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Jesse Wright edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

To enable reasoning groups possibly add a 'context selection' mediator

Couple dataset with status Need to have some kind of locking mechanism in the wrapper perhaps? ^^ May need a special actor here for quad pattern resolving

Let user specify a ‘union source’ - “I want to enable reasoning over this source” Keep developers in mind as well

Something like the sources array vs. the source value?

Add validation to rules

  1. Invoke the comunica logger
  2. May want some more structured way of representing your logs: May want to create a specific logging mechanism for reasoning Create an issue for this ^^ Locations: 1 - In the wrapped reasoning dataset 2 - Return it in the action output of the bus 3 - Have some kind of validator bus

Comunica 2.0 Generic dereference “Actor Groups” Typescriptification - Componentjs rdf-test-suite N3 community group has defined a test suite Ping for npm

Reasoning over subsets of linked data:

Want to reason over parts of the data 'relevant' entity - set of rules etc. What metadata can we take advantage of to do this

  1. Heuristically

Use shape trees (which can be used to store and retrieve data)

Look at the caching mechanism in Possible issue with cache size

have a general bus-rule-resolve

Possibly enable collection based on various states of optimizations / formats / rule types

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