This shell script creates a RAMDisk (a disk on main-memory.)
This repository contains two files. The one is creating a RAMDisk, and the other is the config file for the launchctl(1) plist file.
There is an instruction to install.
- Place where you want.
- Add "execute flag" using chmod(1). like:
$ chmod +x
- Replace "ProgramArguments" value with your path on com.user.mkramdisk.plist.
- Place com.user.mkramdisk.plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons/ . It might need root privilege. Use cp(1) with sudo(8).
$ sudo cp com.user.mkramdisk.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- Activate your com.user.mkramdisk.plist daemon following command:
$ launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.user.mkramdisk.plist