A package to detect CVE-2022-26937, a vulnerability in Microsoft's NFS implementation.
You can run this logic on the included PCAP in the testing\traces
$ zeek -Cr CVE-2022-26937-exploited.pcap ~/Source/CVE-2022-26937/scripts/__load__.zeek
$ cat notice.log
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path notice
#open 2022-05-11-16-42-00
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p fuid file_mime_type file_desc proto note msg sub src dst p n peer_descr actions email_dest suppress_for remote_location.country_code remote_location.region remote_location.city remote_location.latitude remote_location.longitude
#types time string addr port addr port string string string enum enum string string addr addr port count string set[enum] set[string] interval string string string double double
1652285129.626881 Ci4lmM2HkJESnOzn6g fe80::88d1:4bb:492e:b104 49798 fe80::1550:7290:1622:4dce 111 - - - tcp CVE202226937::CVE_2022_26937_Attempt Potential NFS CVE-2022-26937 exploit attempt: fe80::1550:7290:1622:4dce attempted exploit against fe80::88d1:4bb:492e:b104 - fe80::88d1:4bb:492e:b104 fe80::1550:7290:1622:4dce 111 - - Notice::ACTION_LOG (empty) 3600.000000 - - - - -
#close 2022-05-11-16-42-00