLA.


Deals with uploading and downloading files to/from GCS. Has one class gcs_file_io with the following methods:

  • __init__: Creates the class with the following inputs:
    • gcs_secret_location: Required. The location of the secret file needed for GCS.
    • local: Optional. Defaults to False. If True, no contact will be made with GCS.
  • download_file_to_object: Downloads a file from GCS to an object in memory:
    • gcs_uri: Required. The uri of the object in GCS to download. If local is True, it is the path to a local file that will be read into an object.
    • default_file_type: Optional. Defaults to None. If the uri the object does not have a file type ending, it will be assumed to be this type.
    • dtype: Optional. Defaults to None. A dictionary of (column: type) pairs.
    • header: Optional, Default to 0. If set to None it will not read first row as header, only for xls and csv files, if set to 0 or any int or List[int] it will read those rows to build header/columns
  • download_files_to_objects: Downloads files from GCS to objects in memory:
    • gcs_uris: Required. The uris of the object in GCS to download. If local is True, it is the paths to local files that will be read into objects.
    • default_file_type: Optional. Defaults to None. A string. If the uri an object does not have a file type ending, it will be assumed to be this type.
    • dtypes: Optional. Defaults to empty list. A list of dictionary of (column: type) pairs.
    • headers: Optional. Default to empty list. A list of headers of the file
  • download_file_to_disk: Downloads a file from GCS to the container's hard drive:
    • gcs_uri: Required. The uri of the object in GCS to download. If local is True, it is the path to a local file that will be copied to local_location.
    • local_location: Optional. Defaults to None. Where to save the object. If None, saves to same path as the the GCS URI.
  • download_files_to_disk: Downloads files from GCS to the container's hard drive:
    • gcs_uris: Required. The uris of the objects in GCS to download. If local is True, it is the paths to local files that will be copied to local_locations.
    • local_locations: Optional. Defaults to empty list. The locations to save the objects. If empty, saves to same paths as the the GCS URIs.
  • upload_file_from_object: Uploads a file to GCS from an object in memory:
    • gcs_uri: Required. The uri to which the object will be uploaded. If local is True, it is the path to a local file where the object will be written.
    • default_file_type: Optional. Defaults to None. If the uri does not have a file type ending, it will be assumed to be this type.
    • header: Optional. Defaults to True, Write out the column names (for csv and excel)
    • index: Optional. Default to False, Whether to write the index or not (for csv and excel)
    • dtype: Optional. Defaults to None. A dictionary of (column: type) pairs.
    • metadata: Optional dictionary. Defaults to an empty dictionary. The metadata to add to the object. Git hash is added automatically if GITHUB_SHA is set as an enviornment variable.
  • upload_files_from_objects: Uploads files to GCS from objects in memory:
    • gcs_uris: Required. The uris to which the objects will be uploaded. If local is True, it is the paths to local files where the objects will be written.
    • default_file_type: Optional. Defaults to None. A sting. If the uri an object does not have a file type ending, it will be assumed to be this type.
    • dtypes: Optional. Defaults to None. A list of dictionary of (column: type) pairs.
    • headers: Optional , Default to []. Only for csv and xls files, list of boolean value for each object , if length of headers is 1 then headers[0] will be used while writing all object, if length is greater than 1 then for each ith object ith header will be passed , else default value True will be passed. header value controls whether we want to write header of dataframe or not
    • indices : Optional. Defaults to [] , List of boolean value for index (if index is True then index will be written)
  • upload_file_from_disk: Uploads a file to GCS from the container's hard drive:
    • gcs_uri: Required. The uri to which the object will be uploaded. If local is True, it is the path to a local file that will be copied from local_location.
    • local_location: Optional. Defaults to None. The location of the object. If None, assumes the same path as the the GCS URI.
    • metadata: Optional dictionary. Defaults to an empty dictionary. The metadata to add to the object. Git hash is added automatically if GITHUB_SHA is set as an enviornment variable.
  • upload_files_from_disk: Uploads files to GCS from the container's hard drive:
    • gcs_uris: Required. The uris to which the objects will be uploaded. If local is True, it is the paths to local files that will be copied from local_locations.
    • local_locations: Optional. Defaults to None. The locations of the objects. If None, assumes the same paths as the the GCS URIs.
    • metadata: Optional list of dictionaries. Defaults to empty. The metadata to add to the objects. Git hash is added automatically if GITHUB_SHA is set as an enviornment variable.


Deals with datastore operations. Has one method get_secrets and one class Db. The following is the discription:

  • get_secrets: get secrets from vault mounted json file:
    • path_: Required. path to credentials file
  • __init__: Creates the class with the following inputs:
    • task_kind: Required. The kind of the task for which datastore operations is being performed.
  • get_data_store_client: creates and return datastore client:
    • PATH: Required. path to credentials file
  • get_task_entry: static method. Used to query the entry for task. Returns a list of the entry:
    • kind: Required. kind to query on
    • filter_map: Required. filter map (dictionary)
    • client: Required. data store client
    • order_task_entries_params: Optional. json object containing below two key-value pairs
      • order_by_key_list- list of parameters to order the task entries
      • descending_order- True/False
  • put_snapshot_task_entry: Stores the entry for the task:
    • client: Required. datastore client
    • task_entry: Required. Entity which store actual instance of data
    • params: Required. dictionary containing all the parameters(key-value pairs) to be stored
  • handle_task: it's used to check if the task instance for the given param is available or not. If task instance is already present then it will update the existing instance else create a new instance and store it to given Entity.:
    • client: Required. datastore client
    • params: Required. dictionary containing all the parameters(key-value pairs) to be stored
    • order_task_entries_params: Optional. parameters to order the task entries if required


Ensures that secrets are not accidentally printed using stdout. Has one class safe_stdout, two helper methods, setup_stdout and setup_default_stdout, and one global variable default_secret_folder:

  • safe_stdout: The output class in charge of outputting to the command line. Replaces stdout. Has the following methods:

    • __init__: Creates the class with the following inputs:
      • bad_words: Required. A list of words to censor from output.
    • write: Writes a message to the command line. Usually called through Python's built in print() function. Has the following inputs:
      • message: Required. The message to write.
    • add_words: Adds a list of words to the list of words being censored. Has the following inputs:
      • bad_words: Required. A list of wors to censor from output.
  • setup_stdout: Censors all the values in a list of secret files from stdout. Takes the following input:

    • secret_locations: Required. A list of secret file locations.
  • setup_default_stdout: Censors all values from secret files contained in folder. Takes the following input:

    • folder: Optional. Defaults to default_secret_folder. The path of the folder containing the secret files.
  • default_secret_folder: Variable containing the folder in which secrets are injected by default. Currently set to '/vault/secrets/'.


An example workflow using the classes above might look something like this:

from dataEng_container_tools.cla import (
from dataEng_container_tools.gcs import gcs_file_io

my_inputs = command_line_arguments(

input_uris = my_inputs.get_input_uris()
output_uris = my_inputs.get_output_uris()
secret_locations = my_inputs.get_secret_locations()

file_io = gcs_file_io(gcs_secret_location = secret_locations.GCS)
pqt_obj = file_io.download_file_to_object(input_uris[0])

# Edit the object in some way here.

result = file_io.upload_file_from_object(gcs_uri=output_uris[0], object_to_upload=pqt_obj)


A simple way to get input from the command line, and download and upload documents to/from GCS. Fewer options than the classes above but also fewer lines of code to write. A brief example (documentation to come):

from dataEng_container_tools.simple_setup import simple_setup

simple = simple_setup(

objects = simple.get_input_objects()
input_left_object = objects['input_left']
input_right_object = objects['input_right']

# Edit the objects in some way here.

return_objs = {
  'output_outer': output_outer_object, 
  'output_inner': output_inner_object

upload = simple.upload_objects(return_objs)