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Shadow Services - Document Generator


This microservice provides the functionality to generate documents driven by the configured templates in the required format for a given journey.


  • Java 8 (Mandatory)

Maven Build

    git clone
    mvn clean install

Maven Run

    mvn spring-boot:run

Command Line Run

	cd target/
    java -jar docgen-service-X.X-XXX-SNAPSHOT.jar


    curl http://localhost:8585/document/01-001

Endpoints (based on default settings)


Property Description Default Value
server.port The port for the microservice to listen on 8585
docgen.endpoints.appengine The url for appengine hal api should be configured
docgen.template.html.location Path to location of the html template file. classpath:html/template.html
docgen.html.images.folder Path to the location of the folder that contains the images referenced in html template classpath:html/images
docgen.http.max.connections Defaults to 100 DOCGEN
docgen.http.max.connections.per.route Defaults to 20 DOCGEN
docgen.http.connection.timetolive.millis Defaults to 5 seconds i.e. 5000ms DOCGEN
docgen.http.request.connection.timeout.millis Used when requesting a connection from the connection manager, Defaults to 1000 DOCGEN
docgen.http.connect.timeout.millis Timeout to deterimine how long to wait until a connection is established, Defaults to 1000 DOCGEN
logging.file full file name, excluding rollingpattern.log {environment temp location}/docgen-audit and is suffixed with rolling pattern (%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log)
logging.path path where log file will be created. If set, it replaces path part of logging.file property defined above {environment temp location} or '/tmp' if not set
ssl.port port for HTTPS connector 8443
ssl.key-store path to keystore (jks) file classpath:keystore.jks
ssl.key-password manager key password password
ssl.key-store-password keystore file password secret

Overriding Default Configuration

The application should startup as is provided that all the mandatory dependencies are installed correctly on the same host as the reference data service is being to deployed to.

In case any of the properties above need overriding, create a yaml config file somewhere in the file system i.e: config.yml with the relevant overrides and make sure you start the service from the command line with the --spring.config.location parameter pointing to the config path i.e: file:///opt/refdata/config.yml.

For more information please refer to:


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