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1. Introduction

coffeeRequired edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 5 revisions


Pages - Introduction


What is Json?


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a computer platform-independent way of writing data (data format) for transferring data that can be organized in arrays or aggregated in objects. The input is any data structure (a number, a string, a boolean, an object or an array composed of them), the output is always a string. There is no theoretical limit to the complexity of the input variable hierarchy. JSON can hold arrays of values (both unindexed and indexed, the so-called hash), objects (as arrays of index:value pairs) and individual values, which can be strings, numbers (integers and floating point) and special values true, false and null. Field indices in an object are notated as strings; strings are enclosed in quotes and escaped using a backslash. There can be arbitrary whitespace between elements and values, which does not change the result. JSON as a format does not address text encoding, but the default encoding is UTF-8.
Default Example of Json

  "0": 1,
   "1": -2,
   "2": 3.333,
   "3": 4.0e+17,
   "4": "abc",
   "5": "\u00e1\n",
   "6": null,
   "7": [
   "8": false,
   "9": true,
   "10": "",
   "key": "value",
   "abc\"def": []

What is SkJson and why was it created?

SkJson is a tool for Skript which allows us to process any json or yaml files and then use it as storage or also allows us to work with Json String, WebRequests, Discord webbhooks and Serialization/Deserialization of data

How can I use SkJson?

pretty print


pretty print allows pirnt json nicelly without or with colors

set {_json} to json from "{'A': false}"
send {_json} with pretty print
send {_json} with uncolored pretty print

new json


The very basic syntax here is to create a Json, and that's relatively easy, let's say we create a new Command in a Script. In addition, I'll mention here that we can cheat a little bit because instead of Skript escape we can use, for example, "{'Key': 'Value'}" with Script escape "{""Key": ""Value""}", also SkJson has the ability to fix a corrupted Json say from forgetting quotes for some key in the object "{Key: ""Value""}" SkJson thanks to the GSON library can even load such a corrupted Json correctly.

Now we will see how to create Json from Text and other sources.

command newJson:
      # Text
      set {_json} to json from "{Key: 20}"
      # {_json} = {"Key": 20}
      set {_jsons::*} to json from "{Something: true}", "{Another: false}"
      # {_jsons::*} = {"Something": true}, {"Another": false}
      # Files
      set {_json} to json from file "<path-to-your-json>/test.json"
      set {_json} to json from yaml file "<path-to-your-yaml>/test.yaml"
      # Objects
      set {_json} to json from player's location
      # {_json} = {"==":"org.bukkit.Location","yaw":0.0,"world":"world","x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0,"pitch":0.0}
      set {_jsonItem} to json from diamond sword named "Test"
      # {_jsonItem} = {"==":"org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack","v":3578,"meta":{"==":"ItemMeta","meta-type":"UNSPECIFIC","display-name":"{\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"Test\"}],\"text\":\"\"}"},"type":"DIAMOND_SWORD"}

      # Website
      set {_json} to json from website file ""      



The changes are made using syntax. Here is an example of all of them.

# {_d} = Delimiter from your config.yml (skjson_getdelim())

local function jsonPayload() :: json:
    return json from text "[1, {'list': [true]}]"

local function jsonObjectPayload() :: json:
    return json from text "{data: {key: 'test key'}, list: [{inner: {}}]}"

local function testArrayListADD(json: json, d: string) :: boolean:
    add "[]" to json array in {_json}
    add swords to json array "2" in {_json}
    return true if "[1,{""list"":[true]},[{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""WOODEN_SWORD""},{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""STONE_SWORD""},{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""GOLDEN_SWORD""},{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""IRON_SWORD""},{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""DIAMOND_SWORD""},{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""NETHERITE_SWORD""}]]" is "%{_json}%"

local function testArrayListREMOVE(json: json, d: string) :: boolean:
    add "Hello true" to json list in {_json}
    remove values 1 and "Hello true" of json list from {_json}
    add "A" to json list in {_json}
    remove 2nd element of json list from {_json}
    add diamond sword to json list "0%{_d}%list" in {_json}
    add diamond axe to json list "0%{_d}%list" in {_json}
    remove diamond axe of json list "0%{_d}%list" from {_json}
    return true if "[{""list"":[true,{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,> ""type"":""DIAMOND_SWORD""}]}]" is "%{_json}%"

local function testObjectSET(json: json, d: string) :: boolean:
	# {data: {key: 'test key'}, list: [{inner: {}}]}
	set value of json object "data%{_d}%key" in {_json} to "new test key"
	ann({_json}, "After set value - new test key")
	set key of json object "data%{_d}%key" in {_json} to "test key"
	ann({_json}, "After set key - test key")
	set value of json object "list[0]%{_d}%inner" in {_json} to false
	ann({_json}, "After set value - false")
	set key of json object "list[0]%{_d}%inner" in {_json} to "inner-false"
	ann({_json}, "After set key - inner-false")
	set value of json object "data" in {_json} to false
	ann({_json}, "After set value - false")
	set key of json object "list" in {_json} to "array"
	ann({_json}, "After set key - array")
	set value of json object "this-a test-what i need to <>-_%{_d}%data" in {_json} to iron sword
	ann({_json}, "After set value - iron sword")
	return true if "{""data"":false,""array"":[{""inner-false"":false}],""this-a test-what i need to <>-_"":> {""data"":{""=="":""org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack"",""v"":3465,""type"":""IRON_SWORD""}}}" is "%{_json}> %"

local function testObjectREMOVE(json: json, d: string) :: boolean:
	# {data: {key: 'test key'}, list: [{inner: {}}]}
	remove key "inner" of json object "list[0]" from {_json}
	remove key "list" of json object from {_json}
	remove value "test key" of json object "data" from {_json}
	return true if "{""data"":{}}" is "%{_json}%"

local function testREMOVEALL(json: json, d: string) :: boolean:
	# {data: {key: 'test key'}, list: [{inner: {}}]}
	set value of json object "data%{_d}%key2" in {_json} to "new test key"
	set value of json object "data%{_d}%key3" in {_json} to "new test key"
	set value of json object "root-key" in {_json} to "new test key"
	remove all "new test key" of json object "data" from {_json}
	remove all "new test key" of json object from {_json}
	set value of json object "array[0]%{_d}%root" in {_json} to "new test key"
	remove all "new test key" of json list "array[0]" from {_json}
	# {'data':{'key':'test key'},'list':[{'inner':{}}],'array':[{}]}
	return true if "{""data"":{""key"":""test key""},""list"":[{""inner"":{}}],""array"":[{}]}" is "%{_json}> %"

value/values (Looping)


The basic methodology has always been to use mapping, but that is no longer needed here.

command values:
      set {_json} to json from "{'array': [1, 2, false, 'random']}"
      loop values "array" of {_json}:
          send json-value # 1, 2, false, random
          send json-key # 1,2,3,4
      # Get Multiple values
      set {_json} to json from "{'A': false, 'V': true, 'Something': {}, 'array': [true, false, null]}"
      set {_values::*} to values of {_json}
      # {_values::*} = false, true, {}, [true, false, null]

      # Get Single value
      set {_json} to json from "{'A': false, 'V': true, 'Something': {}, 'array': [true, false, null]}"
      set {_value} to value 'A' of {_json}
      # {_value} = false       

type of json / counts / isEmpty


Suppose we want to find out what type of json we have stored in variable..., or also how many identical elements our json contains

local function test(input: json, maxSameElements: number, value: object) :: boolean:
   if json element {_input} isn't empty:
       if type of {_input} is json object:
           if {_input} has value {_value}:
               set {_same} to number of value {_value} in {_json}
               if {_same} <= {maxSameElements}:
                   return true

   return false

command checkJson:
       set {_json} to json from text "{'A': 1, 'B': 1, 'C': 1}"
       send test({_json}, 3, 1)  

Get all keys from Json Object


You are able now, get all keys from Json Object [4.0.1]

set {_json} to json from string "{data: {a: 'A', b: 'B'}}"
set {_keys::*} to all keys of "data" of {_json}
send {_keys::*}
# return will be => a and b