This is Cryptum Checkout Extension for Magento 2. This extenstion allows to easily accept cryptocurrencies such as ETHEREUM and CELO at your Magento 2 website.
To succesfully use this plugin, you have to have a Cryptum Checkout Bitcoin wallet. You can get it here. Also you have to create a Store project to get storeId and apiKey, to do so create a new store.
This plugin can be installed different ways:
- Copy files and directories to your server
- /cryptum/ folder from repository should be moved to /app/code/Cryptum/Cryptum folder in magento.
Connect to your server by ssh:
$ ssh user:password@server
Go to the magento web-root:
cd /var/www/html
Create directories for the extension:
mkdir -p app/code/Cryptum/Cryptum
Clone plugin:
git clone ./app/code/Cryptum/Cryptum
Run magento:
composer require nategood/httpful
(this dependency has to be installed manually)
bin/magento module:enable Cryptum_Cryptum --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
Generate ApiKey and StoreId
Login in admin panel of your Magento 2.3^ web-shop
Navigate to "Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment methods"
Click on "Cryptum Checkout by Blockforce" and fill the form enter your StoreId and ApiKey key.