Kai Chronicles v1.13.1
1.13.1 Changes:
- Fix combatsWon test not checked if set to false (can stuck the player in multiples books)
- Kai Chronicles is now an English webapp only (no more APK/android code or Spanish language)
- Based on latest git data (instead of no longer maintained SVN data)
- Book 15 and 16 available
- Various fixes in previous books
- When starting a new game, you can choose the random table type
- In equipment section of books 6 and above, automatically adds exceeding money to kai monastry if belt pouch exceed 50 when picking random number for money
- Add new tag rule. Allows to check if player has see some sections in previous books
- Disable use of object restoring endurance prior/during combat (except is specified)
- Apply healing only on story sections
See README.md to know how to install/use it.