The Wrong way to use Swagger within Play.
(hence the intentional typo in project name)
A very simple (rough, incomplete, etc.) tool to bootstrap some useful files for a Play application from a swagger.yaml file.
This is most likely the wrong way to integrate API-first (using Swagger) design into Play.
Generation of code routes, controllers, case class
es for all Definitions, with supporting Play-json Reads
and Writes
implicits, for a provided swagger API definition (in either JSON or YAML).
This code is generated for Play 2.4
$ sbt assembly
$ scala ~/code/github/swagger-play-boostrap/target/scala-2.11/swagger-play-boostrap-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Error: Missing option --api
Error: Missing option --output-directory
Error: Swagger API must be specified as real/readable file
Usage: SwaggerCodeGenerator [options]
--api <value>
Swagger API specification (JSON or YAML)
-o <value> | --output-directory <value>
output directory
specify that the client code should be generated (server code is generated by default)
specifies to replace existing sources - note currently ONLY AVAILABLE with -client
requests the generated code to be generated for play2.3 - note, this is currently ONLY AVAILABLE with -client, and is completely experimental
request the generated server code use experimental 'delegate' workflow, where service author must implement 'logic.*' classes, etc.
generate a stub for a full play app, including SBT, configuration, etc.
Include simple healthcheck support (server only)
This tool can also generate client code, which includes Clients to interact with resources, case class
es for all Definitions, with supporting Play-json Reads
and Writes
This generated code is built for, and tested with, Play 2.4. Unfortunately, this includes when using this generated client separately to a Play app (see below), due to various API signature changes in 2.4. That said, an experimental -play23
mode can be used to generate Play 2.3 client code - this is experimental and may be less tested than normal (2.4) generated code.
Use a trailing -client
flag to generate client code instead:
$ scala target/scala-2.11/swagger-play-boostrap-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/swagger.yaml /path/to/generate/output -client
use a trailing -replace
flag to generate code in-place over existing generated code - this will remove existing directory for the API being generated for, and recreate new code in its place (this is only supported for client code generation):
$ scala target/scala-2.11/swagger-play-boostrap-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/swagger.yaml /path/to/generate/output -client -replace
This generates client code similar to:
└── clients
└── lower_case_service_name
├── Client.scala
├── JsonOps.scala
└── Models.scala
contains generatedcase class
instances for Swagger definitions.JsonOps.scala
Play-Json (2.4)Reads
(i.e. JSON marshalling/unmarshalling implicits)Client.scala
contains generated client abstractions. These clients use Play-WS (2.4) to interact with the remote REST service in a non-blocking manner. Note, this generated code also has a dependency on Scalaz, e.g.
libraryDendenencies += "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-core" % "7.1.3"
While this client uses Play-WS to do REST calls, and it is configured by default to use the existing/running application for these WS interactions, it is possible to use this client in a non-Play application.
This can be done by creating, and providing, a separate
when constructing the instance of the Client
for example,
val wsClient = {
val builder = new com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder()
val client = new ClientImpl("http://localhost:9000", wsClient = wsClient)
- path for generated output is created, and must not already exist (support for merging into existing code is not supported)
- there is limited support for types of parameters, etc. (incomplete code in this tool currently)
- (Very) Incomplete support for Swagger specification - tool still WIP, (mostly) works for some simple test APIs run through it)