Compute color terms that allows to go from one filter system to an other: [options]
Available options are:
-h, --help show this help message and exit --sets SETS Filter sets s1, s2, s3, etc. Coma separated. E.g., "sdss,megacam".Any number of filter sets can be given. Fits for all combinations will be done. Set this option to "all" to fit for all possible combinations between available filter sets. (default: None) --cuts CUTS A yaml file containing cuts to be applied on magnitudes or colors.You can use the default cuts file by setting this option to 'default'. (default: None) --sigma SIGMA Iterative sigma clipping while fitting. (default: None) --catalogs CATALOGS List of catalogs to use OR to exclude. Coma separated. Add a dash at the end of your list to exclude (e.g.: c1,c2,-). You can also select (or exclude) several catalogs with names starting identicaly (e.g., calspec,- will exclude all calspec catalogs. (default: None) --saveto SAVETO Name of the file in which to save results. (default: colorterms.yaml) --show SHOW Show the list of available filter sets, catalogs, or the content of the default yaml file containg the 'cuts', and exitAvailable values are: filters, catalogs, cuts, and all. (default: None)
Main results are available in the results <results> directory.
Here are some references about filters and colorterms previously calculated:
- Most recent study from CADC about Megacam Vs SDSS & PanSTARRS filters this page also contains URL to the Megacam filter bandpasses.
- Colorterms Megacam - SDSS. Calibration from CFHT and from SNLS for the old u and griz bands respectively.
- Colorterms Megacam - SDSS for the new i2 Megacam filter
- Colorterms HSC - PanSTARRS
Reference catalogs: