Click article title to be taken directly to it. The .Rmd file is a version-tracked reproducible manuscript
* = undergraduate co-author, ^ = this article underwent pre- and post-study peer review
- Lukas D, McCune KB, Blaisdell AP, Johnson-Ulrich Z, MacPherson M, Seitz BM, *Sevchik A, Logan CJ. 2022. Bayesian reinforcement learning models reveal how great-tailed grackles improve their behavioral flexibility in serial reversal learning experiments. EcoEvoRxiv, version 4, peer reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecology. doi: Pre-study and post-study peer review history. Also at Peer Community Journal
- ^Logan CJ, McCune KB, LeGrande-Rolls C, Marfori Z, Hubbard J, Lukas D. 2023. Implementing a rapid geographic range expansion - the role of behavior changes. EcoEvoRxiv, version 3, peer reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecology. doi: Pre-study and post-study peer review history. Also at Peer Community Journal
- ^Logan CJ, Lukas D, Blaisdell AP, Johnson-Ulrich Z, MacPherson M, Seitz BM, *Sevchik A, McCune KB. 2023. Behavioral flexibility is manipulable and it improves flexibility and innovativeness in a new context. EcoEvoRxiv, version 5, peer reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecology. doi: Pre-study and post-study peer review history. Also at Peer Community Journal
- ^McCune KB, Blaisdell AP, Johnson-Ulrich Z, Lukas D, MacPherson M, Seitz BM, *Sevchik A, Logan CJ. 2023. Using repeatability of performance within and across contexts to validate measures of behavioral flexibility. EcoEvoRxiv, version 5, peer reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecology. doi: Pre-study and post-study peer review history. Also at PeerJ
- ^Summers J, Lukas D, Logan CJ, Chen N. 2023. The role of climate change and niche shifts in divergent range dynamics of a sister-species pair. doi: 10.24072/pcjournal.248. Data, GitHub repository with code. Preregistration, pre-study and post-study peer review history.
- Pacheco MA, Ferreira FC, Logan CJ, McCune KB, MacPherson MP, Albino Miranda S, Santiago-Alarcon D, Escalante AA. 2022. Great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) as a tolerant host of avian malaria parasites. doi:
- ^*Sevchik A, Logan CJ, McCune KB, Blackwell A, Rowney C, Lukas D. 2021. Investigating sex differences in genetic relatedness in great-tailed grackles in Tempe, Arizona to infer potential sex biases in dispersal. EcoEvoRxiv,, v5. Preregistration received in principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology on 29 Nov 2019 (pre-study peer review history); and final manuscript was recommended on 10 Mar 2021 (post-study peer review history). A condensed version of the article is at Animal Behavior and Cognition.
- ^Blaisdell AP, Seitz B, Rowney C, Folsom M, MacPherson M, Deffner D, Logan CJ. 2021. Do the more flexible individuals rely more on causal cognition? Observation versus intervention in causal inference in great-tailed grackles. PsyArXiv,, v5. Preregistration received in principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology on 31 Jan 2019 (pre-study peer review history); and final manuscript was recommended on 29 Mar 2021 (post-study peer review history). A condensed version of the article is at Peer Community Journal.
- ^Logan CJ, McCune KB, MacPherson M, Johnson-Ulrich Z, Rowney C, Seitz B, Blaisdell AP, Deffner D, Wascher CAF. 2021. Are the more flexible individuals also better at inhibition?. PsyArXIv,, v7. Preregistration received in principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology on 6 Mar 2019 (pre-study peer review history); and final manuscript was recommended on 4 May 2021 (post-study peer review history). A condensed version of the article is at Animal Behavior and Cognition.
- Seitz BM, McCune KB, MacPherson M, Bergeron LM, Blaisdell AP, Logan CJ. 2021. Using touchscreen equipped operant chambers to study comparative cognition. Benefits, limitations, and advice. PLOS ONE 16(2): e0246446. bioRxiv preprint, data
- Logan CJ, Lukas D, Geng X, LeGrande-Rolls C, Marfori Z, MacPherson M, Rowney C, Smith C, McCune KB. 2025. Behavioral flexibility is related to foraging, but not social or habitat use behaviors, in a species that is rapidly expanding its range. EcoEvoRxiv, rmd. Preregistration received in principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology on 6 Aug 2019 (html); pre-study peer review history.
- Logan CJ, McCune KB, Rowney C, Lukas D. 2025. Behavioral flexibility is similar in two closely related species where only one is rapidly expanding its geographic range. EcoEvoRxiv, rmd. Preregisration received in principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology in 2021 (html); pre-study peer review history.
- McCune KB, Lukas D, MacPherson M, Logan CJ. 2024. Behavioral flexibility is related to exploration and persistence, but not boldness or motor diversity. EcoEvoRxiv, rmd. Preregistration received in principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology in 2019 (html); pre-study peer review history.
- Lukas D, Blackwell A, Edrisi M, Hardy K, Marfori Z, McCune K, Secvhik A, Smith C, Logan CJ. 2025. Reduced levels of relatedness indicate that great-tailed grackles disperse further at the edge of their range. EcoEvoRxiv, rmd. Preregistration received In principle acceptance by PCI Ecology in 2020; pre-study peer review history.
- *Berens JM, Logan CJ, Folsom M, Bergeron L, McCune KB. 2019. Validating morphological condition indices and their relationship with reproductive success in great-tailed grackles. In principle acceptance by Peer Community in Ecology of the version on 8 Nov 2019 EcoEvoRxiv. Pre-study peer review history.
D) McCune KB, McElreath R, Logan CJ. 2019. Investigating the use of learning mechanisms in a species that is rapidly expanding its geographic range. ( In principle acceptance by PCI Ecology of the version on 11 Oct 2019 Pre-study peer review history.
H) Folsom MA, Lukas D, MacPherson M, McCune KB, Bergeron L, Bond A, Blackwell A, Rowney C, Logan CJ. 2020. Repeated parental care by adult male great-tailed grackles and its association with hormones, fitness, specific populations, and mating strategies. ( In principle acceptance by PCI Ecology of the version on 15 Jun 2020 Pre-study peer review history.
E) McCune KB, Ross C, LeGrande-Rolls C, Folsom M, Bergeron L, Logan CJ. 2020. Does great-tailed grackle space use behavior reflect individual differences in exploration? In principle acceptance by PCI Ecology of the version on 23 Sep 2020 Pre-study peer review history.
(Note: preregistrations A-C were reviewed as part of the causal cognition preregistration peer review by Reviewer 1)
A) Logan CJ, Rowney C, Bergeron L, McCune K, MacPherson M, Bond A, Blackwell A, Escalante A, Pacheco M. 2018. What are the costs and constraints of behavioral flexibility in great-tailed grackles? (.Rmd version).
B) Logan CJ, Rowney C, Bergeron L, McCune K, MacPherson M, Bond A, Blackwell A, Escalante A, Pacheco M. 2018. How and why does behavioral flexibility vary across the range of a rapidly expanding species? (.Rmd version).
C) Logan CJ, Rowney C, Bergeron L, McCune K, Bond A, Blackwell A, Lukas D. 2018. The genetics of behavioral flexibility across the range of a rapidly expanding species. (.Rmd version).
Note: full references are listed in MyLibrary.bib
Multiaccess box (3D printer and laser cutter) for Is behavioral flexibility manipulatable and, if so, does it improve flexibility and problem solving in a new context?
PsychoPy2 code for touchscreen experiments
Protocol: nest checks to collect indicators of nest building, egg laying behavior, nestling and fledgling presence, and nest failure
Protocol: biometrics
How to increase safety when using the bownet trapping method
- Bownet deployment protocol
- Bownet training checklist
- Bownet training tracking data sheet
- Poster presented by Luisa Bergeron at the American Ornithological Society meeting in June 2019 in Alaska
Citation: Bergeron L & Logan CJ. 2019. Modifications to the bownet trapping method to increase safety for medium-sized, agile birds. American Ornithological Society Meeting, Alaska.
Many experiments have been and are being conducted with grackles. We post the reproducible manuscripts (.Rmd files including text and code) here. Each investigation (a group of hypotheses) has one .Rmd file that goes through different versions. It starts off as a REGISTERED REPORT where we list the hypotheses, predictions, methods, and analysis plan BEFORE any data are collected. The registered report undergoes pre-study peer review at PCI Registered Reports, then the study is conducted, and the resulting articles undergo post-study peer review at PCI Registered Reports.
The version is noted in the Commit comment, and the different versions can be seen in the History of the file of interest. Following the version history of ONE file allows one to track how this piece of work has changed through the entire investigation.
CC-BY 4.0: attribute the original source using the citations above