Official Client library CryptoMarket API v1 to integrate CryptoMarket into your PHP project, using HTTPlug client abstraction HTTPlug.
This library could be installed using Composer. Please read the Composer Documentation.
"require": {
"cryptomkt/cryptomkt-httplug-php": "dev-master"
Use an API key and secret to access your own Crypto Market account.
use Cryptomkt\Exchange\Client;
use Cryptomkt\Exchange\Configuration;
$configuration = Configuration::apiKey($apiKey, $apiSecret);
$client = Client::create($configuration);
This library will log all warnings to a standard PSR-3 logger if one is configured.
use Cryptomkt\Exchange\Client;
use Cryptomkt\Exchange\Configuration;
$configuration = Configuration::apiKey($apiKey, $apiSecret);
$client = Client::create($configuration);
Each resource object has a getRawData()
method which you can use to access any field that
are not mapped to the object properties.
$data = $markets->getRawData();
Raw data from the last HTTP response is also available on the client object.
$data = $client->decodeLastResponse();
For more references, go to the official documentation.
List markets
$markets = $client->getMarkets();
Get ticker
$arguments = array('market' => 'ETHARS');
$ticker = $client->getTicker($arguments);
Get trades
$arguments = array('market' => 'ETHCLP','start' => '2017-05-20', 'end' => '2017-05-30', 'page' => 1);
$trades = $client->getTrades($arguments);
Get orders
$arguments = array('market' => 'ETHARS','type' => 'buy', 'page' => 1);
$orders = $client->getOrders($arguments);
Get order
$arguments = array('id' => 'M107435');
$order = $client->getOrder($arguments);
Get active orders
$arguments = array('market' => 'ETHCLP', 'page' => 0);
$active_orders = $client->getActiveOrders($arguments);
Get executed orders
$arguments = array('market' => 'ETHCLP', 'page' => 0);
Create order
$arguments = array(
'amount' => '0.3',
'market' => 'ethclp',
'price' => '200000',
'type' => 'sell'
$response = $client->createOrder($arguments);
Cancel order
$arguments = array('id' => 'M107441');
$response = $client->cancelOrder($arguments);
Get balance
$response = $client->getBalance();
Create pay order
$arguments = array(
'to_receive' => '3000',
'to_receive_currency' => 'CLP',
'payment_receiver' => '[email protected]',
'external_id' => '123456CM',
'callback_url' => '',
'error_url' => '',
'success_url' => '',
'refund_email' => '[email protected]'
$response = $client->createPayOrder($arguments);
Get pay order
$arguments = array('id' => 'P13565');
$response = $client->getPayOrder($arguments);
Get pay orders
$arguments = array('start_date' => '1/05/2018','end_date' => '31/05/2018');
$response = $client->getPayOrders($arguments);
The test suite is built using PHPUnit. Run the suite of unit tests by running
the phpunit