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crabshank edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 7 revisions

Simply make sure all files are in one folder, and open the .html files in Chrome.

Create two parallel lines using the 4 cyan calibration points and their connecting lines and then hold down and drag the mouse the place the plane.

See YouTube videos (click):

Alt text

Alt text


Scroll: Switch plane orientation.

Alt + Scroll: Adjust plane heights.

Shift + Scroll: Switch current line colour.

S: Frame-by-frame (approximately) backwards.

D: Frame-by-frame (approximately) forwards.

Tip: Press the 'Create/Delete canvas' button to get full access to the video's controls again.

Tip: Click on the video to get the four cyan calibration points, if they are not there or after pressing the 'Create/Delete canvas' button.

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