This project is a straightforward, one-page glance at a set of Destiny 2 characters. It's inspired by a previous version of the website, originally developed by redditor mofrodo. That user handed over development to the Tracker Network team back in 2016 and those folks maintained it for several years, but it eventually went offline for good sometime during 2021 or 2022. Since then, it's been replaced with a different offering unrelated to the original app. I was quite fond of Destiny Status and sad to see it gone, so I wanted to create something similar to fill the niche it left behind.
Bungie's API provides a ton of awesome data and there are already numerous webapps doing cool things with it, including places where you can look at character equipment and stats. Why make another one? Well, there are a couple reasons. First and foremost, many of the popular Destiny 2 webapps make use of the firehose of information provided by the API to generate a ton of game information for their users. When using those apps, I often find the user experience a little overwhelming (and this is not a knock against those apps, many of which I like very much and use religiously). What I loved most about Destiny Status is articulated really well by some of the comments on the reddit post announcing that TRN would continue maintaining it:
The major thing people liked about was its lack of features and extremely high level view of what was going on with your character.
-- u/funkmon
It is so fast, simple, clean yet provides compelling info. A lot of the other sites are stats obsessed, slow loading and provide way too much info you don't always need.
-- u/Joseph421
There are lots of great Destiny apps available that are extremely feature-rich and data-rich. I wanted to create an alternative that is feature-light and data-light -- for the times when all you really want is a quick glance at someone's loadout, or to make sure someone's got a reasonable power level for the activity you're going to do, or to see whether your friend cleared RoN yet this week on her Titan...etc, etc.
Around the time that I noticed was no longer online, I had been studying web development and was looking for good project ideas. It seemed like making a Destiny Status of my own could be a good way to get my feet wet with a project that would take a lot of work, but still be an attainable goal. This being the case, I didn't spend a ton of time seeking out alternatives. Point being: my goal is not to step on anyone's toes or assert that there isn't an app for this already -- perhaps there is! But, having discovered that my favorite one was gone, I wanted to build one that I personally would be delighted to use.
It's also worth mentioning that this is my first project of this size. Bugs and improvable code are both likely to be present. If you notice anything that needs improvement, either as a user of the site or as someone peeking under the hood, please feel free to submit an issue or contribute to the project.
Coming soon.