As a college student, we aren’t only trying to make a fast decision, we are trying to make a financially responsible one. One of the biggest expenses of college students is food. Many students live in dorms and often rely on eating out, but are not aware of the deals that exist. Fumble makes this decision easy! Simply swipe on your favorite deals and the app will match with your ideal savings.
- Technologies/Frameworks/Packages
- Features
- Setup
- What's contained in each of my folders?
- Troubleshooting
- React.js
- React Bootstrap
- React Carousel
- React Router-DOM
- npm
- AWS Amplify
- Discounts API
- Unique matching algorithm with the best deal on your campus or college town
- Swipe through different cuisines, deals, and specials
- Unsure if you want to cash in? Save a deal for later, with our latest feature!
- A sleek, simple, new way to find a place to eat!
- Create a folder in your local directory where you would like to begin/run this project
- cd yourfolder
- npm create react-app my-app
- npm add react-tinder-card
- npm add react-router-dom
- Create an account with Dicounts API for different calls
- build contains code/files from npm build, when we prepared our application for deployment, does not contain much pertaining code.
- node_modules contains all node packages when we installed npm and yarn for creating the React application.
- Can check node/npm/yarn version you have (if already installed) by typing node -v or npm -v or yarn -v in your terminal
- public contains index.html, favicon.png, and other similar files that are produced when creating a React app. We did not make any changes to these files.
- src contains all the code we wrote, which will contain pertinent information.
- package.json and yarn.lock contain information on dependencies/packages we installed for my project.
- If you are not building this application and are instead viewing the deployment on AWS Amplify
- If you have loading issues, try a different browser.
Enjoy using our application and please make sure to share with friends/family!