Scripts and Examples to test Zilch ZK-rollups on Solana
Zilch is the first ever ZK-STARK rollup built on solana! Zilch utilises the MidenVM architecture to write provable programs, and thereafter verify them. We chose Miden VM instead of other zk-STARK verifiers (such as winterfell), as Miden Assembly abstracts away the need to design computational-specific circuits. Moreover, Miden Assemly can serve as a high level compilation target for a host of languages, such as Rust, C++, Python. We leave building multi-language compilers for the MidenVM for future work.
At a high level, the Zilch ZK-rollup consists of four components. We are open sourcing all the components for maximum transparency, as we deploy Zilch Beta on Solana Devnet, in preparation for a mainnet launch.
- Zilch - Proof generation: This utilises MidenVM to execute and generate a ZK-STARK proof for any arbitrary program written in Miden Assembly. Input: Miden Assembly Code, Inputs. Output: outputValues, ZK-STARK proof
- Zilch - Proof writer client: We utilise a customised version of the solana-cli library, solana-cli-custom, to write proofs on-chain, to a buffer account. As proofs are typically 40-60KB, we utilise the inbuilt program writing functionality, to instead write to a data account- by breaking up the proof data into multiple transactions and write them at the appropriate offset. Input: ZK-STARK proof, web3 provider; Output: Buffer Account Address where proof is stored.
- Zilch - Verifier Client: A client to assist easy interaction with the on-chain Zilch Orderbook Program.
- Zilch Monorepo - examples and scripts: This repo, which provides easy scripts to access the above workflow, and contains examples for how Zilch can be used to prove different kinds of computations, on chain.
Here we provide an end to end example for how to write, prove, and verify a computation using Zilch. We will utilise the fib8 script in this example. For more examples, please see the Examples folder.
In a different terminal window, start the local validator:
Step 1:
Generate Proof and write to file:
cargo build
cargo run
This will write serialised STARKPROOF to a local file called "proofd.bin". We will utilise this in the next step to write the proof on chain to a buffer account.
Step 2: Write proof on-chain
Install custom cli
git clone
cd solana-custom/cli
cargo build
*note - the next commands will not work with the regular solana-cli, please install Zilch's custom solana-cli as explained above to proceed.
Write data generated in step-1 on-chain ,split over multiple txns.
cargo run program write-buffer ../../proofd.bin
If successful, You will get an output as follows:
checking check elf bypassed check elf Buffer: 4CN8ACDmTfchYRGYaiDDx6TVHLbQSk61jYNXuvaaN34x
Great job, the proof is now written on-chain! Note the buffer account address, it will be utilised later in the verification steps.
Clone the Zilch - custom miden repo:
Generate the proof file for fib8 Proof:
Write the proof on chain: cargo run program write-buffer '/Users/dm/Documents/zilch_solana/custom-miden/miden-vm/miden/examples/fib/fib.proof'
Output :
checking check elf bypassed check elf Buffer: B6pwmZ5FrTkz2yWMWMkDcduzhojLggboDuNA7T4ReuvP
Read proof from on-chain account buffer, using client:
replace the proof account address in client/data.js:
const accountAddress = 'B6pwmZ5FrTkz2yWMWMkDcduzhojLggboDuNA7T4ReuvP';
// replace with your local proof buffer account address shown above.
From the Zilch_monorepo folder, run client:
node client/data.js
Should display:
Bytecode written to onchain_fib_trace.proof
Next, use the custom miden library to verify the on-chain proof:
From the miden-custom folder -
./target/release/miden verify --program-hash "c8653f31a1098e1b83c5d4972ec544cac00aa784bba18b5a9db7478977d38e68" --proof /Users/dm/Documents/zilch_solana/custom-miden/Zilch-monorepo/onchain_fib_trace.proof
Links: ZILCH - custom cli: ZILCH - custom Miden Verifer: