jax implementation of spline interpolation in jax beyond 2D, as I did not find this anywhere else.
Currently, B-Spline basis functions via the Cox - de Boor recursion formula are implemented. Other methods such as Ordinal Basis Functions (OBF) may follow eventually. Contributions are always welcome.
import jax
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from splinex import BSpline
# Dummy points for interpolation
tau = .1
degree = 3
points = jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(123), (7, 2), minval=0, maxval=8)
n_pts = points.shape[0]
sim_steps = int(n_pts // tau)
# splinex
splinex_bspl = BSpline(n_pts, sim_steps)
splinex_curve, _, _ = splinex_bspl(points)
# Plotting
plt.plot(*splinex_curve.T, "yo-", label="B-spline jax")
plt.plot(*points.T, "ro:", label="Ctrl points")
For more examples, please look in the examples folder.
The code is tested on:
Python >= 3.10
jax == 0.4.28
I believe that it should generally be compatible with most jax
versions up to this point as it only uses basic functionalities