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react-antd-admin is a middle and back-office solution based on React Hooks, Vite, and TypeScript. It aims to help you quickly build enterprise-level middle and back-office projects, with no additional configuration required, ready to use out of the box.
- Cutting-edge technology stack: React Hooks、TypeScript、Vite、ant design、React Router、Tailwind CSS
- Intuitive state management library: Zustand
- Internationalization: I18n
- Fetch requests: Ky、@tanstack/react-query
- Code formatting: ESLint Flat Config
- Route-level component caching: keepalive-for-react
- API Mocking: vite-plugin-fake-server
- Permission Routing: Supports both frontend static routing and backend dynamic routing
- Theme Configuration: Built-in multiple theme configurations, supports dark theme, and unified color system for Ant Design and Tailwind CSS
react-antd-admin Documentation
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npx degit condorheroblog/react-antd-admin react-antd-admin
# or npx giget@latest gh:condorheroblog/react-antd-admin react-antd-admin
cd react-antd-admin
corepack enable
pnpm i # If you haven't installed pnpm before, run: npm install -g pnpm
corepack enable
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
Open your browser and enter http://localhost:3333 to see the page.
pnpm build
The build output is by default in the build folder.
pnpm preview
Thanks to the following excellent projects for providing inspiration:
- vue-vben-admin for design inspiration
- vue-pure-admin for business logic inspiration
If this project was helpful to you, you can buy the author a takeaway meal.
MIT License © 2023-Present Condor Hero