The iExec SDK is a CLI and a JS library that allows easy interactions with iExec decentralized Marketplace in order to run off-chain computations.
- CLI tutorials
- CLI documentation
- JS lib documentation
- iExec main documentation:
- The iExec Dapp Store:
- The iExec Marketplace:
- The iExec Explorer:
- The iExec Workerpool registry:
- The RLC faucet:
- iExec dapps registry, to apply for Dapp Store listing
All three major OS are supported (linux, OSX, windows).
Requirements: and Git.
npm -g install iexec # install the cli
iexec --version
iexec --help
Requirements: Docker.
# For Linux users
echo 'alias iexec='"'"'docker run -e DEBUG=$DEBUG --interactive --tty --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -v $(pwd):/iexec-project -v /home/$(whoami)/.ethereum/keystore:/home/node/.ethereum/keystore -w /iexec-project iexechub/iexec-sdk:latest'"'"'' >> ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bashrc
# For Mac OSX users
echo 'alias iexec='"'"'docker run -e DEBUG=$DEBUG --interactive --tty --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -v $(pwd):/iexec-project -v /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Ethereum/keystore:/home/node/.ethereum/keystore -w /iexec-project iexechub/iexec-sdk:latest'"'"'' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
Now run iexec --version
to check all is working.
- Nodejs: run
npm -g install iexec
- Docker: run
docker pull iexechub/iexec-sdk
- Init project
- SDK CLI for Dapp developpers
- SDK CLI for Dataset providers
- SDK CLI for Workerpools
- SDK CLI for Requesters
- SDK CLI for workers
required steps before following any other workflow.
iexec init # create all required files
iexec wallet get-RLC # ask iExec faucet for RLC
iexec wallet show # show your wallet
iexec storage init # initialize your remote storage
NB: iExec SDK CLI access the public blockchains (mainnet & goerli) through ethers to connect different backends (Alchemy, Etherscan, INFURA).
Default API keys for backend services are provided for convenience. As these keys are shared accross all users and are subject to rate limits, you must use your own API keys or better your own node.
Get API keys for backend services:
Once you created your access, you can add your API keys in the
configuration file:{ "default": ..., "chains": { ... }, "providers": { "infura": { "projectId": "INFURA_PROJECT_ID", "projectSecret": "INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET" }, "etherscan": "ETHERSCAN_API_KEY", "alchemy": "ALCHEMY_API_KEY" } }If you run your own node, you can add an
key in thechains.json
configuration file to target your node:{ "default": ..., "chains": { ... "mainnet": { "id": "1", "host": "http://localhost:8545" }, "goerli": { "id": "5", "host": "http://localhost:58545" } } }Check your current host:
iexec info
First go through Init project
iexec app count # check if you have already deployed apps
iexec app init # reset app fields in iexec.json
iexec app deploy # deploy app on Ethereum and get an address
iexec app show # show details of deployed app
iexec app run [address] # run an application on iExec at market price
iexec orderbook app <address> # check if you have valid sell orders for your app on the Marketplace
iexec app publish [address] # publish an apporder on the Marketplace and get an orderHash
iexec order show --app [orderHash] # show your order on the Marketplace
iexec order cancel --app <orderHash> # cancel your order
First go through Init project
cp 'myAwsomeDataset.file' ./datasets/original # copy your dataset file or folder into the dataset/original/ folder
iexec dataset encrypt # generate a secret key for each file or folder in dataset/original/ and encrypt it, also output the encrypted file checksum to use for deployment.
cat ./.secrets/dataset/myAwsomeDataset.file.secret # this is the secret key for decrypting the dataset
cat ./datasets/encrypted/myAwsomeDataset.file.enc # this is the encrypted dataset, you must share this file at a public url
iexec dataset count # check if you have already deployed datasets
iexec dataset init # reset dataset fields in iexec.json
iexec dataset deploy # deploy dataset on Ethereum
iexec dataset show # show details of deployed dataset
Disclaimer: The secrets pushed in the Secreet Management Service will be shared with the worker to process the dataset in the therms your specify in the dataset order. Make sure to always double check your selling policy in the dataset order before signing it
iexec dataset push-secret # Push the secret in the Secret Management Service (sms)
iexec orderbook dataset <address> # check if you have valid sell orders for your dataset on the Marketplace
iexec dataset publish [address] --tag tee --app-restrict <address> # publish a datasetorder (restricted to specific app running in Trusted Execution Environment) on the Marketplace and get an orderHash
iexec order show --dataset [orderHash] # show your order on the Marketplace
iexec order cancel --dataset <orderHash> # cancel your order
First go through Init project
iexec workerpool count # check if you have already deployed workerpools
iexec workerpool init # reset workerpool fields in iexec.json
iexec workerpool deploy # deploy workerpool on Ethereum
iexec workerpool show # show details of deployed workerpool
iexec orderbook workerpool [address] --category <id> # check if you have valid sell orders for your workerpool on the Marketplace
iexec publish workerpool # publish a workerpoolorder on the Marketplace and get an orderHash
iexec order cancel --workerpool <orderHash> # cancel your order
iexec orderbook requester --category <id> # find a requestorder ask you want to fill in your category
iexec orderbook app <address> # find a compatible apporder
iexec orderbook dataset <address> # find a compatible datasetorder
iexec order init --workerpool # reset workerpoolorder fields in iexec.json
iexec order sign --workerpool # sign your workerpoolorder
iexec order fill --request <orderHash> --app <orderHash> --dataset <orderHash> # send the orders and get a dealid
iexec deal show <dealid> # show the detail of the deal you concludes
First go through Init project
iexec account show # show your iExec account
iexec account deposit 200 # deposit RLC from your wallet to your account
iexec account show # make sure you have enough staked RCL to buy computation
iexec app run [address] [--dataset [address] --args <args> --category <id>] # run an iExec application at market price
iexec app request-execution [address] [--dataset [address] --args <args> --category <id>] # publish a requestorder on the Marketplace and get an orderHash
iexec order show --app <orderHash> --deals # show your order on the Marketplace and check the deals
iexec deal show <dealid> # show your deal details, get the taskids
iexec task show <taskid> # show the status of your task
iexec task show <taskid> --watch # wait until the task is COMPLETED or FAILED
iexec task show <taskid> --download [fileName] # download the result of your COMPLETED task
iexec result generate-encryption-keypair # generate private/public RSA keypair for result encryption
iexec result push-encryption-key # share the public RSA key with the secret management service, all your results will be encrypted with this key
# Go through the normal buy process and download the result of the computation #
iexec result decrypt [encryptedResultsFilePath] # decrypt the result with the private RSA key
First go through Init project
iexec account deposit 200 # deposit RLC from your wallet to your account
iexec account show # make sure you have enough stake to join a workerpool
iexec account show # view your available stake
iexec account withdraw 1000 # withdraw RLC from your account to your wallet
- Help & Info
- Global options
- CLI commands
- CLI files and folders
iexec --version
iexec --help
iexec app --help
iexec orderbook --help
iexec info --chain viviani
--quiet # disable update notification
--raw # display the command result as a json (disable update notification)
--keystoredir <'global'|'local'|customPath> # specify the location of the keystoredir
--wallet-address <address> # specify which wallet to use in the keystore
--wallet-file <fileName> # specify which wallet to use in the keystore
--password <password> # specify the password for unlocking the wallet (not recommended)
--gas-price <amount> [unit] # use the specified value (in wei or specified unit) for next transactions gas price (default use eth_gasPrice current value)
--confirms <blockCount> # set custom block count to wait for transactions confirmation (default 1 block)
iexec init # create all files necessary to get started
iexec init --skip-wallet # skip the wallet creation step
# --chain <chainName>
# --to <address>
# --force
# --password <password>
iexec wallet create # create a new encrypted wallet
iexec wallet create --unencrypted # create unencrypted wallet.json (not recommended)
iexec wallet import <privateKey> # create an encrypted wallet from a privateKey
iexec wallet get-ETH # ask ETH from faucets
iexec wallet get-RLC # ask RLC from faucets
iexec wallet show [address] # optional address to show other people's wallet
iexec wallet show --show-private-key # allow displaying wallet private key
iexec wallet send-ether <amount> [unit] --to <address> # send ether amount (in ether or specified unit) to the specified eth address
iexec wallet send-RLC <amount> [unit] --to <address> # send RLC amount (in RLC or specified unit) to the specified eth address
iexec wallet sweep --to <address> # drain all ether and RLC, sending them to the specified eth address
iexec wallet bridge-to-sidechain <amount> [unit] # send RLC amount (in nRLC or specified unit) from a mainchain to the bridged sidechain.
iexec wallet bridge-to-mainchain <amount> [unit] # send RLC amount (in nRLC or specified unit) from a sidechain to the bridged mainchain.
iexec wallet swap-RLC-for-eRLC <amount> [unit] # swap RLC for the same amount of eRLC (default unit nRLC) - the wallet must be authorized to interact with eRLC.
iexec wallet swap-eRLC-for-RLC <amount> [unit] # swap eRLC for the same amount of RLC (default unit neRLC) - the wallet must be authorized to interact with eRLC.
The wallet files are stored in the Ethereum keystore. The keystore location depends on your OS:
- Linux : ~/.ethereum/keystore
- Mac: ~/Library/Ethereum/keystore
- Windows: ~/AppData/Roaming/Ethereum/keystore
# --chain <chainName>
# --force
iexec account show [address] # optional address to show other people's account
iexec account deposit <amount> [unit] # deposit the specified amount of RLC (in nRLC or specified unit) from your wallet to your account
iexec account withdraw <amount> [unit] # withdraw the specified amount of RLC (in nRLC or specified unit) from your account to your wallet
# --chain <chainName>
# --user <address>
iexec app init # init the app template
iexec app init --tee # init the TEE app template
iexec app deploy # deploy the app on the blockchain
iexec app publish [address] # publish an apporder to make your app publicly available on the marketplace (use options to manage access)
iexec app unpublish [address] # unpublish the last published apporder for specified app
iexec app unpublish [address] --all # unpublish all the published apporders for specified app
iexec app show [address|index] # show app details
iexec app count # count your total number of app
iexec app count --user <userAddress> # count user total number of app
iexec app run [appAddress] [options] # run an iExec application at market price (default run last deployed app)
--dataset <address|"deployed"> # dataset address, use "deployed" to use last deployed from "deployed.json"
--workerpool <address|"deployed"> # workerpool address, use "deployed" to use last deployed from "deployed.json"
--category <id> # id of the task category
--tag <tag...> # specify tags (usage: --tag tee,gpu)
--trust <integer> # trust level
--beneficiary <address> # specify the beneficiary of the request (default user address)
--callback <address> # specify the callback address of the request
--args <string> # specify the arguments to pass to the app
--input-files <fileUrl...> # specify the URL of input files to be used by the app (usage: --input-files,
--encrypt-result # encrypt the result archive with the beneficiary public key
--storage-provider <"ipfs"|"dropbox"> # specify the storage to use to store the result archive
--skip-request-check #Â skip request validity checks, this may result in task execution fail
--params <json> # specify the params of the request, this option is reserved to an advanced usage (usage: --params '{"iexec_args":"dostuff","iexec_input_files":[""]}')
--watch # watch execution status changes
iexec app request-execution <appAddress> [options] # request an iExec application execution at limit price
--dataset <address> # dataset address
--workerpool <address> # workerpool address
--app-price <amount unit...> # app price per task (default unit nRLC)
--dataset-price <amount unit...> # dataset price per task (default unit nRLC)
--workerpool-price <amount unit...> # workerpool price per task (default unit nRLC)
--category <id> # id of the task category
--tag <tag...> # specify tags (usage: --tag tee,gpu)
--trust <integer> # trust level
--beneficiary <address> # specify the beneficiary of the request (default user address)
--callback <address> # specify the callback address of the request
--args <string> # specify the arguments to pass to the app
--input-files <fileUrl...> # specify the URL of input files to be used by the app (usage: --input-files,
--encrypt-result # encrypt the result archive with the beneficiary public key
--storage-provider <"ipfs"|"dropbox"> # specify the storage to use to store the result archive
--skip-request-check #Â skip request validity checks, this may result in task execution fail
--params <json> # specify the params of the request, this option is reserved to an advanced usage (usage: --params '{"iexec_args":"dostuff","iexec_input_files":[""]}')
# --chain <chainName>
# --user <address>
iexec dataset init # init the dataset template
iexec dataset init --tee # init the dataset template and create the folders for dataset encryption
iexec dataset encrypt # for each dataset file in ./datasets/original/ generate a 256 bits key and encrypt the dataset using AES-256-CBC and compute the encrypted file's sha256 checksum
iexec dataset deploy # deploy the dataset on the blockchain
iexec dataset push-secret [datasetAddress] # push the key for the encrypted dataset
iexec dataset check-secret [datasetAddress] # check if a secret exists for the dataset
iexec dataset publish [datasetAddress] # publish an datasetorder to make your dataset publicly available on the marketplace (use options to manage access)
iexec dataset unpublish [datasetAddress] # unpublish the last published datasetorder for specified dataset
iexec dataset unpublish [datasetAddress] --all # unpublish all the published datasetorders for specified dataset
iexec dataset show [address|index] # show dataset details
iexec dataset count # count your total number of dataset
iexec dataset count --user <userAddress> # count user total number of dataset
# --chain <chainName>
# --user <address>
iexec workerpool init # init the workerpool template
iexec workerpool deploy # deploy the workerpool on the blockchain
iexec workerpool publish [workerpoolAddress] --price <amount> [unit] # publish an workerpoolorder to make your workerpool computing power publicly available on the marketplace
iexec workerpool unpublish [workerpoolAddress] # unpublish the last published workerpoolorder for specified workerpool
iexec workerpool unpublish [workerpoolAddress] --all # unpublish all the published workerpoolorders for specified workerpool
iexec workerpool show [address|index] # show workerpool details
iexec workerpool count # count your total number of workerpool
iexec workerpool count --user <userAddress> # count user total number of workerpool
# --chain <chainName>
# --force
iexec order init # init all kind of orders
iexec order init --app --dataset --workerpool --request # specify the kind of order to init
iexec order sign # sign all initialized orders
iexec order sign --app --dataset --workerpool --request # sign the specific initialized orders
iexec order publish --app --dataset --workerpool --request # publish the specific signed orders on iExec Marketplace
iexec order show --app [orderHash] --dataset [orderHash] --workerpool [orderHash] --request [orderHash] # show the specified published order from iExec Marketplace
iexec order show --request [orderHash] --deals # show the deals produced by an order
iexec order fill # fill a set of local signed orders (app + dataset + workerpool + request) and return a dealid
iexec order fill --app <orderHash> --dataset <orderHash> --workerpool <orderHash> --request <orderHash> # fill a set of signed orders from iExec Marketplace and return a dealid
iexec order fill --params <params> # fill a set of signed orders generate a request order with specified params on the fly (existing apporder is ignored)
iexec order cancel --app --dataset --workerpool --request # cancel a specific signed order
iexec order unpublish --app [orderHash] --dataset [orderHash] --workerpool [orderHash] --request [orderHash] # unpublish a specific published order from iExec Marketplace (unpublished orders are still valid in the PoCo, to invalidate them use cancel)
# --chain <chainName>
iexec orderbook requester --category <id> # show the best requestorders published on the Marketplace for the specified category
iexec orderbook requester [address] --category <id> # filters the result on requester
iexec orderbook workerpool --category <id> # show the best workerpools published on the Marketplace for the specified category
iexec orderbook workerpool [address] --category <id> # filters the result on workerpool
iexec orderbook workerpool --category <id> --require-tag <...tags> # show the best workerpools published on the Marketplace matchin the specified tags
iexec orderbook app <address> # show the best apporders published on the Marketplace for the specified app
iexec orderbook app <address> --dataset <address> --requester <address> --workerpool <address> # filter on specific dataset, requester, workerpool
iexec orderbook dataset <address> # show the best datasetorders published on the Marketplace for the specified dataset
iexec orderbook dataset <address> --app <address> --requester <address> --workerpool <address> # filter on specific app, requester, workerpool
# ---chain <chainName>
iexec deal show <dealid> # show a deal identified by dealid
iexec deal claim <dealid> # claim all failed tasks from a deal
# --chain <chainName>
iexec task show <taskid> # show task identified by taskid
iexec task show <taskid> --watch # wait for task to be COMPLETED or CLAIMED
iexec task show <taskid> --download [fileName] # download the result of a COMPLETED task
iexec task show <taskid> --download [fileName] --decrypt # download and decrypt the result of a COMPLETED task
iexec task claim <taskid> # claim a task requested by the user if the final deadline is reached and the task is still not COMPLETED
# --chain <chainName>
iexec result generate-encryption-keypair # generate a beneficiary keypair to encrypt and decrypt the results
iexec result push-encryption-key # push the encryption key for the beneficiary
iexec result push-encryption-key --force-update # push the encryption key for the beneficiary, update if exists
iexec result push-encryption-key --secret-file [secretPath] # specify a file path for reading the secret
iexec result decrypt [encryptedResultsPath] # decrypt encrypted results with beneficary key
iexec result check-encryption-key [userAddress] # check if a encryption key exists for the user
# --chain <chainName>
iexec storage init # initialize the IPFS based default remote storage
iexec storage init [provider] # initialize the specified remote storage (supported "default"|"dropbox")
iexec storage check [provider] # check if the specified remote storage is initialized
iexec storage check [provider] --user <address> # check if the remote storage of specified user is initialized
# --chain <chainName>
iexec category init # init the category template
iexec category create # create new category
iexec category show <index> # show category details by index
iexec category count # count total number of category
iexec registry validate <'app'|'dataset'|'workerpool'> # validate an object before submitting it to the iExec registry and be listed in the iExec stores
The iexec.json
file, located in every iExec project, describes the parameters used when creating a [app|dataset|category|workerpool], or when signing an order.
"app": {
"owner": "0xF048eF3d7E3B33A465E0599E641BB29421f7Df92",
"name": "VanityGen",
"type": "DOCKER",
"multiaddr": "",
"checksum": "0x762a451c05e0d8097b35d6376e748798b5dc6a13290439cf67d5202f7c6f695f"
"dataset": {
"owner": "0xF048eF3d7E3B33A465E0599E641BB29421f7Df92",
"name": "my-dataset",
"multiaddr": "/ipfs/QmW2WQi7j6c7UgJTarActp7tDNikE4B2qXtFCfLPdsgaTQ",
"checksum": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"workerpool": {
"owner": "0xF048eF3d7E3B33A465E0599E641BB29421f7Df92",
"description": "my workerpool"
"category": {
"name": "CAT1",
"description": "my category N°1",
"workClockTimeRef": 100
"order": {
"apporder": {
"app": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"appprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"requesterrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"datasetorder": {
"dataset": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"apprestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"requesterrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"workerpoolorder": {
"workerpool": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"category": "1",
"trust": "100",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"apprestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"requesterrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"requestorder": {
"app": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"appmaxprice": "0",
"dataset": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetmaxprice": "0",
"workerpool": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolmaxprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"category": "1",
"trust": "100",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"beneficiary": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"callback": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"params": "{ cmdline: '--help' }"
The chain.json
file, located in every iExec project, describes the parameters used when communicating with ethereum nodes and iExec Secret Management Services. They are ordered by chain name, accessible by using the --chain <chainName>
option for each command of the SDK.
set the default chain used by the SDK cli.chains
set the available chains- optional key
set the url of the ethereum node used by the SDK cli on each chain (overwrite default value). - optional key
set the address of the hub used by the SDK cli on each chain (overwrite default value). - optional key
set the url of the Secret Management Service used by the SDK cli on each chain (overwrite default value). - optional key
set the url of the Result Proxy used by the SDK cli on each chain (overwrite default value). - optional key
set the url of the IPFS gateway used by the SDK cli on each chain (overwrite default value). - optional key
set the bridge used by the SDK cli when working with bridged networks (sidechain).bridge.contract
set the address of the RLC bridge on the chain,bridge.bridgedChainName
set the reference to the bridged network. - optional key
set the enterprise swap contract used by the SDK cli when working with enterprise enabled networks.bridge.enterpriseSwapChainName
set the reference to the enterprise bound network. - optional key
specify whether or not the chain native token is RLC (overwrite default value: chain value orfalse
). - optional key
specify whether or not the chain requires to spend gas to send a transaction (overwrite default value: chain value ortrue
- optional key
- optional key
set the backends for public chains- optional key
set Alchemy API Token - optional key
set Etherscan API Token - optional key
set INFURA Project ID or ProjectID and Project Secret - optional key
set minimum number of backends that must agree before forwarding blockchain responses
- optional key
"default": "viviani",
"chains": {
"dev": {
"host": "http://localhost:8545",
"id": "65535",
"sms": "http://localhost:5000",
"resultProxy": "http://localhost:8089",
"ipfsGateway": "http://localhost:8080",
"flavour": "standard",
"hub": "0xC129e7917b7c7DeDfAa5Fff1FB18d5D7050fE8ca",
"bridge": {
"contract": "0x1e32aFA55854B6c015D284E3ccA9aA5a463A1418",
"bridgedChainName": "dev-sidechain"
"enterprise": {
"enterpriseSwapChainName": "dev-enterprise"
"dev-sidechain": {
"host": "http://localhost:18545",
"id": "123456",
"sms": "http://localhost:15000",
"resultProxy": "http://localhost:18089",
"ipfsGateway": "http://localhost:18080",
"native": true,
"useGas": false,
"flavour": "standard",
"hub": "0xC129e7917b7c7DeDfAa5Fff1FB18d5D7050fE8ca",
"bridge": {
"contract": "0x1e32aFA55854B6c015D284E3ccA9aA5a463A1418",
"bridgedChainName": "development"
"dev-enterprise": {
"host": "http://localhost:8545",
"id": "65535",
"sms": "http://localhost:5000",
"resultProxy": "http://localhost:8089",
"ipfsGateway": "http://localhost:8080",
"flavour": "enterprise",
"hub": "0xb80C02d24791fA92fA8983f15390274698A75D23",
"enterprise": {
"enterpriseSwapChainName": "dev"
"goerli": {},
"viviani": {},
"mainnet": {},
"bellecour": {},
"enterprise": {}
"providers": {
"alchemy": "ALCHEMY_API_KEY",
"etherscan": "ETHERSCAN_API_KEY",
"infura": {
"projectId": "INFURA_PROJECT_ID",
"projectSecret": "INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET"
"quorum": 1
The deployed.json
file, located in iExec project, locally stores your latest deployed resources address. These address are used when you run a command without specifying a resource address (exemple: iexec app show
will show the app in deployed.json
"app": {
"42": "0xa760FEfAd0a38D494890501120cB79f5EEAFeE28"
"workerpool": {
"42": "0xFb346A453C4D34AbA0038c274D1bd3C98099962c"
"dataset": {
"42": "0xB9c7647ECd48d795A9031d6fe8292C13E73372F7"
The orders.json
file, located in iExec project, locally stores your latest signed orders. This file is used when you publish an order on the Marketplace and when you fill orders without specified orders from the Marketplace.
"42": {
"apporder": {
"app": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"appprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"requesterrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"salt": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"sign": "0x"
"datasetorder": {
"dataset": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"apprestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"requesterrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"salt": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"sign": "0x"
"workerpoolorder": {
"workerpool": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"category": "1",
"trust": "100",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"apprestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"requesterrestrict": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"salt": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"sign": "0x"
"requestorder": {
"app": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"appmaxprice": "0",
"dataset": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"datasetmaxprice": "0",
"workerpool": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"workerpoolmaxprice": "0",
"volume": "1",
"category": "1",
"trust": "100",
"tag": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"beneficiary": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"callback": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"params": "--help",
"requester": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"salt": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"sign": "0x"
This folder is created when running iexec result generate-encryption-keypair
or ìexec dataset init --tee
and is intended to store credentials generated by the iexec SDK CLI.
This folder stores the keypair to use for result encryption and decryption.
A keypair is generated when running iexec result generate-encryption-keypair
Public keys name follow the pattern , this key is shared with the workers when running ìexec result push-encryption-key
Private keys name follow the pattern userAddress_key this should never be shared with third party, the private key is used by the SDK CLI to decrypt a result when running ìexec result decrypt
This folder stores the AES keys used for dataset encryption.
A key is generated for each dataset file when running iexec dataset encrypt
The key file is named after the dataset file name, last key generated is also stored in ./secrets/datasets/dataset.key
to be used as default secret to share with workers when running iexec dataset push-secret
This folder is created when running ìexec dataset init --tee
and is intended to store datasets files.
Paste your original dataset files in this folder and run iexec dataset encrypt
to encrypt them.
This folder stores the encrypted datasets files.
An encrypted dataset file is created for each dataset file when running iexec dataset encrypt
The encrypted dataset file is named after the dataset file name.
The encrypted dataset files must be upload on a public file system and referenced in multriaddr when running iexec dataset deploy
- Price feed DOracle: a decentralized price oracle for your favorite cryptos.
- Install the dependency in your JS project
- Instanciate the iExec SDK
- Use iexec sdk
- Utils
- Types
- Errors
Install iexec sdk
npm install iexec
new IExec ({ ethProvider: Web3SignerProvider, flavour: 'standard'|'enterprise'|undefined } [, options ]) => IExec
hubAddress: Address
specify the address of iExec hub smart contract to usesmsURL: URL
specify the Secret Management System to useresultProxyURL: URL
specify the result proxy to use for results remote storageipfsGatewayURL: URL
specify the IPFS gateway to useisNative: Boolean
true when the RLC is the chain native tokenuseGas: Boolean
false when the chain does NOT requires to spend gas to send a transactionconfirms: Number
confirmations block count to wait for each transaction (must be positive, default 1)bridgeAddress: Address
specify the bridge smart contract on current chain to transfert RLC to a bridged chainbridgedNetworkConf: { rpcURL: URL, chainId: String, hubAddress: Address, bridgeAddress: Address }
specify how to connect to the bridged chainenterpriseSwapConf: { hubAddress: Address }
specify enterprise flavour binding
import { IExec } from 'iexec';
const iexec = new IExec({
ethProvider: ethProvider, // an eth signer provider like MetaMask
Important: if the current network change, you must reinstanciate the iExec SDK (actual supported networks are '1' (ethereum mainnet), '5' (goerli testnet), '134' (iExec sidechain), '133' (iExec sidechain testnet)).
Important: ethProvider must implement eth_signTypedData_v3 (EIP712)
In the browser, you can get a signer provider from MetaMask plugin
In the server side, use utils.getSignerFromPrivateKey
const getIExec = async () => {
let ethProvider;
if (!window.ethereum)
// check existing web3 provider
throw Error('Need to install MetaMask');
ethProvider = window.ethereum;
try {
await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }); // prompt the use to grant the dapp access to the blockchain
} catch (error) {
throw Error('User denied access', error);
return new IExec({
ethProvider: ethProvider,
Click Custom RPC
in the MetaMask Networks dropdown and fill with the following values:
- Network Name: Bellecour (iExec sidechain)
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID (optional): 134
- Symbol (optional): xRLC
- Block Explorer URL (optional):
If you intend to use iExec SDK on a RLC native chain (ie: RLC is the native token), you must use isNative
NB: Default values are provided on well known native networks such iExec test sidechain 133
and iExec mainnet sidechain 134
import { IExec } from 'iexec';
const iexec = new IExec(
ethProvider: ethProvider, // an eth signer provider like MetaMask connected to
isNative: true, // iExec sidechain use RLC as native token
If you intend to bridge RLC from a chain to another (mainchain to sidechain or sidechain to mainchain), you must set bridgeAddress
and bridgedNetwork
import { IExec } from 'iexec';
const bridgeAddress = '0x...'; // Address of the RLC bridge smart contract on mainnet
const bridgedNetworkConf = {
chainId: '134', // id of the bridged chain (134 for iExec sidechain)
hubAddress: '0x...', // Address of theiExec hub smart contract on bridged chain
rpcURL: '', // url of a public node of bridged chain
bridgeAddress: '0x...'; // Address of the RLC bridge smart contract on bridged chain
const iexec = new IExec({
ethProvider: ethProvider, // an eth signer provider like MetaMask
}, {
- wallet: manage your wallet, send RLC...
- account: manage your account, deposit, withdraw...
- app: deploy a new app, show an existing one
- dataset: deploy a new dataset, show an existing one
- workerpool: deploy a new workerpool, show an existing one
- order: manage any type of order, make deals to start offchain computation
- orderbook: explore the iexec Marketplace
- deal: find your deals
- task: follow the computation, download results or claim failed executions
- result: manage the results encryption
- storage: manage the remote storage
- network: useful information about the chain
iexec.wallet.getAddress ( ) => Promise < Address >
get the user selected address
const userAddress = await iexec.wallet.getAddress();
console.log('User address:', userAddress);
iexec.wallet.checkBalances ( address: Address ) => Promise < { nRLC: BN, wei: BN } >
check the wallet balance of specified address
const balance = await iexec.wallet.checkBalances(ethAddress);
console.log('Nano RLC:', balance.nRLC.toString());
console.log('Eth wei:', balance.wei.toString());
iexec.wallet.sendRLC ( nRlcAmount: NRlcAmount, address: Address ) => Promise < TxHash >
send some nRLC (1 nRLC = 1*10^-9 RLC) to the specified address
const txHash = await iexec.wallet.sendRLC(nRlcAmount, toEthAddress);
console.log('Transaction hash:', txHash);
iexec.wallet.sendETH ( weiAmount: WeiAmount, address: Address ) => Promise < TxHash >
send some wei to the specified address
const txHash = await iexec.wallet.sendETH(weiAmount, toEthAddress);
console.log('Transaction hash:', txHash);
iexec.wallet.sweep ( address: Address ) => Promise < { sendNativeTxHash: TxHash, sendERC20TxHash: TxHash, errors }
send all the RLC ERC20 (if applicable) and the native token to the specified address
await sdk.wallet.sweep(toEthAddress);
iexec.wallet.bridgeToSidechain ( amount: NRlcAmount ) => Promise < { sendTxHash: TxHash [, receiveTxHash: TxHash ] }
send some nRLC (1 nRLC = 1*10^-9 RLC) to the sidechain. RLC is send to the mainchain bridge smart contract on mainchain then credited on sidechain by the sidechain bridge smart contract The optional
is required The optionalbridgedNetworkConf
is required to get thereceiveTxHash
confirmation from the sidechain, if not setreceiveTxHash
will beundefined
see Bridge configuration
const { sendTxHash, receiveTxHash } = await sdk.wallet.bridgeToSidechain(
`Sent RLC on mainchain (tx: ${sendTxHash}), wallet credited on sidechain (tx: ${receiveTxHash})`,
iexec.wallet.bridgeToMainchain ( amount: NRlcAmount ) => Promise < { sendTxHash: TxHash [, receiveTxHash: TxHash ] }
send some nRLC (1 nRLC = 1*10^-9 RLC) to the mainchain. RLC is send to the sidechain bridge smart contract on sidechain then credited on mainchain by the mainchain bridge smart contract The optional
is required The optionalbridgedNetworkConf
is required to get thereceiveTxHash
confirmation from the mainchain, if not setreceiveTxHash
will beundefined
see Bridge configuration
const { sendTxHash, receiveTxHash } = await sdk.wallet.bridgeToMainchain(
`Sent RLC on sidechain (tx: ${sendTxHash}), wallet credited on mainchain (tx: ${receiveTxHash})`,
iexec.wallet.wrapEnterpriseRLC ( amount: NRlcAmount ) => Promise < wrapTxHash: TxHash
wrap some nRLC (1 nRLC = 1*10^-9 RLC) into neRLC (enterprise nRLC). signer wallet must be authorized by the eRLC contract to perform wrap operation.
const txHash = await sdk.wallet.wrapEnterpriseRLC('1000000000');
console.log(`Wrapped 1000000000 nRLC into neRLC (tx: ${txHash})`);
iexec.wallet.unwrapEnterpriseRLC ( amount: NRlcAmount ) => Promise < wrapTxHash: TxHash
wrap some neRLC (1 neRLC = 1*10^-9 eRLC) into nRLC. signer wallet must be authorized by the eRLC contract to perform unwrap operation.
const txHash = await sdk.wallet.unwrapEnterpriseRLC('1000000000');
console.log(`Unwrapped 1000000000 neRLC into nRLC (tx: ${txHash})`);
iexec.account.checkBalance ( address: Address ) => Promise < { stake: BN, locked: BN } >
check the account balance of specified address (stake is availlable nRLC, locked is escowed nRLC)
const balance = await iexec.account.checkBalance(ethAddress);
console.log('Nano RLC staked:', balance.stake.toString());
console.log('Nano RLC locked:', balance.locked.toString());
iexec.account.deposit ( nRlcAmount: NRlcAmount ) => Promise < { amount: BN, txHash: TxHash } >
deposit some nRLC (1 nRLC = 1*10^-9 RLC) from user wallet to user account
const { amount, txHash } = await iexec.account.deposit('1000000000');
console.log('Deposited:', amount);
console.log('tx:', txHash);
iexec.account.withdraw ( nRlcAmount: NRlcAmount ) => Promise < { amount: BN, txHash: TxHash } >
withdraw some nRLC (1 nRLC = 1*10^-9 RLC) from user account to user wallet
const { amount, txHash } = await iexec.account.withdraw('1000000000');
console.log('Withdrawn:', amount);
console.log('tx:', txHash);
iexec.orderbook.fetchAppOrderbook ( address: Address, [, { dataset: Address, workerpool: Address, requester: Address, minTag: Tag, maxTag: Tag, minVolume: Int } ] ) => Promise < { count, orders: [ { order: SignedApporder, orderHash: Bytes32, status: String, remaining: } [, more: Function => Promise] ] } >
find the cheapest orders for the specified app
- dataset: include dataset specific orders
- workerpool: include workerpool specific orders
- requester: include requester specific orders
- minVolume: filter on minimum volume remaining
- minTag: filter on minimum tag required
- maxTag: filter on maximun tag accepted
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchAppOrderbook(
console.log('best order:', res.appOrders[0].order);
console.log('total orders:', res.count);
iexec.orderbook.fetchDatasetOrderbook ( address: Address [, { app: Address, workerpool: Address, requester: Address, minTag: Tag, maxTag: Tag, minVolume: Int } ] ) => Promise < { count, orders: [ { order: SignedDatasetorder, orderHash: Bytes32, status: String, remaining: } [, more: Function => Promise] ] } >
find the cheapest orders for the specified dataset
- app: include app specific orders
- workerpool: include workerpool specific orders
- requester: include requester specific orders
- minVolume: filter on minimum volume remaining
- minTag: filter on minimum tag required
- maxTag: filter on maximun tag accepted
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchDatasetOrderbook(
console.log('best order:', res.datasetOrders[0].order);
console.log('total orders:', res.count);
iexec.orderbook.fetchWorkerpoolOrderbook ( [ { workerpool: Address, workerpoolOwner: Address, category: Uint256, app: Address, dataset: Address, requester: Address, minTag: Tag, maxTag: Tag, minTrust: Int, minVolume: Int } ] ) => Promise < { count, orders: [ { order: SignedWorkerpoolorde, orderHash: Bytes32, status: String, remaining: } [, more: Function => Promise] ] } >
find the cheapest orders for computing resource.
- workerpool: filter on specific workerpool
- category: filter on specific category
- app: include app specific orders
- dataset: include dataset specific orders
- requester: include requester specific orders
- workerpoolOwner: filter on specific workerpool owner
- minTag: filter on minimum tag required
- maxTag: filter on maximum tag offered
- minTrust: filter on minimum trust required
- minVolume: filter on minimum volume remaining
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchWorkerpoolOrderbook();
console.log('best order:', res.workerpoolOrders[0].order);
console.log('total orders:', res.count);
iexec.orderbook.fetchRequestOrderbook ( [, { requester: Address, beneficiary: Address, category: Uint256, app: Address, dataset: Address, workerpool: Address, minTag: Tag, maxTag: Tag, maxTrust: Int, minVolume: Int } ] ) => Promise < { count, orders: [ { order: SignedRequestorde, orderHash: Bytes32, status: String, remaining: } [, more: Function => Promise] ] } >
find the best paying request orders for computing resource.
- requester: filter on specific requester
- category: filter on specific category
- app: include app specific orders
- workerpool: include workerpool specific orders
- requester: include requester specific orders
- beneficiary: filter on specific beneficiary
- minTag: filter on minimum tag required
- maxTag: filter on maximum tag accepted
- maxTrust: filter on maximum trust required
- minVolume: filter on minimum volume remaining
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchRequestOrderbook('1');
console.log('best order:', res.requestOrders[0].order);
console.log('total orders:', res.count);
iexec.orderbook.fetchApporder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { order: SignedApporder, status, remaining } >
find a published apporder by orderHash
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchApporder(
console.log('order:', res.order);
console.log('status:', res.status);
console.log('remaining:', res.remaining);
iexec.orderbook.fetchDatasetorder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { order: SignedDatasetorder, status, remaining } >
find a published datasetorder by orderHash
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchDatasetorder(
console.log('order:', res.order);
console.log('status:', res.status);
console.log('remaining:', res.remaining);
iexec.orderbook.fetchWorkerpoolorder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { order: SignedWorkerpoolorder, status, remaining } >
find a published workerpoolorder by orderHash
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchWorkerpoolorder(
console.log('order:', res.order);
console.log('status:', res.status);
console.log('remaining:', res.remaining);
iexec.orderbook.fetchRequestorder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { order: SignedRequestorder, status, remaining } >
find a published requestorder by orderHash
const res = await iexec.orderbook.fetchRequestorder(orderHash);
console.log('order:', res.order);
console.log('status:', res.status);
console.log('remaining:', res.remaining);
iexec.order.createApporder ( { app: Address [, appprice: NRlcAmount, volume: Uint256, tag: Bytes32, datasetrestrict: Address, workerpoolrestrict: Address, requesterrestrict: Address ] } ) => Promise < Apporder >
create an apporder with specified params
mandatory values:
: address of the appoptional values:
: resource price per task, default 0 RLC"0"
: number of tasks to execute, default"1"
: required tags, default no tag required[]
: restrict usage to specific dataset address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
: restrict usage to specific workerpool address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
: restrict usage to specific requester address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
const apporderToSign = await iexec.order.createApporder({
app: '0xdBDF1FE51fd3AF9aD94fb63824EbD977518d64b3',
appprice: '1000000000',
volume: '1000',
iexec.order.signApporder ( apporderToSign: Apporder ) => Promise < SignedApporder >
sign an apporder to produce a SignedApporder valid for the PoCo.
const signedApporder = await iexec.order.signApporder(apporderToSign);
iexec.order.hashApporder ( signedorder: SignerdApporder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
return the hash of the order
const hash = await iexec.order.hashApporder(apporder);
iexec.order.createDatasetorder ( { dataset: Address [, datasetprice: NRlcAmount, volume: Uint256, tag: Bytes32, apprestrict: Address, workerpoolrestrict: Address, requesterrestrict: Address ] } ) => Promise < Datasetorder >
create a datasetorder with specified params
mandatory values:
: address of the datasetoptional values:
: resource price per task, default 0 RLC"0"
: number of tasks to execute, default"1"
: required tags, default no tag required[]
: restrict usage to specific app address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
: restrict usage to specific workerpool address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
: restrict usage to specific requester address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
const datasetorderToSign = await iexec.order.createDatasetorder({
dataset: '0xf6b2bA0793C225c28a6E7753f6f67a3C68750bF1',
datasetprice: '1000000000',
volume: '1000',
iexec.order.signDatasetorder ( datasetorderToSign: Datasetorder ) => Promise < SignedDatasetorder >
sign a datasetorder to produce a SignedDatasetorder valid for the PoCo.
const signedDatasetorder = await iexec.order.signDatasetorder(
iexec.order.hashDatasetorder ( signedorder: SignerdDatasetorder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
return the hash of the order
const hash = await iexec.order.hashDatasetorder(datasetorder);
iexec.order.createWorkerpoolorder ( { workerpool: Address, category: Uint256 [, workerpoolprice: NRlcAmount, volume: Uint256, trust: Uint256, tag: Bytes32, apprestrict: Address, datasetrestrict: Address, requesterrestrict: Address ] } ) => Promise < Workerpoolorder >
create a workerpoolorder with specified params
mandatory values:
: address of the workerpoolcategory
: id of the selected computation categoryoptional values:
: resource price per task, default 0 RLC"0"
: number of tasks to execute, default"1"
: available tags, default no tag[]
: available trust, default minimum trust"0"
: restrict usage to specific app address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
: restrict usage to specific dataset address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
: restrict usage to specific requester address, default no restrictNULL_ADDRESS
const workerpoolorderToSign = await iexec.order.createWorkerpoolorder({
workerpool: '0xD34b0356D3A80De34d4fd71eF51346E468fe8cC2',
workerpoolprice: '1000000000',
category: '2',
volume: '1',
iexec.order.signWorkerpoolorder ( workerpoolorderToSign: Workerpoolorder ) => Promise < SignedWorkerpoolorder >
sign a workerpoolorder to produce a SignedWorkerpoolorder valid for the PoCo.
const signedWorkerpoolorder = await iexec.order.signWorkerpoolorder(
iexec.order.hashWorkerpoolorder ( signedorder: SignerdWorkerpoolorder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
return the hash of the order
const hash = await iexec.order.hashWorkerpoolorder(workerpoolorder);
iexec.order.createRequestorder ( { app: Address, category: Uint256 [, appmaxprice: NRlcAmount, workerpoolmaxprice: NRlcAmount, requester: Address, volume: Uint256, workerpool: Address, dataset: Address, datasetmaxprice: NRlcAmount, beneficiary: Address, params: Object, callback: Address, trust: Uint256, tag: Bytes32 ] } ) => Promise < Requestorder >
create a requestorder with specified params
mandatory values:
: address of the app to runcategory
: id of the selected computation categoryoptional values:
: object, map of execution params:
: string arguments to pass to the applicationiexec_input_files
: array of url of input files for the application, default[]
: selected storage provider"ipfs"|"dropbox"
, default"ipfs"
: boolean should encrypt the result defaultfalse
: address of the dataset to use, default no datasetNULL_ADDRESS
: allow only specific workerpool, default all workerpools allowedNULL_ADDRESS
: max amount of nRLC allowed to spend per task from requester account to pay for the app, default 0 RLC"0"
: max amount of nRLC allowed to spend per task from requester account to pay for the workerpool, default 0 RLC"0"
: max amount of nRLC allowed to spend per task from requester account to pay for the dataset, default 0 RLC"0"
: number of tasks to execute, default"1"
: address paying for the computation, default current wallet addressbeneficiary
: address allowed to get the results, defaultrequester
or current wallet addresscallback
: smart contract to call after each task execution, default no callbackNULL_ADDRESS
: required tags, default no tag required[]
: minimum trust level to reach in the PoCo, default minimum trust"0"
const requestorderToSign = await iexec.order.createRequestorder({
app: '0xdBDF1FE51fd3AF9aD94fb63824EbD977518d64b3',
appmaxprice: '0',
workerpoolmaxprice: '1000000000',
category: '2',
volume: '1',
params: 'ETH USD 9 2019-09-03T08:37:00.000Z',
iexec.order.signRequestorder ( requestorderToSign: Requestorder [, options: Object ] ) => Promise < SignedRequestorder >
sign a requestorder to produce a SignedRequestorder valid for the PoCo.
: boolean, defaulttrue
. Perform advanced checks on request and throw if request inconsistency is found (this may prevent creating always failing task).
const SignedRequestorder = await iexec.order.signRequestorder(
iexec.order.hashRequestorder ( signedorder: SignerdRequestorder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
return the hash of the order
const hash = await iexec.order.hashRequestorder(requestorder);
iexec.order.publishApporder ( order: SignedApporder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
publish a SignedApporder on the offchain marketplace, the order will be available for other users
const orderHash = await iexec.order.publishApporder(signedApporder);
console.log('order published with orderHash:', orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublishApporder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish a SignedApporder from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishApporder(orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublishApporder ( appAddress: Address ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish the last pulished SignedApporder for specified app signed by the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishLastApporder(appAddess);
iexec.order.unpublishAllApporders ( appAddress: Address ) => Promise < [ ...orderHash: Bytes32 ] >
unpublish all SignedApporder for specified app signed by the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrders = await iexec.order.unpublishAllApporders(appAddess);
iexec.order.cancelApporder ( order: SignedApporder ) => Promise < { order: SignedApporder, txHash; TxHash } >
cancel a SignedApporder on the blockchain.
await iexec.order.cancelApporder(signedApporder);
iexec.order.publishDatasetorder ( order: SignedDatasetorder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
publish a SignedDatasetorder on the offchain marketplace, the order will be available for other users
const orderHash = await iexec.order.publishDatasetorder(signedDatasetorder);
console.log('order published with orderHash:', orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublishDatasetorder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish a SignedDatasetorder from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishDatasetorder(orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublishDatasetorder ( datasetAddress: Address ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish the last pulished SignedDatasetorder for specified dataset signed by the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishLastDatasetorder(
iexec.order.unpublishAllDatasetorders ( datasetAddress: Address ) => Promise < [ ...orderHash: Bytes32 ] >
unpublish all SignedDatasetorder for specified dataset signed by the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrders = await iexec.order.unpublishAllDatasetorders(
iexec.order.cancelDatasetorder ( order: SignedDatasetorder ) => Promise < { order: SignedDatasetorder, txHash; TxHash } >
cancel a SignedDatasetorder on the blockchain.
await iexec.order.cancelDatasetorder(signedDatasetorder);
iexec.order.publishWorkerpoolorder ( order: SignedWorkerpoolorder ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
publish a SignedWorkerpoolorder on the offchain marketplace, the order will be available for other users
const orderHash = await iexec.order.publishWorkerpoolorder(
console.log('order published with orderHash:', orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublisWorkerpoolorder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish a SignedWorkerpoolorder from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublisWorkerpoolorder(
iexec.order.unpublishWorkerpoolorder ( workerpoolAddress: Address ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish the last pulished SignedWorkerpoolorder for specified workerpool signed by the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishLastWorkerpoolorder(
iexec.order.unpublishAllWorkerpoolorders ( workerpoolAddress: Address ) => Promise < [ ...orderHash: Bytes32 ] >
unpublish all SignedWorkerpoolorder for specified workerpool signed by the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrders = await iexec.order.unpublishAllWorkerpoolorders(
iexec.order.cancelWorkerpoolorder ( order: SignedWorkerpoolorder ) => Promise < { order: SignedWorkerpoolorder, txHash; TxHash } >
cancel a SignedWorkerpoolorder on the blockchain.
await iexec.order.cancelWorkerpoolorder(signedWorkerpoolorder);
iexec.order.publishRequestorder ( order: SignedRequestorder [, options: Object ] ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
publish a SignedRequestorder on the offchain marketplace, the order will be available for other users
: boolean, defaulttrue
. Perform advanced checks on request and throw if request inconsistency is found (this may prevent creating always failing task).
const orderHash = await iexec.order.publishRequestorder(signedRequestorder);
console.log('order published with orderHash:', orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublishRequestorder ( orderHash: Bytes32 ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish a SignedRequestorder of the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishRequestorder(orderHash);
iexec.order.unpublishRequestorder ( ) => Promise < orderHash: Bytes32 >
unpublish the last pulished SignedRequestorder of the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrderHash = await iexec.order.unpublishLastRequestorder();
iexec.order.unpublishAllRequestorders ( ) => Promise < [ ...orderHash: Bytes32 ] >
unpublish all SignedRequestorder of the user from the offchain marketplace, the order still valid but no longer displayed for other users (to invalidate an order on the blockchain, use cancel).
const unpublishedOrders = await iexec.order.unpublishAllRequestorders();
iexec.order.cancelRequestorder ( order: SignedRequestorder ) => Promise < { order: SignedRequestorder, txHash; TxHash } >
cancel a SignedRequestorder on the blockchain.
await iexec.order.cancelRequestorder(signedRequestorder);
iexec.order.matchOrders ( { apporder: SignedApporder, workerpoolorder: SignedWorkerpoolorder, requestorder: SignedRequestorder [, datasetorder: SignedDatasetorder ]} [, options: Object ] ) => Promise < { dealid: Bytes32, volume: BN, txHash: TxHash } >
make a deal on-chain with compatible orders and trigger off-chain computation.
: boolean, defaulttrue
. Perform advanced checks on request and throw if request inconsistency is found (this may prevent creating always failing task).
const res = await iexec.order.matchOrders({
console.log('deal:', res.dealid); ( dealid: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { app : { pointer: Address, owner: Address, price: BN }, dataset : { pointer: Address, owner: Address, price: BN }, workerpool : { pointer: Address, owner: Address, price: BN }, trust: BN, category: BN, tag: Tag, requester: Address, beneficiary: Address, callback: Address, params: String, startTime: BN, deadlineReached: Boolean, botFirst: BN, botSize: BN, workerStake: BN, schedulerRewardRatio: BN, tasks: { ...[ {[idx]: taskid] }] } >
show the details of a deal.
const deal = await
console.log('deal:', deal); ( dealid: Bytes32 ) => Observable < { subscribe: Function({ next: Function({ message: String, tasksCount: Int, completedTasksCount: Int, failedTasksCount: Int, deal: Deal, tasks: { ...[ {[idx]: task ] }] } }), error: Function(Error), complete: Function() }) } >
return an observable with subscribe method to monitor the deal status changes.
- next is called with initial status and after every task status update
- error is called once on error and stops the updates
- complete is called once on task completion or timeout/fail
: deal status changed (task updated)DEAL_COMPLETED
: all tasks are completedDEAL_TIMEDOUT
: deal timed out before all tasks completion
const dealObservable =
const unsubscribe = dealObservable.subscribe({
next: (data) =>
`completed tasks ${data.completedTasksCount}/${data.tasksCount}`,
error: (e) => console.error(e),
complete: () => console.log('final state reached'),
// call unsubscribe() to unsubscribe from dealObservable ( dealid: Bytes32, taskIdx: Uint256 ) => Promise < taskid: Bytes32 >
compute the taskid of the task with index taskIdx of specified deal.
const taskid = await
console.log('taskid:', taskid); ( requesterAddress: Address, [ { appAddress: Address, datasetAddress: Address, workerpoolAddress: Address } ] ) => Promise < { count, deals: [ ...Deals ]} >
show the last deals of the specified requester.
Optional: filter by appAddress, datasetAddress, workerpoolAddress.
const res = await
await iexec.wallet.getAddress(),
console.log('deals count:', res.count);
console.log('last deal:',[0]); ( dealid: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { claimed : { ...[ {[idx]: taskid] }] }, transactions: [ { txHash: TxHash, type: String } ] } >
claim all the failed task from a deal. Depending the number and the status of task to claim, this may involve several transactions in order to fit in the blockchain gasLimit per block. (mainnet actual gas limit is 10000000, this allows to claim 180 initialized task or 40 non-initialized tasks in one block)
const { claimed, transactions } = await
Object.entries(claimed).forEach((e) => {
console.log(`claimed task: idx ${e[0]} taskid ${e[1]}`);
transactions.forEach((e) => {
console.log(`transaction ${e.type} hash ${e.txHash}`);
}); ( taskid: Bytes32 ) => Promise < { status: Number(0|1|2|3|4), dealid: Bytes32, idx: BN, timeref: BN, contributionDeadline: BN, revealDeadline: BN, finalDeadline: BN, consensusValue: Bytes32, revealCounter: BN, winnerCounter: BN, contributors: [...Address], resultDigest: Bytes32, results: { storage: String('none'|StorageProviderName) [, location: String ]}, statusName: String('UNSET'|'ACTIVE'|'REVEALING'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT'), taskTimedOut: Boolean } >
show the details of a task.
const task = await
console.log('task:', task);
iexec.task.claim ( taskid: Bytes32 ) => Promise < TxHash >
claim a task not completed after the final deadline (refund RLC for the requester and the workers).
await iexec.task.claim(
iexec.task.fetchResults ( taskid: Bytes32 ) => Promise < fetchResponse: Response >
download the specified task result. only supported for IPFS stored results
const res = await iexec.task.fetchResults(
const binary = await res.blob();
iexec.task.obsTask ( taskid: Bytes32 [, { dealid: Bytes32 }] ) => Observable < { subscribe: Function({ next: Function({ message: String, task: Task }), error: Function(Error), complete: Function() }) } >
return an observable with subscribe method to monitor the task status changes.
is called with initial status and after every status updateerror
is called once on error and stops the updatescomplete
is called once on task completion or timeout/failOptional: specify the dealid of the task, this prevent error to be called when task is not yet initialized (ACTIVE)
: task status changedTASK_COMPLETED
: task is completedTASK_TIMEDOUT
: task timed outTASK_FAILED
: task was claimed after timeout
// log task updtates
const taskObservable = iexec.task.obsTask(
const unsubscribe = taskObservable.subscribe({
next: ({ message, task }) => console.log(message, task.statusName),
error: (e) => console.error(e),
complete: () => console.log('final state reached'),
// call unsubscribe() to unsubscribe from taskObservable
// wait for task completion
const waitFinalState = (taskid, dealid) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let taskState;
iexec.task.obsTask(taskid, { dealid }).subscribe({
next ({task}) => taskState = task,
error: e => reject(e),
complete: () => resolve(taskState),
const task = await waitFinalState(
); ( appAddress: Address ) => Promise < { objAddress: Address, app: { appName, appMultiaddr, appChecksum, owner, appMREnclave, appType } } >
show the details of an app.
const { app } = await
console.log('app:', app); ( app: App ) => Promise < { address: Address, txHash: TxHash } >
deploy an app on the blockchain.
const { address } = await{
owner: await iexec.wallet.getAddress(),
name: 'My app',
type: 'DOCKER',
multiaddr: '',
console.log('deployed at', address);
iexec.dataset.showDataset ( datasetAddress: Address ) => Promise < { objAddress: Address, dataset: { datasetName, datasetMultiaddr, datasetChecksum, owner } } >
show the details of a dataset.
const { dataset } = await iexec.dataset.showDataset(
console.log('dataset:', dataset);
iexec.dataset.generateEncryptionKey () => String
generate an encryption key to encrypt a dataset
NB: This method returns a base64 encoded 256 bits key
const encryptionKey = iexec.dataset.generateEncryptionKey();
console.log('encryption key:', encryptionKey);
iexec.dataset.encrypt (datasetFile: ArrayBuffer|Buffer, key: String ) => Promise < encryptedDataset: Buffer >
encrypt the dataset file with the specified key using AES-256-CBC
- the supplied key must be 256 bits base64 encoded
- DO NOT leak the key and DO NOT use the same key for encrypting different datasets
const datasetFile = await readDatasetAsArrayBuffer(); // somehow load the dataset file
const encryptionKey = iexec.dataset.generateEncryptionKey(); // DO NOT leak this key
const encryptedDataset = await iexec.dataset.encrypt(
const binary = new Blob([encryptedDataset]); // the encrypted binary can be shared
iexec.dataset.computeEncryptedFileChecksum (encryptedDatasetFile: ArrayBuffer|Buffer ) => Promise < checksum: Bytes32 >
compute the encrypted dataset file's checksum required for dataset deployment
⚠️ the dataset checksum is the encrypted file checksum, use this method on the encrypted file but DO NOT use it on the original dataset fileNB:
- the dataset checksum is the sha256sum of the encrypted dataset file
- the checksum is used in the computation workflow to ensure the dataset's integrity
const encryptedDataset = await iexec.dataset.encrypt(
const checksum = await iexec.dataset.computeEncryptedFileChecksum(
iexec.dataset.deployDataset ( dataset: Dataset ) => Promise < { address: Address, txHash: TxHash } >
deploy a dataset on the blockchain.
const { address } = await iexec.dataset.deployDataset({
owner: await iexec.wallet.getAddress(),
name: 'My dataset',
multiaddr: '/ipfs/QmW2WQi7j6c7UgJTarActp7tDNikE4B2qXtFCfLPdsgaTQ',
console.log('deployed at', address);
iexec.dataset.pushDatasetSecret ( datasetAddress: Address, secret: String ) => Promise < success: Boolean >
push the dataset's key to the SMS :warning: pushed secrets CAN NOT be updated
const pushed = await iexec.dataset.pushDatasetSecret(
console.log('secret pushed:', pushed);
iexec.dataset.checkDatasetSecretExists ( datasetAddress: Address ) => Promise < secretExists: Boolean >
check if a the dataset secret exists in the SMS
const isSecretSet = await iexec.dataset.checkDatasetSecretExists(
console.log('secret exists:', isSecretSet);
iexec.workerpool.showWorkerpool ( workerpoolAddress: Address ) => Promise < { objAddress: Address, workerpool: { workerpoolDescription, owner } } >
show the details of a workerpool.
const { workerpool } = await iexec.workerpool.showWorkerpool(
console.log('workerpool:', workerpool);
iexec.workerpool.deployWorkerpool ( workerpool: Workerpool ) => Promise < { address: Address, txHash: TxHash } >
deploy a workerpool on the blockchain.
const { address } = await iexec.workerpool.deployWorkerpool({
owner: await iexec.wallet.getAddress(),
description: 'My workerpool',
console.log('deployed at', address);
iexec.result.pushResultEncryptionKey ( rsaPublicKey: String [, options ]) => Promise < { isPushed: Boolean, isUpdated: Boolean } >
push an encryption public key to the SMS, this allow results encryption options:
forceUpdate: Boolean
update if exists
const { isPushed } = await iexec.result.pushResultEncryptionKey(
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----',
console.log('encryption key pushed:', isPushed);
iexec.result.checkResultEncryptionKeyExists ( userAddress: Address ) => Promise < encryptionKeyExists: Boolean >
check if an encryption key exists in the SMS
const isMyKeySet = await iexec.result.checkResultEncryptionKeyExists(
await iexec.wallet.getAddress(),
console.log('encryption key set:', isMyKeySet); () => Promise < token: String >
get an authorization token from the default IPFS based remote storage. Share this token through the SMS to allows the worker to push your tasks results to the default remote storage. ( token: String [, options ]) => Promise < { isPushed: Boolean, isUpdated: Boolean } >
push a storage provider authorization token to the SMS, this allow results storage
provider: String
specify storage provider (supported:"default", "dropbox"
, )forceUpdate: Boolean
update if exists
const defaultStorageToken = await;
const { isPushed } = await;
console.log('default storage initialized:', isPushed); ( userAddress: Address [, options ] ) => Promise < storageInitialized: Boolean >
check if storage credential exists in the SMS
: string, storage provider name, default"ipfs"
. supported"ipfs"
const isIpfsStorageInitialized = await
await iexec.wallet.getAddress(),
console.log('ipfs storage initialized:', isIpfsStorageInitialized); => Promise< { chainId: String, isSidechain: Boolean } >
get information about the connected network
const { chainId, isSidechain } = await;
console.log('current chain', chainId, '(sidechain:', isSidechain, ')');
provides some utility functions for iExec.
is instance of bn.js
it allows big numbers manipulation in js (see bn.js).
new utils.BN(1);
Constant: the address 0 represention
Constant: an empty bytes32 represention
utils.parseEth (value: String|Number|BN [, defaultUnit: String]) => weiValue: BN
parse an ether amount and return the value in wei supported units: 'wei', 'kwei', 'mwei', 'gwei', 'szabo', 'finney', 'ether' (or 'eth') default unit 'wei'
console.log('5 gwei = ' + utils.parseEth('5 gwei') + 'wei');
utils.formatEth (weiAmount: BN|Number|String) => etherAmount: String
return the display value of a wei amount in ether
'500000000 wei = ' + utils.formatEth('500000000')) + 'ether',
utils.parseRLC (value: String|Number|BN [, defaultUnit: String]) => nRlcValue: BN
parse a RLC amount and return the value in nRLC supported units: 'nRLC', 'RLC' default unit 'nRLC'
console.log('5 RLC = ' + utils.parseEth('5 RLC') + 'nRLC');
utils.formatRLC (nRlcAmount: BN|Number|String) => RlcAmount: String
return the display value of a nRLC amount in RLC
console.log('500000000 nRLC = ' + utils.formatRLC('500000000') + 'RLC');
utils.encodeTag ([...tag: String]) => tag: Bytes32
encode human readable tag array to the blockchain format Bytes32
console.log(utils.encodeTag(['tee', 'gpu']));
utils.decodeTag (tag: Bytes32) => [...tag: String]
decode Bytes32 tag to human readable tag array
utils.sumTags ([...tag: Bytes32]) => tag: Bytes32
sum Bytes32 tag array (allow to compute workerpool minimum required tag)
const appTag =
const datasetTag =
const requestTag =
const workerpoolMinTag = utils.sumTags([appTag, datasetTag, requestTag]);
console.log('workerpoolMinTag', workerpoolMinTag);
utils.decryptResult ( encryptedZipFile: ArrayBuffer|Buffer, beneficiaryKey: String|Buffer) => Promise < decryptedZipFile: Buffer >
decrypt en encrypted result with the beneficiary RSA Key.
const beneficaryKey = await loadBeneficiaryKey(); // somehow load the beneficiary RSA private key
const response = await iexec.task.fetchResults(
const encFileBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
const decryptedFileBuffer = await utils.decryptResult(
const binary = new Blob([decryptedFileBuffer]);
utils.getSignerFromPrivateKey ( host: 'goerli'|'mainnet'|Url, privateKey: PrivateKey [, options ] ) => SignerProvider
Returns a web3 SignerProvider compliant with
. Use this only for server side implementation.options:
providers: Object
specify the option for provider backend when connected to public blockchain (host: 'goerli'|'mainnet'
).gasPrice: Uint256
specify the gasPrice to use for transactionsgetTransactionCount: function(address, block) => Promise < nonce: HexString >
specify the function to be called to get the nonce of an account.block
may be an integer number, or the string"latest"
const { IExec, utils } = require('iexec');
const ethProvider = utils.getSignerFromPrivateKey(
const iexec = new IExec({
is instance of bn.js
it allows big numbers manipulation in js (see bn.js).
constructor can be imported from iexec:
import { utils } from 'iexec';
const { BN } = utils;
is a "0x" prefixed checksummed ethereum address. Any valid ethereum address can be used as argument of methods requiring Address
(ENS is not supported).
is a "0x" prefixed hexadecimal string representation of 32 bytes.
is an ethereum transaction hash.
is a decimal string representation of a 256 bit unsigned integer.
- Number
- String
- BN
is a decimal string representation of a wei amount (wei is the smallest sub-division of ether: 1 ether = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei).
- Number
- String with optional unit (ex:
,'0.01 ether'
)- accepted units:
- default unit:
- accepted units:
- BN
is a decimal string representation of a nRLC (nano RLC) amount (nRLC is the smallest sub-division of RLC: 1 RLC = 1,000,000,000 RLC).
- Number
- String with optional unit (ex:
,'1000000 nRLC'
,'0.01 RLC'
)- accepted units:
- default unit:
- accepted units:
- BN
is task tag representation. A Tag is the encoding of 256 flags under a bytes32.
- Bytes32 encoded tag (ex:
) - Array of tags (ex:
is resource address representation multiaddr.
- url as string
- multiaddr string representation
- multiaddr buffer
is an object representation of an app.
owner: Address,
name: String,
type: String, // only "DOCKER" is supported
multiaddr: Multiaddress, // app image address
checksum: Bytes32, // app image digest
mrenclave: ?{ // optional for TEE apps only, specify the TEE protocol to use
provider: String, // only "SCONE" is supported
version: String, // provider's protocol version
entrypoint: String, // app entrypoint path
heapSize: Number, // dedicated memory in bytes
fingerprint: String // app tee fingerprint
is an object representation of a dataset.
owner: Address,
name: String,
multiaddr: Multiaddress, // dataset file download address
checksum: Bytes32 // sha256sum of the file
is an object representation of a workerpool.
owner: Address,
description: String
is an object representation of a category.
name: String,
description: String,
workClockTimeRef: Uint256
is an object representation of an apporder not signed.
app: Address,
appprice: NRlcAmount, // price to pay per task
volume: Uint256, // number of uses
tag: Bytes32, // required encoded tags
datasetrestrict: Address, // allowed dataset default any
workerpoolrestrict: Address, // allowed workerpool default any
requesterrestrict: Address // allowed requester default any
is an object representation of a signed apporder.
app: Address,
appprice: NRlcAmount, // price to pay per task
volume: Uint256, // number of uses
tag: Bytes32, // required encoded tags
datasetrestrict: Address, // allowed dataset default any
workerpoolrestrict: Address, // allowed workerpool default any
requesterrestrict: Address // allowed requester default any
salt: Bytes32, // random salt
sign: HexString // owner sign
is an object representation of a datasetorder not signed.
dataset: Address,
datasetprice: NRlcAmount, // price to pay per task
volume: Uint256, // number of uses
tag: Bytes32, // required encoded tags
apprestrict: Address, // allowed app default any
workerpoolrestrict: Address, // allowed workerpool default any
requesterrestrict: Address // allowed requester default any
is an object representation of a signed datasetorder.
dataset: Address,
datasetprice: NRlcAmount, // price to pay per task
volume: Uint256, // number of uses
tag: Bytes32, // required encoded tags
apprestrict: Address, // allowed app default any
workerpoolrestrict: Address, // allowed workerpool default any
requesterrestrict: Address // allowed requester default any
salt: Bytes32, // random salt
sign: HexString // owner sign
is an object representation of a workerpoolorder not signed.
workerpool: Address,
workerpoolprice: NRlcAmount,// price to pay per task
volume: Uint256, // number of uses
tag: Bytes32, // available encoded tags
category: Uint256, // execution category id
trust: Uint256, // offered execution trust level
apprestrict: Address, // allowed app default any
datasetrestrict: Address, // allowed dataset default any
requesterrestrict: Address // allowed requester default any
is an object representation of a signed workerpoolorder.
workerpool: Address,
workerpoolprice: NRlcAmount,// price to pay per task
volume: Uint256, // number of uses
tag: Bytes32, // available encoded tags
category: Uint256, // execution category id
trust: Uint256, // offered execution trust level
apprestrict: Address, // allowed app default any
datasetrestrict: Address, // allowed dataset default any
requesterrestrict: Address // allowed requester default any
salt: Bytes32, // random salt
sign: HexString // owner sign
is an object representation of a requestorder not signed.
app: Address, // app to use
appmaxprice: NRlcAmount, // max price to pay per task for the app
dataset: Address, // dataset to use default none
datasetmaxprice: NRlcAmount, // max price to pay per task for the app
workerpool: Address, // workerpool to use default any
workerpoolprice: NRlcAmount, // max price to pay per task for the app
requester: Address, // paying address
volume: Uint256, // number of task to execute
tag: Bytes32, // required encoded tags
category: Uint256, // execution category id
trust: Uint256, // required execution trust level
beneficary: Address, // execution beneficiary default requester
callback: Address, // smart contract to call on task COMPLETED
params: {
iexec_args: String, // args to pass to the app
iexec_input_files: String[], // array of url to use as input files
iexec_result_encryption: Boolean, // must encrypt the result with beneficary key default false
iexec_result_storage_provider: String, // storage provider ('ipfs' | 'dropbox') defaut 'ipfs'
iexec_result_storage_proxy: String, // url of storage-proxy to use (defaut to iExec's storage proxy)
iexec_developer_logger: Boolean, // enable app logging default false
is an object representation of a signed requestorder.
app: Address, // app to use
appmaxprice: NRlcAmount, // max price to pay per task for the app
dataset: Address, // dataset to use default none
datasetmaxprice: NRlcAmount, // max price to pay per task for the app
workerpool: Address, // workerpool to use default any
workerpoolprice: NRlcAmount, // max price to pay per task for the app
requester: Address, // paying address
volume: Uint256, // number of task to execute
tag: Bytes32, // required encoded tags
category: Uint256, // execution category id
trust: Uint256, // required execution trust level
beneficary: Address, // execution beneficiary default requester
callback: Address, // smart contract to call on task COMPLETED
params: {
iexec_args: String, // args to pass to the app
iexec_input_files: String[], // array of url to use as input files
iexec_result_encryption: Boolean, // must encrypt the result with beneficary key default false
iexec_result_storage_provider: String, // storage provider ('ipfs' | 'dropbox') defaut 'ipfs'
iexec_result_storage_proxy: String, // url of storage-proxy to use (defaut to iExec's storage proxy)
iexec_developer_logger: Boolean, // enable app logging default false
salt: Bytes32, // random salt
sign: HexString // requester sign
iexec sdk use typed errors, errors constructors are accessible through import.
import { errors } from 'iexec';
const {
} = errors;
is thrown when sending RLC between mainchain and sidechain fail before the value transfert confirmation.
Specific properties:
: the original exceptionerror.sendTxHash
: the send transaction
is thrown when trying to access an unexisting resource.
Specific properties:
: type of object trying to accesserror.chainId
: chain id of the blockchain where the object is supposed to beerror.objectId
: id used to find the object
is thrown when a method is called with missing or unexpected parameters.
encapsulate a web3 provider exception.
Specific properties:
: the original exception from the web3Provider.
extends the Web3ProviderError
, this Error
is thrown when an exception is catched during a web3 call.
- network failure
- unexpected args
extends the Web3ProviderError
, this Error
is thrown when an exception is catched during a web3 send transaction.
- user denied tx signature
- not enough gas
- transaction revert
extends the Web3ProviderError
, this Error
is thrown when an exception is catched during a web3 message signature.
- user denied message signature
- method not supported by the web3 provider
If your program is not written in javascript, your last option to use the SDK would be to spawn it as a separate process (sometimes called FORK operation). After each SDK run you should check the exit code returned by the SDK to know if the operation was successful or not echo $?
- 0 = successful
- 1 = error
Finally, you could choose to parse the SDK stdout/stderr to access more information. Use the global option --raw to get json formatted output. ex:
iexec wallet show --raw &> out.txt
iexec wallet show --raw | jq .
- The stdout/stderr is subject to changes (this is what makes this solution brittle)
- The node and docker version have some slight differences in their stdout/stderr