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Folders and files

Last commit message
Last commit date
Jan 22, 2019
Feb 15, 2019
Feb 17, 2019
Feb 15, 2019
Feb 15, 2019
Feb 13, 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Feb 2, 2019
Feb 15, 2019
Jan 24, 2019
Feb 15, 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Jan 22, 2019
Feb 2, 2019
Jan 22, 2019

Repository files navigation


DataPortal base theme

UI prototipe


To start working on this extension you will need Virtualbox and Vagrant

We gave 4096MB of RAM to the VM. If you wish you can change this in the Vagrantfile

Start Virtual Machine

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Take a break for 10-15 min :).
If you get any error while vagrant up try vagrant reload.

If you still have errors in during vagrant up please check that you have the latest Vagrant and Virtualbox, or try to run step by step the commands from Installing CKAN from source documentation

Activate virtualenv

source /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate

Start CKAN development server

paster serve /etc/ckan/default/development.ini --reload

Now you can access ckan instance on

You have 4 available users:

admin (pasword: "changeme") - sysadmin
demo (pasword: "changeme") - admin user in Code4 Organization
editor (pasword: "changeme") - editor user in Code4 Organization
member (pasword: "changeme") - regular user(member) in Code4 Organization

Happy Hacking :)

Restore the database

paster --plugin=ckan db clean -c /etc/ckan/default/development.ini
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --clean --if-exists -d ckan_default < /data/ckan.dump

CKAN Documentation

CKAN Extensions Tutorial
CKAN Theming guide


Add static pages extension example

Config Settings

Document any optional config settings here. For example::

# The minimum number of hours to wait before re-checking a resource
# (optional, default: 24).
ckanext.dataportaltheme.some_setting = some_default_value

Running the Tests

To run the tests, do::

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini

To run the tests and produce a coverage report, first make sure you have coverage installed in your virtualenv (pip install coverage) then run::

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.dataportaltheme --cover-inclusive --cover-erase --cover-tests

Registering ckanext-dataportaltheme on PyPI

ckanext-dataportaltheme should be availabe on PyPI as If that link doesn't work, then you can register the project on PyPI for the first time by following these steps:

  1. Create a source distribution of the project::

    python sdist

  2. Register the project::

    python register

  3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI::

    python sdist upload

  4. Tag the first release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the file. For example if the version number in is 0.0.1 then do::

    git tag 0.0.1
    git push --tags

Releasing a New Version of ckanext-dataportaltheme

ckanext-dataportaltheme is availabe on PyPI as To publish a new version to PyPI follow these steps:

  1. Update the version number in the file. See PEP 440 <>_ for how to choose version numbers.

  2. Create a source distribution of the new version::

    python sdist

  3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI::

    python sdist upload

  4. Tag the new release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the file. For example if the version number in is 0.0.2 then do::

    git tag 0.0.2
    git push --tags