Localization is a key point for application adoption. At Cozy Cloud, we use Polyglot, but developers still have to deal with stuff like getting user's locale from database. The LocalizationManager will help you manage localization on the server.
It's simple as an americano plugin.
In server/config.{js|coffee}:
plugins: [
Before the server start, run:
manager = require('cozy-localization-manager').getInstance()
options =
localePath: 'path/to/your/locales/folder'
manager.initialize options, (err) ->
manager.t('translate all the things !')
Whenever you need to translate something:
manager = require('cozy-localization-manager').getInstance()
manager.t('localization key')
That's it!
If you use the library as an americano plugin, you need to have your locale files in server/locales/. Each file must match the locale name. For instance: en.json, fr.json, de.json.
You can find everything about Polyglot (locales format, options) in their documentation.
Clone this repository, install dependencies and run server (it requires Node.js)
git clone git://github.com/cozy-labs/cozy-localization-manager.git
cd cozy-localization-manager
npm install
npm run dev
Cozy is a platform that brings all your web services in the same private space. With it, your web apps and your devices can share data easily, providing you with a new experience. You can install Cozy on your own hardware where no one profiles you. You install only the applications you want. You can build your own one too.
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