This project is based on a Symfony Standard Edition and allows to quickly set a demonstration environment for the Nemrod framework
- Requirements
- PHP > 5.3 with php-curl extension enabled
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7
- Installing the project
git clone
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP, used by Symfony and Nemrod. If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on or just run the following command:
curl -s | php
Then in the project directory, run
php composer.phar install
Composer will install Nemrod, Symfony and all their dependencies into the directory.
Run a web server allowing to access the symfony project with the following command:
php app/console server:run
The command will tell you te project's url. This is where the demo will be available at the end of the setup
We recommend Blazegraph, a full open-source high-performance graph database. You first need to download a bundled version of Blazegraph. It can be done here, or using curl with the following command:
curl -L > blazegraph.jar
You can then launch it with the following command:
java -server -Xmx4g -jar blazegraph.jar
You will probably need to adjust the maximm allocation pool parameter. Try for example -Xmx2g or -Xmx1g if you get an error with -Xmx4g.
The demo project is built over a set of data describing Nobel Prize laureates. Load it into Blazegraph using:
curl -X POST --data-binary "uri=" http://localhost:9999/bigdata/sparql
If this dump doest not work because of error " Barack Obama [line 27058]", you should download locally this dump and remove the line 27058 " Barack Obama". Then go on http://localhost:9999/bigdata/#update and upload this file. Then choose options Rdf Data type and N-Triples format. Click on update.
Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene. Nemrod is able to populate an Elasticsearch index in order to make searches and list displays way faster. Follow these few steps if you want to try it on the demo.
You first need to download the current version of ElasticSearch. It can be done here. You just have to follow the installation steps. Once the server is running, populate the Elasticsearch engine with the Nobel Prize data:
php app/console nemrod:elastica:populate --index=nobel
(this operation may take a couple of minutes depending on your computer). Now the Elasticsearch section is available.
If you don't want to test elasticsearch, please comment the line "new Conjecto\Nemrod\Bundle\ElasticaBundle\ElasticaBundle()" of you AppKernel and all the elastica configuration in config.yml.
Try it at the url that was given when launching the server. For now, you can
- browse the nobel prize by years / categories
- add a new nobel prize and edit one
- make a text search from elasticsearch