Interpolation functions for heightmaps developed within the EMODnet Bathymetry (High Resolution Seabed Mapping) project.
Please visit the documentation at:
This package is available through PyPI:
pip install heightmap-interpolation
Otherwise, the package and all its requirements can be installed from sources through setuptools
python install
Note that it requires python >= 3.10 to run.
If you prefer to install it in a virtual environment:
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install .
After installation, you should have the main entry point for interpolating NetCDF4 datasets already in the path, so you can call:
interpolate_netcdf4 --help
Since this package was developed within the EMODnet Bathymetry project, for the moment no other inputs are expected. For other inputs, take the code in the apps/
script as reference and use directly the different interpolation modules at your convenience.
For convenience, we also provide a docker image with all the dependencies intalled at DockerHub. Assuming you have docker installed, you can obtain it by:
docker pull coroniscomputing/heightmap_interpolation:<tag_name>
Where <tag_name>
must be a specific version of the package, or latest
Or, if you want to compile the docker image by yourself:
docker build -t <image_tag_name> .
Then, run it with:
docker run -it -v <data_folder>:/data coroniscomputing/heightmap_interpolation:<tag_name>
On the one hand, using the -v
flag we are mounting the directory containing the data to process to the /data
folder within the container. The container will automatically run the bash
command, and you will be inside the container. Thus, there we simply run the interpolate_netcdf4
script with the desired parameters
For instance:
interpolate_netcdf4 -o /data/<netcdf_results_file> linear /data/<netcdf_input_file>
Keep in mind that this way of running the docker does not provide visualization, so the "--show" flag will be useless! There are ways of sharing the Xs with docker, but these are out of the scope of this documentation.
This project has been developed by Coronis Computing S.L. within the EMODnet Bathymetry (High Resolution Seabed Mapping) project.
- EMODnet:
- EMODnet (bathymetry):
- Coronis: