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[AddToken] bMSFT on MAINNET #257

[AddToken] bMSFT on MAINNET

[AddToken] bMSFT on MAINNET #257

name: ProcessRequest
# Flow
# Extract info from issue (did not find a way to get it nicely)
# Validate all info is present
# On validation failure, comment on issue with reason for failure
# [Optional] Optimize image
# Create PR with required info
# [Optional] Modify CowSwap.json list
# [Optional] Add image to src/public/network/address/logo
# [Optional] Add/Update info to src/public/network/address/info
# Link Issue to PR
# Add reviewers
# [Optional] Notify on slack
# Comment on original issue
# Running locally with `act`
# Get the `event.json` from a GH action such as
# ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL=http://host.docker.internal:34567/ act -s GITHUB_TOKEN=$(gh auth token) issues -e event.json -W .github/workflows/processRequest.yml --artifact-server-path /tmp/artifacts --artifact-server-addr "[::0]" -v
# Some of the additional workarounds are required for running artifact uploading on Mac M1s locally. See
types: [ opened ]
# Matches labels from field forms to extract data
FIELD_NAMES: 'Network,Symbol,Name,URL,Decimals,Address,Reason'
IMAGES_BASE_PATH: src/public/images/
LIST_PATH: src/public/CowSwap.json
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- env:
EVENT_CONTEXT: ${{ toJSON(github.event) }}
run: |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addImage') || contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addToken') || contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'removeToken')
issueInfo: ${{ steps.extractInfo.outputs.result }}
- name: Give feedback to issue creator
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v2
if: ${{ !env.ACT }} # skip during local actions testing
issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
body: |
Your request has been received and is being processed.
This issue will be updated when completed.
- name: Extract info
id: extractInfo
uses: actions/github-script@v6
# Using JS, build a new comment body
script: |
const body = context.payload.issue.body
const fieldNames = `${ process.env.FIELD_NAMES }`.split(',')
// Extract the values for each field - if it exists - based on their labels from the issue body
const values = fieldNames.reduce((acc, f) => {
// Create a regex for each field, with capturing group with the same name
const r = new RegExp(String.raw`${f}\s+(?<${f.toLowerCase()}>.*?)(\s+###|$)`, 's')
// Build an object with the capturing group and value for each field
return {...acc, ...body.match(r)?.groups}
}, {})
// Lower case the address at the source
values.address = values.address.toLowerCase()
if ( === 'MAINNET') {
values.chainId = 1
values.blockExplorer = 'etherscan'
} else if ( === 'ARBITRUM_ONE') {
values.chainId = 42161
values.blockExplorer = 'arbiscan'
} else {
values.chainId = 100
values.blockExplorer = 'gnosisscan'
// Used only in the PR context for displaying it
values.prImageUrl = `{0}/${ values.chainId }_${ values.address }/src/public/images/${ values.chainId }/${ values.address }/logo.png`
// Will be the final URL once it's merged to `main`
values.logoURI = `${ values.chainId }/${ values.address }/logo.png`
// Return a string
return JSON.stringify(values)
result-encoding: string
- name: Debug
run: |
cat << EOF
${{ steps.extractInfo.outputs.result }}
# force failure for testing
# exit 1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: extractInfoFromIssue
# De-normalizing for easier access
NETWORK: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}
SYMBOL: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).symbol }}
NAME: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).name }}
URL: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).url }}
DECIMALS: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).decimals }}
ADDRESS: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}
REASON: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).reason }}
- name: Validate addImage
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addImage') && (!env.NETWORK || !env.URL || !env.ADDRESS)
run: |
echo "::error title={Validation failed}::{Missing required fields for adding an image}"
exit 1
- name: Validate addToken
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addToken') && (!env.NETWORK|| !env.SYMBOL|| !env.NAME|| !env.URL|| !env.DECIMALS|| !env.ADDRESS|| !env.REASON)
run: |
echo "${{ env.NETWORK }} ${{ env.URL }} ${{ env.ADDRESS }}"
echo "::error title={Validation failed}::{Missing required fields for adding a token}"
exit 1
- name: Validate symbol
if: env.SYMBOL && contains(env.SYMBOL, ' ')
run: |
echo "${{ env.SYMBOL }}"
echo "::error title={Validation failed}::{Symbol cannot contain spaces}"
exit 1
- name: Validate removeToken
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'removeToken') && (!env.NETWORK || !env.REASON || !env.ADDRESS)
run: |
echo "${{ env.NETWORK }} ${{ env.URL }} ${{ env.ADDRESS }}"
echo "::error title={Validation failed}::{Missing required fields for removing a token}"
exit 1
- name: Report error
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: peter-evans/close-issue@v2
comment: |
Invalid request
Make sure all the required fields are provided and submit a new issue
needs: [ extractInfoFromIssue, validateInput ]
uses: ./.github/workflows/optimizeImage.yml
if: ${{ contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addImage') || contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addToken') }}
url: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).url }}
address: ${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}
needs: [ extractInfoFromIssue, optimizeImage ]
uses: ./.github/workflows/executeAction.yml
if: ${{ contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addToken') }}
secrets: inherit
# Same for all
issueInfo: ${{ needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo }}
# Custom per type
operation: addToken
prTitle: "[addToken] `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).symbol }}` to `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}`"
prBody: |
Adding token `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).symbol }}` on network `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}`
*Address*: `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}`
[Link to block explorer ↗︎](https://${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).blockExplorer }}.io/token/${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }})
| Description | Image |
| Original | ![original](${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).url }}) |
| Optimized | ![optimized](${{ format(fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).prImageUrl, 'addToken') }}) |
### Reason
${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).reason }}
needs: [ extractInfoFromIssue, validateInput ]
uses: ./.github/workflows/executeAction.yml
if: ${{ contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'removeToken') }}
secrets: inherit
issueInfo: ${{ needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo }}
operation: removeToken
prTitle: "[removeToken] `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}` from `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}`"
prBody: |
Removing token from network `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}`
*Address*: `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}`
[Link to block explorer ↗︎](https://${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).blockExplorer }}.io/token/${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }})
### Reason
${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).reason }}
needs: [ extractInfoFromIssue, optimizeImage ]
uses: ./.github/workflows/executeAction.yml
if: ${{ contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'addImage') }}
secrets: inherit
issueInfo: ${{ needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo }}
operation: addImage
prTitle: "[addImage] `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}` to `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}`"
prBody: |
Adding image to network `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).network }}`
*Address*: `${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }}`
[Link to block explorer ↗︎](https://${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).blockExplorer }}.io/token/${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).address }})
| Description | Image |
| Original | ![original](${{ fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).url }}) |
| Optimized | ![optimized](${{ format(fromJSON(needs.extractInfoFromIssue.outputs.issueInfo).prImageUrl, 'addImage') }}) |