This is my 4th and final project from the General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive course. MyDevBox is a digital "toolbox" that allows developers to save their favorite resources in a related DevBox.
Users can create an account and save their favorite developer resources, such as checklists, tutorials, books, articles, notes, etc, in organized "toolboxes." A user can create a DevBox for each language or concept they are studying, and save various resources related to the language or concept in the new DevBox.
My idea was to digitize my paper binders that were stuffed with notes, articles, checklists, and more, and create a one-stop-shop for all of my software engineering learning needs.
Future developments will include a social function where users can login via various social medias, view, comment and share each other's DevBox's.
- PostgreSQL Database
- Python/Django API (Django REST Framework)
- React Frontend (as a Django app)
- Redux
- Webpack
- Django REST Knox for JWT
- Social authentication
- Social aspect of viewing and sharing boxes
- Search feature
- File upload/download
- Webpack
- Redux
- Traversy Media - Brad Traversy
- JustDjango YouTube
- DjangoProject Documentation/Tutorials
- React-Redux Documentation