A Python script for generating oligo libraries and PCR primers for Deep Mutational Scanning library generation incorporating indel variation.
Take a look at the protocol on protocols.io for more information on generating and assembling libraries as well.
Note: This is the active repository for DIMPLE development. The archived repository containing the code used in the publication is here, and is also archived at Zenodo.
Run DIMPLE in a Google Colab notebook (also linked above) without downloading or installing on your computer. Follow the prompts and generate a library.
Use the supplied Conda environment file to install and manage dependencies. This will create a new environment called dimple_env
Use the following commands to install and load the environment:
conda env create -f dimple_env.yml
conda activate dimple_env
DIMPLE requires the following packages:
- python
- numpy
- biopython
- tkinter (only required for GUI version)
Install with your preferred package manager (e.g. pip).
Note: DIMPLE has been tested on Python version 3.12. Biopython is currently incompatible with Python 3.13 in some cases, and we recommend using Python 3.12 for now.
Targeted genes should be supplied in FASTA format. To allow DIMPLE to check for nonspecific amplification, include the entire plasmid sequence of the library generation construct in the file.
The ORF can be specified in the fasta header for each target gene. If desired, the header should include the start and end positions of the gene in the plasmid, as follows:
>gene1 start:10 end:100
The start position should be the first base of the first codon, and the end position should be the last base of the last codon. Otherwise specify the ORF in the command line.
Using the Google Colab notebook, follow the prompts and explanations. Also check the options below for additional usage.
We have supplied two methods to run DIMPLE: a command-line version, and a GUI. Both offer the same functionality, but the GUI is more user-friendly.
Start the GUI with the following command:
python run_dimple_gui.py
The following are required:
- Target gene file (see below for format requirements)
- One or more of the mutations to make to the target gene
Supply options, then generate library by pressing 'Run DIMPLE' button.
See a description of options for command-line version:
python run_dimple.py -h
Full list of options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-wDir WDIR Working directory for fasta files and output folder
-geneFile GENEFILE Input all gene sequences including backbone in a fasta format. Place all in one fasta file. Name description can include start and end points (>gene1 start:1
-handle HANDLE Genetic handle for domain insertion. This is important for defining the linker. Currently uses BsaI (4 base overhang), but this can be swapped for SapI (3
base overhang).
-dis DIS use the handle to insert domains at every position in POI
-matchSequences Find similar sequences between genes to avoid printing the same oligos multiple times. Default: No matching
-oligoLen OLIGOLEN Synthesized oligo length
-fragmentLen FRAGMENTLEN
Maximum length of gene fragment
-overlap OVERLAP Enter number of bases to extend each fragment for overlap. This will help with insertions close to fragment boundary
-DMS Choose if you will run deep deep mutation scan
-custom_mutations CUSTOM_MUTATIONS
Path to file that includes custom mutations with the format position:AA
-usage USAGE Default is "human". Or select "ecoli. Or change code"
Enter a list of insertions (nucleotides) to make at every position. Note, you should enter multiples of 3 nucleotides to maintain reading frame
-deletions DELETIONS [DELETIONS ...]
Enter a list of deletions (number of nucleotides) to symmetrically delete (it will make deletions in multiples of 2x). Note you should enter multiples of 3 to
maintain reading frame
-include_substitutions INCLUDE_SUBSTITUTIONS
If you are running DMS but only want to insert or delete AA
-barcode_start BARCODE_START
To run DIMPLE multiple times, you will need to avoid using the same barcodes. This allows you to start at a different barcode.
-restriction_sequence RESTRICTION_SEQUENCE
Recommended using BsmBI - CGTCTC(G)1/5 or BsaI - GGTCTC(G)1/5. Do not use N
Avoid these sequences in the backbone - BsaI and BsmBI. For multiple sequnces use a space between inputs. Example -avoid_sequence CGTCTC GGTCTC
-include_stop_codons Include stop codons in the list of scanning mutations.
-include_synonymous Include synonymous codons in the list of scanning mutations.
-make_double Make each combination of mutations within a fragment
Maximize the number of nucleotide changes in each codon for easier detection in NGS
Example output files are located in the examples
To test DIMPLE, run the following command from the root directory:
python -m unittest discover
This should pass without any errors. If you encounter any issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
If you found DIMPLE useful, feel free to cite the publication describing it:
- Preprint: Macdonald et al., 2022
- Published: Macdonald et al., 2023
This code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license: License
Contributions and feedback are welcome. Please submit an issue or pull request.
For any issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. For questions or feedback, email Chris.