An eCommerce platform built from scratch using React, Redux, Django & Postgres.
- Admin product management
- Admin order details page
- Admin user management
- Complete checkout process (address, shipping, payment method)
- Paypal / credit card intregation
- Full featured shopping cart
- Ability to mark orders as delivered
- Product search feature
- Product pagination
- Product reviews and ratings
- Featured products carousel
- User profile with order information
- React with Functional Components & Hooks
- React router
- React-Bootstrap UI library
- Component level state & props
- Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers)
- Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector)
- Creating an extensive back end with Django & the Django REST framework
- JWT authentication
- Custom error handler
- PayPal API integration
- Project deployment
- add 'sku' attribute to Product model
- add ability to mark an order as cancelled
- add shipping method options
- add a 'onSale' attribute to the product model
- add a categories bar at the top of the home page