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Provision an EKS cluster with Terraform to demonstrate Telepresence for Docker

Demo Setup


  1. AWS account
  2. AWS IAM user - Note this user will need some IAM permissions including roles, policies, OpenID

Install the AWS CLI

  1. Install
  2. Configure
% aws --version
aws-cli/2.11.5 Python/3.11.2 Darwin/22.3.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off
% aws sts get-caller-identity
    "Account": "378929636692",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::378929636692:user/dockerbisson"

Tools to install on new laptop

  1. Install brew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install helm: 'brew install helm'
  3. Install jq: 'brew install jq'

Terraform Cloud

  1. Create account
  2. Create an org
  3. Terraform variables with AWS credentials

Terraform local

From the top level of the repo

  1. brew install terraform
  2. terraform init
  3. terraform plan
  4. time terraform apply -auto-approve

kubectl config

Get kubectl config (more details):

aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name demo-eks

The region and name values match those in the file.

Deploying the app

Install the helm chart

cd helm
helm install --create-namespace -n hello-telepresence-for-docker app ./hello-telepresence-for-docker --debug

Get all details in that namespace

kubectl get all -n hello-telepresence-for-docker

Confirm the app is running in EKS (may take a minute or two for the app to be running)

open "http://$(kubectl get service -n hello-telepresence-for-docker -o json | jq -r '.items[].status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname')"

Browser setup (optional, can use preview URL instead)

  1. Install the mod header extension for chrome

Telepresence extension setup

  1. Open Docker Desktop
  2. Install telepresence extension

Demo execution

Update the code for the app to show a new message and build the image

  1. cd to the hello-app directory
  2. Update the Docker file - change the ENV MESSAGE to your message and save
  3. Type 'docker build -t hello-app .'

IMPORTANT - the GUI and CLI options are separate. You can do both, but you need to make sure the intercept is down before switching between them

Docker desktop and telepresence setup (GUI option only)

  1. Open Docker Desktop
  2. Go to the Telepresence extension
  3. Select "Get Started" - the "Select Cluster for Telepresence Connection" dialog will appear
  4. The kubeconfig context should show the aws cluster
  5. Select "Install telepresence on this cluster" only if this is the first connection since building the cluster
  6. Select connect

Create the intercept (GUI option only)

  1. Click "start intercept" on the telepresence extension if you are not already on it
  2. Select the hello-telepresence-for-docker namespace
  3. The hello-telepresence-for-docker-app service should be listed
  4. Click "Intercept"
  5. A dialog appears for the intercept
  6. Make sure the target docker image is hello-app:latest
  7. Target port number is 8080
  8. Leave the other settings
  9. Click "Create Intercept"

Telepresence connect and creating the intercept (CLI option)

telepresence intercept --docker hello-telepresence-for-docker-app --namespace hello-telepresence-for-docker --port 8080:80 --docker-run -- -it --rm hello-app:latest

Show the container running (optional)

  1. Go to the containers tab
  2. Show there is a tp-hello-telepresence-for-docker-app container running
  3. Explain that the Telepresence extension runs this container when the intercept starts based on the image you specify

Showing the intercept

Option 1: HTTP headers

  1. Copy the request header string shown in the current running intercepts (or on the terminal page)
  2. Put the x-telepresence-intercept-id in the name field in mod header
  3. Put the rest (minus the colon after id) into the value field and make sure the green check is there
  4. Refresh the hello world page to see your new message
  5. Turn off the header and show the page goes back to hello world

Option 2: Preview URL

  1. Click the preview URL link (or copy from the terminal page) and show the updated page
  2. Refresh the original page to show it still has hello world

Demo cleanup

Stop the intercept (GUI)

  1. Click stop intercept
  2. (optional) show the local container has stopped as well

Stop the intercept (CLI)

telepresence leave

Change the app back

  1. cd to the hello-app directory
  2. Update the Dockerfile - change the ENV MESSAGE to your message and save
  3. docker build -t hello-app .

Deleting the app from Kubernetes

helm delete -n hello-telepresence-for-docker $(helm ls --namespace hello-telepresence-for-docker --short)

Verify the app is deleted

kubectl get all -n hello-telepresence-for-docker

Change the kubectl context back to Docker desktop

kubectl config use-context docker-desktop

Deleting the infrastructure from AWS

From the top-level of the repo

  1. terraform destroy -auto-approve
  2. Manually delete any load balancers associated with the cluster in the web console
  3. Manually delete the VPC associated with the cluster in the web console
  4. terraform destroy -auto-approve again

Clearing DNS cache

If needed...

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
