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Adithya Dsilva edited this page May 9, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to Codeforces Tool - an open source tool written in GO, to help in

  • fetching sample cases,
  • testing solution against sample cases and
  • submitting solutions to CodeForces directly!

Quick Start

Running command

cf --help

brings up the following information.

  cf config
  cf gen    [-A]
  cf open   [<info>...]
  cf fetch  [<info>...]
  cf test   [[-i -e<e> -t<t>] | -C] [-f<f>]
  cf submit [<info>... -f<f>]
  cf watch  [<info>... -s<cnt>]
  cf pull   [<info>...] -H<handle>
  cf upgrade

  -A, --all                   force the selection menu to appear
  -f, --file <f>              specify source file to test / submit [default: *.*]
  -i, --ignore-case           omit character-case differences in output
  -e, --ignore-exp <e>        omit float differences <= 1e-<e> [default: 10]
  -t, --time-limit <t>        set time limit (secs) for each test case [default: 2] 
  -s, --submissions <cnt>     watch status of last <cnt> submissions [default: 0] 
  -H, --handle <handle>       cf handle (not email) of reqd user  
  -C, --custom                run interactive session, with input from stdin
  -h, --help                  show this screen
  -v, --version               show cli version

Detailed explanation of these commands can be found in their respective wiki pages.

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