A Redis Cluster deployment and management in a clusterized environment. Ongoing project for GIRS (Gestão Integrada de Redes e Sistemas) course of MIECT, at DETI-UA (University of Aveiro).
The project goal is to manage and setup a high-availability service, such as Redis.
Initially we built three different approaches, using a simple Redis Cluster (3 Master / 3 Slave), and other using a set of 3 Redis Sentinels, with 3 instances each (1 Master, 2 Slave).
During the development we figured out that using a Redis Cluster infrastructure is the way to go, providing features such as data sharding and automatic failover, so we will stick with this solution, providing a high-availability service using multiple tools (load balancing, monitoring, etc). We will continue to update the main folder, which will have the work we will deploy and test to the course requirements.
Main development:
- Redis Cluster (active development)
Other solutions:
Redis Cluster(Deprecated. Working for demo issues)Redis Sentinel(Deprecated. Working for demo issues)
Please read each README for more details and information.