We do not have current regular chapter meetings however we will have open hackathon together with City Interaction lab and CorrelAid (main HQ) on 12th February 2021.
General conference of CorrelAid https://correlaid.org/en/events/ 2021 November
We have open calls cross-chapters in CorrelAid. Here is the presentation link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vWHINH0Kz_dnJ8yXYm2kzwadVOD4y92XkfoKmQJvL7o/edit#slide=id.g8942e1b227_0_120
Presentations from Non Profit organisations and CorrelAid team (CorrelAid-Berlin lc is the main organiser). Here are projects: Group 1: NPO: Leif (GoVolunteer)
Group 2: NPO: Miro (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung)
Topics we discussed:
- Structure of Correlaid correlaid.org: on Github and beyond
- Hackathons co-organisation in 2019-2020
- Open data and open science projects and ideas for projects with NGOs
- Collaborations with projects
More information about open meetings of CorrelAid in 2020 see https://pad.correlaid.org/
If you would like to come to our open meetings, please send us an email: liubov.tupikina at cri-paris.org and katharina.kloppenborg at gmail.com