Game engine project in C++/DX11 to explore software infrastructure ideas
本倉庫跟隨 Chil 的項目,一步步學習 DirectX12 API
- Factory dxgi D3D12
- Devices D3D12
- Command Queue (命令隊列)
- swap chain
- rtv descriptor heap
- depth buffer (2023/07/03)
- dev descriptor heap (2023/07/03)
- dsv and handle (2023/07/03)
- Command allocator
- Command list
- fence
- Vertex data
- Vertex buffer
- INIT content data
- create commited resource cpu upload for vertex data
- Copy array of vertex data to upload buffer
- reset allocator and list
- Create the Vertex buffer view (CPU)
- index buffer (2023/07/03)
- index buffer view (2023/07/03)
- Root signature
- scissor rect
- projection martix
- render loop