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Connectome Mapper v3.0.0-RC3

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@sebastientourbier sebastientourbier released this 05 Feb 12:48
· 1902 commits to master since this release

This is the third release candidate of Connectome Mapper (v3.0.0-RC3) which merges PR #62.

Complete list of changes with respect to previous v3.0.0-RC2-patch1:

  • Merge pull request #62 from connectomicslab/v3.0.0-RC3 (4 minutes ago) - commit 34ae80f

  • DOC: update release date in changes.rst [skip ci] (7 minutes ago) - commit 07baaf8

  • DOC: Update usage and version in README [skip ci] (8 minutes ago) - commit 2a07d54

  • DOC: update copyright [skip ci] (8 minutes ago) - commit 1e1916b

  • CI: push singularity image of release as latest TAG [skip ci] (3 hours ago) - commit d3f1062

  • DOC: corrected link to section Nipype outputs [skip ci] (3 hours ago) - commit 4f5ae91

  • DOC: add description of BIDS entities employed in CMP outputs [skip ci] (3 hours ago) - commit 6366cae

  • DOC: review Nipype section in bidsappmanager and add link to outputs for more details [skip ci] (4 hours ago) - commit 41415a1

  • DOC: correct code style issues with lists not properly rendered [skip ci] (4 hours ago) - commit 35aa6ca

  • DOC: update description of --number_of_threads parser argument [skip ci] (4 hours ago) - commit 9ba43cd

  • DOC: correct style issue [skip ci] (4 hours ago) - commit 2fd5b23

  • MAINT: clean Dockerfile (25 hours ago) - commit 58517aa

  • CI: add expected output list for tests 7, 8 and 9 and enable difference check (27 hours ago) - commit 43d0e92

  • DOC: update changes.rst (27 hours ago) - commit 6556007

  • Merge branch 'master' (v3.0.0-RC2-patch1) into v3.0.0-RC3 (28 hours ago) - commit 4eb3e6f

  • MAINT: removed commented lines (coverage-reporter) in .circleci/config.yml (2 days ago) - commit 0e4ae16

  • CI: Use manually Codacy Coverage Reporter (2 days ago) - commit c75d899

  • CI: remove deployment of latest tag image on singularity for space (3 days ago) - commit 08c4eb9

  • CI: clean codacy_coverage_report job (7 days ago) - commit a9aa57c

  • MAINT: update codacy-reporter circleci orb (7 days ago) - commit c5c4c03

  • FIX: try to set MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 and OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 in Dockerfile (8 days ago) - commit 3e76e5c

  • MAINT: revert to use dipy.tracking.utils.seeds_from_mask() (8 days ago) - commit 3b1804c

  • FIX: reviewed multithreading management to set only number of threads for Freesurfer and ANTs (8 days ago) - commit 80563b2

  • MAINT: reviewed print with fstring and correct comment style issues (8 days ago) - commit 256913a

  • FIX: typo in (8 days ago) - commit 6a5166a

  • FIX: install and use threadpoolctl to limit the number of OpenMP threads used by Numpy (8 days ago) - commit 8848498

  • DEL: remove installation of threadpoolctl (8 days ago) - commit bb6437d

  • FIX: try to use dipy to set omp num threads (8 days ago) - commit d01a43b

  • FIX: install and use threadpoolctl to limit the number of OpenMP threads used by Numpy (8 days ago) - commit bd7730d

  • MAINT: remove os.environ.update(MKL_NUM_THREADS='1') in (8 days ago) - commit d5162ec

  • FIX: set OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1 prior to dipy.utils.seeds_from_mask (8 days ago) - commit 72fa6b3

  • FIX: set MK_NUM_THREADS to 1 to make working ? (9 days ago) - commit 24844d2

  • FIX: review how to set OMP_NUM_THREADS (9 days ago) - commit da07fa1

  • DOC: correct description of number_of_threads in docstring (9 days ago) - commit b994d7d

  • MAINT: remove old implementation commented (9 days ago) - commit 267958d

  • FIX: move first "import numpy" after setting the multi-threading variables (9 days ago) - commit a14df63

  • DEBUG: changed print() to (9 days ago) - commit 1396c0f

  • FIX: make sure seeds array is int (in interfaces/ / seeds_from_mask()) (11 days ago) - commit aa14b2c

  • FIX: update numpy (11 days ago) - commit 5e10bee

  • DEBUG: add prints in seeds_from_mask() (11 days ago) - commit 2771c1d

  • FIX: PeaksAndMetrics.shm_coeff w.r.t Dipy 1.3.0 (2 weeks ago) - commit 8af0a50

  • MAINT: use internal seeds_from_mask() in DirectionGetterTractography (2 weeks ago) - commit 27adab3

  • FIX: update estimation of response for CSD following major changes in Dipy 1.X (2 weeks ago) - commit 7f78dc7

  • DEBUG: insert dipy code for seeds_from_mask (2 weeks ago) - commit f597807

  • FIX: give vector of seed densities to dipy seeds_from_mask() (2 weeks ago) - commit 7804d67

  • FIX: test to remove clipMask as dipy seeds_from_mask() is triggering Segmentation Fault (l. 438) (2 weeks ago) - commit 15c486c

  • CI: add tests using the new config files in config.yml (2 weeks ago) - commit 2580992

  • CI: add fMRI config for testing FSL FLIRT, global nuisance regression, linear detrending and scrubbing (2 weeks ago) - commit f5a5b19

  • CI: add diffusion config for testing FLIRT co-registration and tractogram filtering with MRtrix3 SIFT (2 weeks ago) - commit 52a53ad

  • MAINT: reviewed code layout and prints with f-string in (2 weeks ago) - commit fb04560

  • UPD: reverted back to ANTs 2.2.0 and reviewed comment style (2 weeks ago) - commit 9567877

  • MAINT: code style (2 weeks ago) - commit be114f3

  • UPD: update interface in for EudXTracking with Tensor model w.r.t major Dipy 1.X changes (2 weeks ago) - commit 7b5bede

  • FIX: uncommented debug option and set debug to False for dwibiascorrect (2 weeks ago) - commit 3b79536

  • FIX: comment debug option in mrtrix dwibiascorrect that was raising errors after update to mrtrix 3.0.2 (2 weeks ago) - commit a156bd9

  • DOC: correct typo in docstring (2 weeks ago) - commit 48196a3

  • MAINT: add {} in environment variables with underscores (2 weeks ago) - commit b1b5f3c

  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/v3.0.0-RC3' into v3.0.0-RC3 (2 weeks ago) - commit 9136f16

  • DOC: corrected typos and image in the BIDS App execution window (2 weeks ago) - commit fe6cf8f

  • FIX: review denoising/biasfieldcorrection node connection in (2 weeks ago) - commit 0b3e3e8

  • FIX: update ANTs to 2.3.1 (2 weeks ago) - commit ad5f054

  • DOC: add the new images used in bidsappmanager.rst [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit fa79ec0

  • DOC: updated images in bidsappmanager.rst [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 945dbfc

  • UPD: update dwibiascorrect command following change in mrtrix 3.0.2 (3 weeks ago) - commit e0b6569

  • DOC: updated instructions in bidsappmanager.rst [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 224ae31

  • DOC: correct conda activate command in bidsappmanager.rst [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 3739d82

  • FIX: unterminated quoted string error raised by CI (3 weeks ago) - commit f04b9d1

  • MAINT: reviewed installation of networkx (3 weeks ago) - commit 6072e30

  • REFACT: install mrtrix3 using conda (3 weeks ago) - commit 669c45e

  • UPD: update mrtrix to 3.0.2 in dockerfile (3 weeks ago) - commit 22d1d7e

  • UPD: update conda env with Nipype 1.5.1 (3 weeks ago) - commit c36d3d8

  • UPD: update conda env with dipy 1.3.0 and cvxpy 1.1.7 (3 weeks ago) - commit be9da76

  • MAINT: clean BIDSApp entrypoint script [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 7d0ed0b

  • VERSION: update to v3.0.0-RC3 (3 weeks ago) - commit e66cc4d

  • STYLE: improved code style for connectomemapper3 cmd generation (3 weeks ago) - commit 562afbd

  • ENH: add color for warning and error prints during BIDS App settings check [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 9962617

  • FIX: print new attributes relative to RNG and ITK threads during BIDS App setting check [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 16bfa58

  • MAINT: use fstring to print summary of BIDS App settings check [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 0b7d42f

  • MAINT: correct code style [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 6edcf5c

  • DOC: add link to git-annex install page [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 20aab0d

  • DOC: add note to checkout the master branch if bugs in the GUI were fixed after version release [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 9119b84

  • DOC: updated installation instructions of conda environment on Mac [skip ci] (3 weeks ago) - commit 3fb0d50

  • ENH: add conda environment for macosx where git-annex has been removed (3 weeks ago) - commit 3cdee53

    Auto-generated with

    git log v3.0.0-RC2-patch1..HEAD --pretty=format:' * %s %Cgreen(%cr) - commit %Cred%h%Creset' --abbrev-commit

Summary of changes is available at the documentation.