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[LARA] Activity Player

This is a single page React and Typescript application intended to provide a platform for presenting "Lightweight" activities.


Initial steps

  1. Clone this repo and cd into it
  2. Run npm install to pull dependencies
  3. Run npm start to run webpack-dev-server in development mode with hot module replacement


If you want to build a local version run npm build, it will create the files in the dist folder. You do not need to build to deploy the code, that is automatic. See more info in the Deployment section below.


  1. Make sure if you are using Visual Studio Code that you use the workspace version of TypeScript. To ensure that you are open a TypeScript file in VSC and then click on the version number next to TypeScript React in the status bar and select 'Use Workspace Version' in the popup menu.
  2. When coding, use 2 spaces for indentation.
  3. SVG icons are imported directly into the project in src/assets/. SVGR is used to convert SVGs to React components which can be directly imported into other React components (attributes such as fill can be styled using CSS classes).

Locally Testing Reports

The activity player uses the portal-report code base to display a report of the students work. Testing this is complicated. Here is one approach:

  • create an activity player activity in
  • publish it to
    • this is necessary to send the activity structure to the report-service
    • it will create a new resource in learn staging, but you aren't going to use or modify that one
    • this new resource can't be modified because then changes to the activity in LARA authoring won't be published correctly because LARA will be looking for a matching resource in
  • find the new created resourced in learn staging using advanced search and copy the URL it should be something like:
  • create a new resource in learn staging using:
  • set the URL of this resource:
    • replace the with localhost:8080 (or whatever your local server for the activity player is)
    • add a new parameter portal-report=https://localhost:8081 (or whatever your local server for the portal-report is)
    • the new url will be something like: https://localhost:8080?activity=
  • assign this resource to a class
  • run the resource as a student in this class


Deployments are based on the contents of the /dist folder and are built automatically by GitHub Actions for each branch and tag pushed to GitHub.

Branches are deployed to<name>/.

Tags are deployed to<name>/

You can view the status of all the branch and tag deploys here.

The production release is available at

Production releases are done using a manual GitHub Actions workflow. You specify which tag you want to release to production and the workflow copies that tag's index-top.html to

See the CLUE docs/ for more details (it uses the same process).

To deploy a production release:

  1. Update the version number in package.json and package-lock.json
    • npm version --no-git-tag-version [patch|minor|major]
  2. Update the with a description of the new version
  3. Verify that everything builds correctly
    • npm run lint && npm run build && npm run test
  4. Copy asset size markdown table from previous release and change sizes to match new sizes in dist
    • cd dist
    • ls -lhS *.js | awk '{print "|", $9, "|", $5, "|"}'
    • ls -lhS *.css | awk '{print "|", $9, "|", $5, "|"}'
  5. Create release-<version> branch and commit changes, push to GitHub, create PR and merge
  6. Test the master build at:
  7. Push a version tag to GitHub and/or use to create a new GitHub release
  8. Stage the release by running the Release Staging Workflow and entering the version tag you just pushed.
  9. Test the staged release at
  10. Update production by running the Release Workflow and entering the release version tag.


Run npm test to run jest tests. Run npm run test:full to run jest and Cypress tests.

Cypress Run Options

Inside of your package.json file:

  1. --browser browser-name: define browser for running tests
  2. --group group-name: assign a group name for tests running
  3. --spec: define the spec files to run
  4. --headed: show cypress test runner GUI while running test (will exit by default when done)
  5. --no-exit: keep cypress test runner GUI open when done running
  6. --record: decide whether or not tests will have video recordings
  7. --key: specify your secret record key
  8. --reporter: specify a mocha reporter
Cypress Run Examples
  1. cypress run --browser chrome will run cypress in a chrome browser
  2. cypress run --headed --no-exit will open cypress test runner when tests begin to run, and it will remain open when tests are finished running.
  3. cypress run --spec 'cypress/integration/examples/smoke-test.js' will point to a smoke-test file rather than running all of the test files for a project.

Url Parameters

Note: these are subject to change

  • activity={id|url}: load sample-activity {id} or load json from specified url
  • sequence={id|url}: load sample-sequence {id} or load json from specified url
  • sequenceActivity={n|activity_[id]}: load activity n where n corresponds to the activity's placement in the order of sequenced activities (1 = first activity, 2 = second activity, etc.), or by the activity's unique ID
  • page={n|"page_[id]"}: load page n, where 0 is the activity introduction, 1 is the first page and [id] in "page_[id]" refers to an internal integer id of the page model exported from LARA.
  • themeButtons: whether to show theme buttons
  • mode={mode}: sets mode. Values: "teacher-edition"
  • portalReport: override default base URL for the student report.,,*, and*, default to a versioned URL defined as a constant in the code kProductionPortalReportUrl. Every other url defaults to the master branch of the portal-report.

User data loading:

  • firebaseApp={id}: override default firebase app. and without a path, defaults to report-service-pro every other url defaults to report-service-dev. For example will use report-service-dev by default.
  • token={n}: set by the portal when launching external activity, to authenticate with portal API
  • auth-domain={url}: root URL for the portal which can authenticate the current user. This parameter can be used instead of the token param. Activity Player will do an OAuth2 request to the auth-domain in order to get an access-token. It doesn't follow camelCase naming convetion to be consistent with other applications that also use auth-domain param (eg Portal Report)
  • domain={n}: set by the portal when launching external activity
  • answersSourceKey={id}: which source collection to save data to in firestore (defaults to own hostname)
  • runkey={uuid}: set by the app if we are running in anonymous datasaving mode
  • preview: prevent running in anonymous datasaving mode
  • enableFirestorePersistence: uses local offline firestore cache only
  • clearFirestorePersistence: clears local offline firestore cache

Internal parameters (used in Cypress tests)

  • __cypressLoggedIn: triggers logged in code path for Cypress tests
  • __skipGetApRun: skip the ap run load when loading a page


Activity Player is Copyright 2020 (c) by the Concord Consortium and is distributed under the MIT license.

See for the complete license text.