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Forest Fire Model

Latest stable version:

A particular model can be loaded using preset URL parameter, e.g.:

Latest development version:


Available presets:

All the available options can be seen here (including default values):

Note that these URLs point to production branch. If you're working with master or other branch, you might want to replace production with your branch name.

The final configuration is build using default configuration, preset options and URL parameters. URL parameters have higher priority than preset options (so it's possible to customize a preset).

Testing a preset

It's possible to dynamically load a new preset in the browser. Open browser console (e.g. in Chrome: Ctrl Shift J on Windows or Ctrl Option J on Mac) and type:

  modelWidth: 120000,
  modelHeight: 80000,
  gridWidth: 240,
  heightmapMaxElevation: 20000,
  zones: [
    { terrainType: TerrainType.Foothills, vegetation: Vegetation.Grass, droughtLevel: DroughtLevel.SevereDrought },
    { terrainType: TerrainType.Foothills, vegetation: Vegetation.Shrub, droughtLevel: DroughtLevel.MediumDrought },
  zoneIndex: [
    [ 0, 1 ]

This will load set of provided options. You can use examples from preset.ts file (see section above). It can be useful to test new presets before modifying preset.ts file.


  1. Clone this repo and cd into it
  2. Run npm install to pull dependencies
  3. Run npm start to run webpack-dev-server in development mode with hot module replacement


If you want to build a local version run npm build, it will create the files in the dist folder. You do not need to build to deploy the code, that is automatic. See more info in the Deployment section below.


Production releases to S3 are based on the contents of the /dist folder and are built automatically by Travis for each branch pushed to GitHub and each merge into production.

Merges into production are deployed to

Other branches are deployed to

You can view the status of all the branch deploys here.

To deploy a production release:

  1. Increment version number in package.json
  2. Create new entry in
  3. Run git log --pretty=oneline --reverse <last release tag>...HEAD | grep '#' | grep -v Merge and add contents (after edits if needed to
  4. Run npm run build
  5. Copy asset size markdown table from previous release and change sizes to match new sizes in dist
  6. Create release-<version> branch and commit changes, push to GitHub, create PR and merge
  7. Checkout master and pull
  8. Checkout production
  9. Run git merge master --no-ff
  10. Push production to GitHub
  11. Use to create a new release tag


Run npm test to run jest tests. Run npm run test:full to run jest and Cypress tests.

Cypress Run Options

Inside of your package.json file:

  1. --browser browser-name: define browser for running tests
  2. --group group-name: assign a group name for tests running
  3. --spec: define the spec files to run
  4. --headed: show cypress test runner GUI while running test (will exit by default when done)
  5. --no-exit: keep cypress test runner GUI open when done running
  6. --record: decide whether or not tests will have video recordings
  7. --key: specify your secret record key
  8. --reporter: specify a mocha reporter
Cypress Run Examples
  1. cypress run --browser chrome will run cypress in a chrome browser
  2. cypress run --headed --no-exit will open cypress test runner when tests begin to run, and it will remain open when tests are finished running.
  3. cypress run --spec 'cypress/integration/examples/smoke-test.js' will point to a smoke-test file rather than running all of the test files for a project.


Starter Projects are Copyright 2020 (c) by the Concord Consortium and is distributed under the MIT license.

See for the complete license text.