Cronitor is a service for heartbeat-style monitoring of anything that can send an HTTP request. It's particularly well suited for monitoring cron jobs, Jenkins jobs, or any other scheduled task.
This elixir library provides a simple abstraction for the pinging of a Cronitor monitor. For a better understanding of the API this library talks to, please see our Ping API docs. For a general introduction to Cronitor please read How Cronitor Works.
Add cronitor to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:cronitor, "~> 1.0.0"}] end
Ensure cronitor is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:cronitor]] end
- Register your monitor at Each monitor has a unique alphanumeric code used for sending pings.
- Use the monitor's alphanumeric code when calling
, and optionally, your auth_key. - That's it!
# Begin / ping a monitor "monitor code"
# Complete a monitor
Cronitor.complete "monitor code"
# Fail without a custom error message "monitor code"
# Fail with a custom error message "monitor code", msg: "OH NO!"
# Pause a monitor
Cronitor.pause "monitor code", 1
# Same as above, but with an auth_key specified: "monitor code", auth_key: "your auth key"
Cronitor.complete "monitor code", auth_key: "your auth key" "monitor code", auth_key: "your auth key" "monitor code", msg: "THIS IS TERRIBLE!", auth_key: "your auth key"
Cronitor.pause "monitor code", 1, auth_key: "your auth key"