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API Research Apigee vs Mashery

Joshua Carp edited this page Jun 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

apigee format

(get) examples

general outline

  • api.url/version/subject/action?query_instruction=<...>&other_query=<...>

twitter - searching for posts about turkey riots

reddit -

Possible Crowd Scholar example::

(post) examples

general outline

  • api.url/version/subject_or_action?parameters=<...>&other_parameters=<...>

twitter example - subscribing to a user

reddit example - registering a user

Possible Crowd Scholar example

mashery format

(get) examples

rotten tomatoes

  • retrieve box office movies -
  • detailed info about a movie by id -
  • detailed movie about the cast of a movie by id - /api/public/v1.0/movies/:id/cast.json


General RESTFul api design