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kathrynne edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 1 revision


Here's some samples I've accumulated for working with custom item textures. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the things you can do, but it should be helpful considering CIT Resewn doesn't have any documentation for the version we're using.

CIT Simple Item Texture

CIT Properties File: ~/assets/minecraft/citresewn/cit/item/


Paletted Permutations will not work when directly referenced in CIT .properties files. If you want to use Paletted Permutations, you should make a model .json file in ~/assets/dredgecombat/models/item as demonstrated below.

Paletted Permutations & Layered Textures

Paletted Permutations Atlas: ~/assets/minecraft/atlases/blocks.json (the file is important, Minecraft won't load everything in this directory so you have to put it in an Atlas loaded by the game for your intended purpose like blocks.json for blocks and items)

    "sources": [
            "type": "paletted_permutations",
            "textures": [
            "palette_key": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/trim_palette",
            "permutations": {
                "quartz": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/quartz",
                "iron": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/iron",
                "gold": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/gold",
                "diamond": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/diamond",
                "netherite": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/netherite",
                "redstone": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/redstone",
                "copper": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/copper",
                "emerald": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/emerald",
                "lapis": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/lapis",
                "amethyst": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/amethyst",
                "iron_darker": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/iron_darker",
                "gold_darker": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/gold_darker",
                "diamond_darker": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/diamond_darker",
                "netherite_darker": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/netherite_darker",
                "brass": "dredgecombat:colormap/color_palettes/trim/brass"

This generates a paletted version of each listed texture in memory for every listed permutation. The permutations are named the same as the original texture, but suffixed with the permutation name after an underscore, such as dredgecombat:item/move_token/background_amethyst. The texture needs to use the same colors as the palette_key; any pixels with colors not in the palette_key will be transferred as is.

Model File: ~/assets/dredgecombat/models/item/move_token/upslash.json

 "parent": "item/generated",
 "textures": {
  "layer0": "dredgecombat:item/move_token/background_amethyst",
  "layer1": "dredgecombat:item/move_token/frame_back_special_brass",
  "layer2": "dredgecombat:item/move_token/icon_upslash"

Adding layered textures is as simple as adding more layers to the textures object in the model file, just remember to increment the number in the name for each layer.

CIT Properties File: ~/assets/minecraft/citresewn/cit/item/move_token/


3D Model

CIT Properties File: ~/assets/minecraft/citresewn/cit/item/comboblade/


Model File: ~/assets/dredgecombat/models/item/comboblade/freimesser.json

    "credit": "Made with Blockbench",
    "texture_size": [64, 64],
    "textures": {
        "0": "dredgecombat:item/comboblade/freimesser", 
        "particle": "dredgecombat:item/comboblade/freimesser"
    "elements": [
        "Comments don't exist in json but im truncating the elements here.",
        "in your file generated by Blockbench or whatever you'll have all",
        "the elements of your model here :) I hate having to write JSON :)"

... where "dredgecombat:item/comboblade/freimesser" points to ~/assets/dredgecombat/textures/item/comboblade/freimesser.png

Because this model has emissive parts, there is a texture freimesser_e.png in the same directory as freimesser.png that acts as the emissive map. This won't work for players without Continuity.

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